Conversation about Easter, first junior group. Summary of a lesson on introducing children of the second junior group to the Easter holiday

  1. Summary of the lesson on introducing children to the second junior group Happy Easter
  2. Performed by Pyankova Elena Aleksandrovna

Target: introduce children to the traditions of celebrating Easter.


1. Tell why this holiday is celebrated, why eggs are painted and Easter cakes are baked on this holiday.

3. Develop fine motor skills of fingers and imagination.

4. Develop speech and thinking.

Material: visual aids (pictures of Easter cake, Easter, Easter colored eggs, riddles, poems).

Preliminary work: Looking at illustrations with children - a basket with Easter colored eggs, looking at Easter cake and Easter.

Progress of the lesson

Cheerful music sounds with the singing of birds and the murmur of water(Sounds of nature).

Drops are dripping loudly near our window. The birds sang merrily, VisitEaster has come to us

(K. Fofanov)

Guys, please listen to the first riddle:

The hostesses baked forholiday in the oven

Lush, rosy miracle... (Easter cakes)

That's right guys, these are Easter cakes, listen to the next one riddle:

The sun is playing and the birds are chirping,

Table decoration - red...(testicles)

Guys, Easter cakes and colored eggs are attributes of what holiday (Easter)

EASTER - This is the main church holiday. People have been preparing for the holiday all week Easter.

Tell me what needs to be done to celebrate the holiday Easter?

(People paint eggs, bake Easter cakes, clean their homes).

On Easter day It is customary to wear clean, light clothes, give each other painted eggs, and treatEaster cakes, and when people meet they say to each other “Christ is Risen!” and answer “In truth He is Risen!”They say that miracles happen on Easter.

Even the sun rejoices on this day. Have you ever seen how the sun plays in the sky, it seems to be dancing in the sky.

Guys, do you know why people give eggs to each other on this holiday? Because the egg is a symbol of new life.

Why did the egg become a symbol of new life?

(Because from the testicle comes new life, a chicken hatches from it.)

That's right, nature comes to life, wakes up from sleep when spring comes and the holiday begins Easter.

Guys, let's look at the picture:

How busy children in the picture? (Children play with the egg)

That's right, on this day the children played with the testicles, rolling them on the spot, down the slides.

Not only children, but also adults loved to play games with eggs.

Do you want to play and have fun today?(Yes)

Surprise moment

(Soundtrack of bird clucking)

That's right, it's a chicken, let's find where the clucking is coming from.

A basket with a chicken and a large egg in it.

Game one: "Egg"

To the music, we pass the testicle around in a circle, when the melody ends, the one with the testicle goes into the circle and recites a poem.

Game two: "Battle"

Did you like the games? Well done, they quickly learned to play with the testicle.

Guys, it looks like there is still something in the basket. What is this?(Testicles)

Which? (Easter)

Let's look at them, are they the same?(different)

That's right, because they were painted in different ways.

Look at this egg. It's dyed. An egg painted with one color is called a krashenka.(Ask several children to show the paint)

And this is a pysanka, because the egg was painted with different colors(ask the children to repeat)

Please stand in front of the tables.

Show the children a basket of eggs.

Guys, what are these pysanka or krashenka eggs called?

That's right, paints, now we will turn them into Easter eggs.

How, it’s very simple with the help of cotton swabs and paints. If we paint our paints, we will get some pysanka eggs! Guys, look, in front of you lies a blank egg-dye, gouache paints and cotton swabs. With the help of cotton swabs we can draw not only dots, but also straight and wavy lines. First we dip a cotton swab in water, then in paint and begin to draw our pattern. Guys, for each color we take a new stick, we don’t mix paints. You can draw spring forget-me-not flowers - a yellow dot in the center, and blue or blue dots around it. And so we turn our painted eggs into Easter eggs! Imagine! Background music.

Now let's admire our testicles, did they turn out beautiful?(Yes.)

Guys, your eggs, which you have now decorated with your own hands, will bring happiness and joy to the one to whom you give them. Let us give our Easter eggs to our loved ones, i.e. mom and dad.

Lesson summary:

What holiday were we talking about today? How do people prepare for this holiday? What do you call eggs that are simply colored? Which ones did you paint? What games are played on Easter? What else did we do today?

Project “Dear egg for Christ’s Day”

(second junior group, short-term, creative and informational)

Project type: creative and informational.

Project duration: short-term – 2 weeks.

Project participants: children of the 2nd junior group, teachers, parents.

Educational area: cognition, reading fiction, artistic creativity, music, socialization.

Relevance of the topic:

Everyone knows that childhood impressions are deep and indelible in a person’s memory. Folk culture is effective means cognitive, moral and aesthetic development of children. The Russian people must not lose their moral authority. We must not forget about our cultural past. By introducing children to folk ritual holidays, we thereby introduce them to universal moral values. Communication with folk culture ennobles, makes a person soft, sensitive, kind, and wise.

Easter is the most joyful and greatest holiday of Christians. Nature rejoices, everything around comes to life and blooms. Celebrating Easter has already become a tradition. But children have little idea about this holiday, about painting Easter eggs, about ancient fun games.

I decided to introduce children to folk holidays, since it is preschool age is a favorable period for introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture, capable of reviving the continuity of generations, conveying moral principles, spiritual and artistic values. Even K. D. Ushinsky noted: “Education, if it does not want to be powerless, must be popular, must be permeated with nationality.”

