Why and how to use tetracycline ointment. Tetracycline eye ointment Tetracycline ointment contraindications

Tetracycline ointment instructions

Tetracycline ointment is a drug with an antibacterial effect wide range, which is produced in the form of an eye ointment in tubes for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms (streptococci, staphylococci, E. coli, gonococci, clostridia, salmonella, pneumococci, shigella), and is also active against chlamydia, mycoplasma and rickettsia . Proteus, fungi, viruses and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are resistant to tetracycline.

Tetracycline ointment is used for the treatment of blepharitis, blepharoconjunctivitis, keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis, in initial stage barley, with trachoma and other eye lesions. This drug is also used topically for rosacea, strepto- and staphyloderma, furunculosis and infected eczema.

Contraindications to the use of tetracycline ointment are:

  1. hypersensitivity to the components of the eye ointment;
  2. fungal and viral diseases eye;
  3. children under five years of age;
  4. during pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects occur with prolonged and uncontrolled use of the ointment in the form of itching, burning and redness of the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes. Less common general reactions occur - loss of appetite, vomiting, cramping abdominal pain, nausea, constipation, dysphagia, diarrhea, glossitis or esophagitis, as well as allergic reactions (angioedema, skin rash, increased sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet rays. At long-term use tetracycline ointment may develop candidiasis, group B deficiency, intestinal dysbiosis, neutropenia, anemia and thrombocytopenia.

Particular caution should be used when prescribing tetracycline ointment during pregnancy, in patients with kidney and liver pathologies, and in children during teething - its use can cause discoloration of tooth enamel due to deposition of the drug in dentin and tooth enamel.

Tetracycline ointment use

According to the instructions, Tetracycline eye ointment is used three to five times a day, placed behind the lower eyelid or lubricating the sore eyelid. In this case, it is necessary to slightly pull back the lower eyelid of the eye, squeezing a strip of ointment from the tube into the lower conjunctival fornix. Duration of use of this medicine should not exceed 5-7 days.

Tetracycline eye ointment

1% Tetracycline eye ointment is available in aluminum tubes of 3, 7 and 10 grams and contains 10,000 micrograms of tetracycline and auxiliary components - anhydrous lanolin and medical petroleum jelly in 1 gram. It is used for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the sclera, conjunctiva, lesions of the cornea and lacrimal sac caused by pathogenic microorganisms - streptococci, staphylococci, E. coli, gonococci, clostridia, salmonella, pneumococci, shigella, chlamydia, mycoplasma and rickettsia, and is not used for the treatment of viral and fungal eye diseases. The ointment is applied to the lower conjunctival fornix 3-5 times a day for no more than a week.

Tetracycline ointment for acne

This drug is widely used for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the skin with acne, strepto- and staphyloderma (pustular skin diseases caused by staphylococci and/or streptococci), furunculosis (multiple purulent skin rashes), folliculitis (inflammation hair follicles), infected eczema (neuroallergic inflammation of the skin, complicated by microbial infection) and with minor trophic ulcers.

Tetracycline ointment is also used as effective remedy for the treatment of subcutaneous acne localized on the face, back, décolleté and chest.

Development acne based on disruption of the functioning of the sweat and sebaceous glands with blockage and inflammation, which are associated with ingestion of the glands or hair follicle pathogenic microorganisms(diphtheroids, staphylococci and/or streptococci). And also when one’s own opportunistic microflora is activated when immunity decreases due to frequent colds, stress or chronic fatigue syndrome.

Tetracycline ointment affects the microbial factor that causes acne, has a bacteriostatic mechanism of action, blocking the synthesis of proteins that activate the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms that produce active substances- inflammatory mediators in the sebaceous glands, follicles and dermis, which cause skin redness and soreness as inflammation progresses.

Tetracycline ointment price

The price of tetracycline ointment in the pharmacy chain is from 28 to 34 rubles.

Tetracycline ointment reviews

Tetracycline ointment is produced domestically pharmaceutical company"Tatkhimpharmpreparaty" and effectively fights infectious inflammatory diseases eyes (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis) and inflammatory skin diseases of microbial origin with manifestations of acne - papular and pustular elements and closed comedones, streptoderma, folliculitis, and infected eczema.

Tetracycline ointment- a broad-spectrum bacteriostatic antibiotic from the tetracycline group. It disrupts the formation of the complex between transfer RNA and the ribosome, which leads to suppression of protein synthesis.
Active against gram-positive microorganisms (Staphylococcus spp., including those producing penicillinase; Streptococcus spp. (including Streptococcus pneumoniae), Haemophilus influenzae, Listeria spp., Bacillus anthracis and gram-negative microorganisms Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Bordetella pertussis, Escherichia coli , Enterobacter spp., Klebsiella spp., Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., as well as Rickettsia spp., Chlamydia spp., Mycoplasma spp., Treponema spp.
Resistant: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus spp., Serratia spp., most strains of Bacteroides spp. and fungi, viruses, group A beta-hemolytic streptococci (including 44% of Streptococcus pyogenes strains and 74% of Streptococcus faecalis strains).

Indications for use

Tetracycline ointment used for skin diseases: acne, streptostaphyloderma (pustular skin disease caused simultaneously by streptococci and staphylococci), furunculosis (multiple purulent inflammation skin), folliculitis (inflammation of hair follicles), infected eczema (neuroallergic inflammation of the skin with associated microbial infection), trophic ulcers (slow-healing skin defects), etc.

Directions for use

Tetracycline ointment applied to the lesions 1-2 times a day or used as a bandage, changed after 12-24 hours. Duration of treatment - from several days to 2-3 weeks.

Side effects

If itching, burning, or redness of the skin occurs, treatment is stopped.
Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, dysphagia (swallowing disorder), glossitis (inflammation of the tongue), esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus), allergic reactions (skin rash, itching, eosinophilia) are possible. Rarely - Quincke's edema (allergic edema), photosensitivity (increased sensitivity of the skin to sunlight). With long-term use of the drug, the development of candidiasis (fungal disease), intestinal dysbiosis (disturbances in the composition of normal microflora intestines), deficiency of B vitamins in the body; neutropenia (decreased number of neutrophils in the blood), thrombocytopenia (decreased number of platelets in the blood), hemolytic anemia(increased breakdown of red blood cells in the blood), transient (temporary) increase in the blood of liver transaminases, alkaline phosphatase (enzymes), bilirubin, residual nitrogen. When used parenterally (intramuscular, intravenous), pain at the injection site is possible.


Contraindications for use Tetracycline ointment are: severe liver dysfunction, leukopenia (decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood), mycoses (fungal diseases), third trimester of pregnancy, hypersensitivity to the drug. Not prescribed for children under 8 years of age.


Tetracycline ointment Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.
Penetrates through the placental barrier. May cause long-term discoloration of teeth, enamel hypoplasia, and suppression of fetal skeletal bone growth. In addition, tetracycline can cause the development of fatty liver.

Interaction with other drugs

Tetracycline hydrochloride forms poorly soluble complexes with calcium, iron and other metal ions, and therefore the drug should not be taken simultaneously with milk and dairy products (due to the calcium content in them); with antacids containing aluminum, calcium, magnesium salts; as well as with iron supplements.

Storage conditions

Tetracycline ointment should be stored in a cool place.

Release form

Tetracycline ointment Available in aluminum tubes of 5, 10, 30 and 50 g.


Tetracycline ointment - yellow color. Contains 0.03 g (30,000 units) of tetracycline hydrochloride per 1 g.

Basic parameters


The drug Tetracycline ointment is one of the most effective local antibiotics used to fight bacteria. With the help of medication, it is possible to prevent the development of diseases, since the composition of the ointment penetrates into the very center of the pathogen and destroys its structure. Using ointment, you can fight many types of microbes, except fungus and streptococcal virus. Let's take a closer look at what Tetracycline ointment is, instructions for use of the drug and its contraindications.

Tetracycline ointment is a bacteriostatic antibiotic that stops the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms by suppression at the protein level

This medicine is used to treat many infectious skin diseases. Such pathologies include: rash, eczema and furunculosis. The medicine can be used to eliminate inflammatory processes occurring on the mucous membrane of the visual organs. Among such diseases it is necessary to highlight conjunctivitis, trachoma and barley.

Using the medicine, you can achieve a positive result in therapy and significantly reduce the duration of the disease.

The medicine is produced by several manufacturers in the form of an eye ointment and for external use. The only difference between these drugs is the concentration of the active substance, which is a strong antibiotic.

Tetracycline ointment, indications for use, indicate that the medicine can be used to treat herpes. In such a situation, the composition of the drug is used in combination with other drugs, since Tetracycline itself does not destroy viruses. By using the medication you can prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses to healthy areas of the body. When treating herpes, the ointment is used only in combination with other medications, since the use of one ointment will not bring the desired effect.

When treating diseases of the visual organs, it is very important to start using the drug from the moment the first symptoms appear. The duration of treatment is usually determined individually. The medication should be used until the disturbing symptoms disappear completely. In order to prevent relapses, you can use the product over the next three days, after the clear signs of the disease have disappeared.

Experts say that self-medication with this drug is unacceptable. The treatment process must be constantly monitored by a specialist in order to prevent complications while using the product. One of these complications is the formation of scars on the mucous membrane eyeball. The occurrence of this situation is most often observed with excessive use of the medication.

In some cases, the medicine can be used to eliminate gynecological problems. Typically, Tetracycline is recommended for use to eliminate inflammation and rashes that form on the mucous membrane of the genital organs.

Tetracycline copes with staphylococcal, streptococcal, gonorrheal, chlamydial, salmonella and other bacterial infections

Therapy for skin diseases

A pharmacological product manufactured in the form of an ointment is recommended for topical use. Using this product, you can prevent the spread of infections to healthy areas of the skin and accelerate regenerative processes in damaged cells. This effect of using the drug allows you to quickly heal wounds and ulcers. Using the ointment, you can make medicinal lotions to treat pustular rashes.

Cosmetologists say that with the help of medication you can eliminate various manifestations of skin rashes. For this purpose it is established individual course treatment based on the nature of the rash and severity of symptoms. In addition, specialists take into account other characteristics of the body. The ointment is best applied in a translucent layer, two to three times during the day. The composition of the medication is applied pointwise to the rash itself and its borders with healthy areas of the skin. This approach will prevent further spread of the rash on healthy skin.

The medication can also be used for complications of rashes, accompanied by the appearance of inflammatory processes, foci of pus and the formation of ulcers. With the help of medication, you can eliminate rashes caused by streptococcal and staphylococcal infections. The composition of the drug eliminates the causative agents of pathologies such as furunculosis, which reduces the duration of regeneration processes several times.

Tetracycline ointment for external use is allowed for use on the skin after the hair removal procedure. The medicine should be used no earlier than thirty minutes after hair removal. The advantages of the medicine include the fact that after its application you can use cosmetic products.


The active component in Tetracycline ointment is a powerful antibiotic of the same name. In case of hypersensitivity to this substance, when using the drug, an allergic rash may appear. For chronic diseases internal organs the use of the medication should be under the supervision of a specialist. You should stop using the medicine if:

  • mycosis;
  • chronic liver pathologies in the acute period;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the composition of the drug;
  • children under eight years of age.

Of particular note is the use of the medication during pregnancy. In some cases, experts allow the use of ointment in minimal doses. Tetracycline treatment should be abandoned in the first trimester of pregnancy, since the antibiotic has a negative effect on the formation of the fetus.

Tetracycline ointment is not active against fungi, group A streptococci and viruses

It is not recommended to use the medication to treat rashes associated with hormonal disorders in the body. The ointment should be used during pregnancy for infectious types of diseases such as conjunctivitis.

The use of medication in the first months of pregnancy may cause disruption of the process of bone mineralization. This pathology causes deformation of the bone frame in the unborn child. Based on this feature of the drug, experts recommend undergoing special tests before starting a course of treatment.

With weakened immune system and acute lack of certain vitamins, the use of medication can cause inflammatory processes against the background of virus activity. Tetracycline should not be used in the treatment of acne associated with age-related changes body, disorder menstrual cycle and a problem with hormones.

Side effects

Having considered what Tetracycline ointment is used for, we need to mention the possible adverse reactions body. If you have an allergy while using the medication, it is very important to notify the treating specialist about this before starting the course of treatment. In such a situation, before starting the course, special allergy tests are carried out in order to exclude possible complications. TO side effects medications include the following reactions:

  • feeling of nausea;
  • bouts of vomiting;
  • diarrhea and constipation;
  • problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
  • swelling and rashes;
  • appearance hypersensitivity to the sun;
  • thrush.

Application medicinal composition may cause lack of appetite and formation of gases in the intestines. In severe forms of intolerance to the ointment, severe swelling may occur.

Also, special caution should be taken when combining tetracycline with drug groups such as antibiotics, which contain penicillin, retinols, and medications with silver ions. Such combinations can cause severe deterioration in health. Long-term use of the medication may cause discoloration of tooth enamel. This feature is associated with the strong penetrating effect of the active substance.

For any negative reactions body to use the ointment, you should immediately stop taking the course. If it is necessary to take the medication for a long time, it is recommended to use short intervals in order to reduce the concentration of the drug in the tissues.

Using eye ointment

The composition of Tetracycline ointment is used for application to the mucous membrane of the eyeball. To do this, the ointment is placed under the lower eyelid twice a day. The course of treatment, as well as the duration of use of the drug, depends on the nature of the disease. For barley, bacterial blepharitis and conjunctivitis, accompanied by the appearance of purulent discharge, the medication should be used until the disturbing symptoms completely disappear. In order to prevent and prevent relapses, you can extend the course for several days.

Tetracycline is used for inflammation in the eye area - conjunctivitis, blepharitis, trachoma, barley, keratitis, etc.

For trachoma, Tetracycline ointment is used as part of complex treatment. In such a situation, tetracycline is used in combination with oral antibiotics and antiseptics. The duration of treatment is about three weeks. Such long-term use of the medication can lead to the appearance of small scars on the mucous membrane of the eyes. In order to prevent such a complication, constant supervision by an ophthalmologist is required.

Eye ointment is also used to prevent infection in cases of injuries to the skull or organs of vision. For prevention, it is enough to use the medication once a day. The duration of treatment is usually about three days. The ointment should also be used for fast healing sutures after surgery.

To apply the medication to the mucous membrane, it is best to use special tools in the form of a glass or plastic spatula. This approach is needed in order to prevent infection from getting onto the tube of ointment.

Applying ointment to the skin

Let's look at what Tetracycline ointment for topical use helps with. This composition of the drug is recommended for the treatment of inflammatory processes, the formation of pustules, the treatment of wounds and dermatitis with different shapes. Using the ointment, you can treat rashes on the body that are not associated with allergies and hormonal changes in the body. When treating a rash, the product is applied in a bold layer to the affected area. The duration of treatment is based on the nature of the rash and the accompanying symptoms.

In the treatment of dermatitis and wounds, lotions and compresses are used. To prepare a compress, you will need sterile gauze or a bandage. The ointment is applied to the compress and then applied to the skin. It is enough to change the bandage once a day.

When using the medication on delicate facial skin, the affected area is pre-treated with an antiseptic solution. You must stop using cosmetic products until the end of the course of treatment. Apply antiseptic solution, is necessary in order to cleanse the skin and remove remaining subcutaneous sebum.

During the treatment of cold symptoms expressed on the mucous membrane of the lips, the medicine is applied to the rash itself and to its borders. The medication can be used only until the bubble is opened. Using the ointment after the blister has burst can cause pus to appear and re-infection.

Tetracycline affects both gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms


Before starting a course of treatment, you should carefully read the instructions for the product. The medicine must be stored under certain temperature conditions so that the composition does not lose its properties. The shelf life of the drug is three years from the date of production. After this period has expired, the medicine should not be used.

Tetracycline ointment is a medicine for topical use that contains an antibacterial component. The main purpose of this medicine is to combat pathogens of various infectious diseases skin, eyes and soft tissues.

Composition and therapeutic effect of the ointment

The drug has a thick consistency and looks like a white homogeneous mass.

The active ingredient of this drug is the antibiotic tetracycline.. Its concentration in the drug is 10%, that is, 1 gram of ointment contains 10 mg of antibiotic. Excipients are anhydrous lanolin and petroleum jelly. The drug is packaged in tubes of 3 or 10 grams. The tubes are packed in cardboard boxes, with instructions included with each pack.

The main active ingredient of the ointment - tetracycline - belongs to the category of antibiotics that have a bacteriostatic effect. It prevents the proliferation and development of microbial cells by reducing the activity of their ribosomes. In addition, the antibiotic suppresses the reproduction of protein compounds in bacterial cells.

Tetracycline has fairly high activity against the following pathogenic microorganisms:

When applied locally to the surface of the skin or mucous membranes, tetracycline is quickly absorbed. It practically does not enter the systemic circulation.

Indications for use

Only a qualified doctor can prescribe the drug based on the results of an examination and a comprehensive examination. Attempts to independently use the ointment can lead to a lot of adverse consequences.

The instructions for use of the drug provide the following indications for use:

Dosage and features of use

The drug should be used in accordance with the attached instructions from the manufacturer. An individual treatment regimen should be drawn up by the attending physician.

The standard regimen is to apply the ointment to the affected areas of the body 3-4 times a day. When treating burns, the ointment is applied after 1-2 days under a sterile bandage. To treat infectious skin diseases or acne, the ointment is applied to the affected areas of the skin in a thin layer.

During treatment eye diseases a small amount of ointment (a strip 0.5 to 1 cm long) is placed behind the lower eyelid into the conjunctival sac.

For keratitis or conjunctivitis, the ointment is applied for 5-7 days with a frequency of 2-3 times a day. If, several days after the start of treatment, no positive dynamics are observed, a repeated examination by a doctor is necessary.

To treat stye, tetracycline ointment is placed behind the lower eyelid at night before bed. This drug should be used until all signs of the inflammatory process completely disappear.

For complex therapy of trachoma, the ointment should be applied every 2 hours for 2 weeks. After the acute inflammatory process, you can switch to using the ointment 3 times a day. The total duration of the therapeutic course can be from 1 to 3 months.

Use for the treatment of children under 8 years of age is prohibited by the instructions. For children over 8 years of age, the indications and regimen of use are the same as for adult patients.

How to use correctly

When placing eye ointment behind the eyelid, you must adhere to the following rules:

Before applying the medicine to a child, you must read the instructions for use and make sure that there are no age or other restrictions in it. You should also check out the list possible contraindications and side effects.

To achieve a greater therapeutic effect, you can combine tetracycline ophthalmic ointment with other systemic antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. Such a therapeutic complex should be prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account the peculiarities of drug interactions.

So that the ointment does not lose its medicinal properties, it should be stored in a dark place at a temperature no higher than 15 degrees. The expiration date and release date of the drugs are indicated on the packaging.

Contraindications and side effects

Ointment for external use with tetracycline should not be used in the following cases:

The following unwanted effects may occur when treated with this drug:

  • Allergic reactions in the form of swelling and hyperemia in the areas where the medicine is applied. Angioedema may develop.
  • Severe photophobia.
  • Nausea and vomiting, constipation or diarrhea.
  • Increased susceptibility to thrombosis.
  • Increased levels of residual blood nitrogen.
  • In some cases, patients develop visual impairment.

Some special instructions

When using the drug, you need to remember some features of its use:

An unopened tube of medicine can be stored for three years from the date of manufacture. Once opened, it must be used within 2 months.

Analogues of the drug

Tetracycline ointment has no analogues with identical chemical composition and active ingredient. However, there are a number antibacterial drugs, having activity against the same groups of pathogenic microorganisms. These include drugs:

  • Gentamicin.
  • Phloxal.
  • Levomycetin drops.

Medicines with similar properties

If necessary, you can discuss with your doctor the selection of a medicine with similar properties.

What Tetracycline ointment can be used for depends on how much active substance is in the external product. Manufacturers offer two types of tetracycline ointment, which is a broad-spectrum antibacterial agent. It is used to suppress opportunistic microflora that affects mucous tissues, causing suppuration on the skin and other pathological processes.

Tetracycline ointment is used for a limited amount of time, because the active substance, when used for a long time, even in small doses, can cause changes in the functioning of the body.

“Tetracycline” refers to active substances that have bacteriostatic antibacterial properties. It is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that affects the protein synthesis of a pathogenic agent. It is active against staphylococcus, streptococcus, Klebsiella, salmonella, mycoplasma, chlamydia. However, there are strains that have developed resistance to this active substance.

Tetracycline eye ointment 1% is used as an ophthalmic agent. It is placed behind the lower eyelid for eye diseases such as:

  • trachoma;
  • blepharitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • keratitis

The manufacturer uses a mixture of lanolin and petroleum jelly as a forming agent, into which the active substance of antibacterial action is mixed. The outer form contains 1 g ready-made form 10,000 mcg of the active substance tetracycline. The minimum amount of ingredients reduces the number of side effects. Tetracycline ophthalmic ointment is available in tubes of 3, 7 or 10 grams. It has a uniform consistency and color from yellowish to yellowish-brown.

To apply an antibacterial agent to a sore eye, use a glass spatula, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. It is needed if the tube is not equipped with a special dispenser.

Tetracycline ointment is placed behind the lower eyelid. To do this, you need to pull it slightly with clean fingers. You should carefully squeeze out a strip no more than 1 cm long, close your eye and wait until dosage form will dissolve.

When working, try not to touch the inflamed tissues of the eye with the dispenser to avoid infection of the drug. If the infection affects both eyes, then it is better to purchase 2 tubes with a volume of 3 g, equipped with a dispenser, from the pharmacy to use them for the right and left eyes separately.

To obtain the effect, the ointment is used topically every 3 hours for no more than 5 days to get a lasting result. When using the external form on your own to treat the eyes, you should consult a doctor if after 5 days of use antibacterial agent the condition has not improved.
On the recommendation of an ophthalmologist, the use of the external form in combination with other systemic drugs continues until complete recovery. Using tetracycline eye ointment for a short period of time is practically safe, but there is always the possibility of developing an allergic reaction or side effects.

To improve the activity of tetracycline, the eyelids are treated with miramistine or chlorhexidine before treatment. These are antiseptic liquids that suppress the activity of the pathogenic agent. Before treating the eyes and using the ointment, wash your hands with double soap.

After applying an antibiotic to the lower eyelid, a person temporarily loses clarity of vision. This condition persists until the temperature causes the Vaseline to become liquid and the active substance is distributed throughout the eye.

The tube should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 15 C. Then the tetracycline ointment will retain its medicinal properties for 3 years.

Composition with a concentration of 3%

The use of tetracycline ointment with 3% active substance content is permitted for the treatment of skin lesions. This medicinal form contains many auxiliary form-building components that can cause allergic reaction when applying the product to the eye. Contains:

  • lanolin anhydrous;
  • paraffin;
  • ceresin;
  • sodium sulfite;
  • petrolatum.

Big percentage tetracycline allows you to treat:

  • pustular skin diseases;
  • acne;
  • inflammatory processes in the intimate area;
  • ulcers;
  • eczema;
  • boils,
  • infected wounds.

The use of tetracycline ointment in the treatment of acne can last no more than 8 weeks, after which the product must be changed.
Pustular skin infections are treated with applications and applying a bandage to the problem area for 12 hours. Treatment lasts until the skin is completely healed.

Before applying the external product, the skin should be clean and dry. Tetracycline ointment is applied to the skin in a thin layer so that it covers healthy areas around the inflamed area. This allows you to completely treat the affected area and actively suppress the growth of pathogenic microflora.


Significant contraindications

“Tetracycline” is contraindicated for use in any form if there is a history of:

  • leukopenia;
  • extensive skin infection with fungus;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • allergic reaction to active substances of the tetracycline series;
  • liver failure.

Tetracycline ointment is not used simultaneously with antibiotics penicillin series, cephalosporins, antacids, retinoids. The external agent is canceled if during its application the following appears:

  • allergic skin reactions;
  • photophobia;
  • darkening of teeth;
  • candidiasis.

“Tetracycline”, when applied externally in minimal doses, is absorbed into the bloodstream. It can seriously harm the child if it is used for treatment by a woman carrying a fetus. It penetrates the placental barrier and negatively affects the development of bone structures. Because of this, a newborn baby may experience symptoms of tooth enamel hypoplasia. Therefore, the use of ointment in children under 8 years of age is possible only on the recommendation of an ophthalmologist.

With individual intolerance appear side effects. They are observed most often with long-term use of the ointment. These could be:

  • disturbances of digestive processes;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • violation of blood structure;
  • hypovitaminosis B.

To prevent this from happening, the use of tetracycline ointment should be limited. For treatment, you can choose other external agents that have the same effect on pathogenic microflora. You can replace “Tetracycline” with “Levomycetin”. The strength of their effect on pathogens is the same.