Statement of the problem: learn about the traditions of celebrating Easter in Russia, how parents and their children can prepare and hold a family Easter holiday.

Project goal: Introducing preschoolers to the origins of Russian folk culture through the organization various types children's activities.


To develop children's cognitive activity and curiosity through familiarization with the history and traditions of the Orthodox holiday "Easter".

To instill respect and love for the Orthodox traditions of their people, to cultivate moral and aesthetic feelings.

Awaken emotional responsiveness.

Create conditions for the implementation of creative activities.

Involve parents in the educational process.

Project stages:

Organizational and preparatory.



Expected results of the project:

Awakening interest in the history and culture of one’s homeland, love for one’s native land.

Expanding children's horizons.

Acquaintance with traditional and ritual holidays, with Russian folk games.

Combining the efforts of teachers and parents in organizing work to familiarize children with Russian national culture.

Project implementation:

Stage 1. Preparatory.

Justification of the relevance of the topic.

Defining the goals and objectives of the project.

Creating a developmental environment: selection of literature, manuals, attributes.

Discussion with the children’s parents on issues related to the project.

Stage 2. Basic.


Didactic games “Collect a picture” (Easter scenes), “Select by color”, “Big - small”.

Role-playing game “Family” (on Maundy Thursday we prepare the house for Easter).

Easter fun games: “Egg rolling”, “Who will find the most eggs?”, “Egg relay”, “Breakers”, “Easter nest”.

The game is a dramatization of the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”.

Low mobility game “The chicken went out for a walk...”.

Round dance games “Sun-bucket”, “Go around in a circle, find yourself a friend.”


Lesson (FCCM) “How in the old days people prepared for the Easter holiday.”

Conversations on the topics: “What is Easter?”, “Why do we paint eggs for Easter?”

Compiling stories “How did we celebrate Easter at home?”

Planting grass to decorate an Easter egg.


Reading: L. Zilov “The Legend of Christ’s Lark”; poems about Easter; folklore works.

Artistic creativity.

Volumetric applique using the paper plastic technique “Willow sprig”.

Drawing and painting of an Easter egg “The egg is not a simple one, but a painted one.”

Club activity "Magic Paper". Making a postcard “Easter joy”.

Learning songs and round dances about spring, flowers, Easter: round dance “Flowers on the Meadow” music. Velichko; round dance “Here spring has come” b. n. m.

Listening to "Ringing Bells"

Game with bells.

Working with parents.

Screen folder “Congratulations on the bright holiday of the Resurrection of Christ, Easter.”

Folder “How to celebrate Easter.”

Consultation “Easter traditions and meaning for the family.”

Advice for parents “Getting ready for Easter. How to spend a weekend with your child during Easter?

Stage 3: Final

Lesson "Happy Easter".

Getting acquainted with the fairy tale Easter Tale of the Ryaba Chicken"

Practical work “Let's decorate eggs for Easter”

Exhibition of children's drawings and crafts on this topic.

Exhibition of works of joint creativity of parents and children “Dear egg for Christ’s Day.”

Statement of a new problem: Find out how Easter is celebrated in other countries?


Knyazeva O.L., Makhaneva M.D. “Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture”: Program. Educational and methodological manual. - 2nd, revised and additional - St. Petersburg: Childhood-Press, 2010.

Knight Natalya
Children about Easter. Summary of an integrated lesson in the junior group

Children about Easter.

Target: introduce children to the traditions of celebration Easter.


1. Tell why this holiday is celebrated, why eggs are painted on this holiday.

2. Continue teaching children how to apply plasticine to the surface of cardboard and decorate the product.

3. Develop fine motor skills of fingers and imagination.

4. Develop speech and thinking.

integration: communication, reading, artistic creativity, cognition

Demonstrative material: illustrations with images of colored eggs, Easter cake; a picture with a golden egg and a firebird; for each child an egg cut out of cardboard, plasticine, buckwheat, peas and beans for decoration.

Progress of the lesson

Guys, tell me what holiday did we celebrate over the weekend?

Right, Easter. And now I will tell you why we celebrate it. " Easter It is considered the most important holiday, since on this day the son of God Jesus resurrected. A long time ago, God sent his son to earth, whose name was Jesus. He grew up among people and died for them to help them get rid of their sins. Jesus was nailed to the cross, died on Friday, and on Sunday there was an earthquake. Jesus emerged from the burial place, thereby conquering death, and rose from the dead. Many years have passed, but all people remember and love Jesus because he was very good and loved all people. He taught people that in your heart you need to carry love for all living things. Since then on Easter It’s customary to bake Easter cakes and paint eggs, these are symbols of new life.”

Guys, what do people do on this holiday? Eggs are painted correctly and Easter cakes are baked.

The egg is the most important and important symbol Easter. Its meaning is very clear - procreation, new life and rebirth. Easter eggs - multi-colored or decorated with patterns and designs. Why on Easter Is it customary to color eggs? And what are the eggs painted with? Now I will tell you a fairy tale, listen carefully.

“Previously, some peoples believed that the world originated from a golden egg, which was laid by an unusual firebird. The egg itself became a symbol of food and warmth; it was a prototype of the Universe and life in it. But over time, people stopped honoring the firebird and broke the golden egg. And then, as punishment, winter came to earth for the first time (death). After this, during the period of nature’s revival - in the spring - women began to paint ordinary eggs red so as not to forget about what had happened.”

What fairy tale do you and I know about the egg? That's right, "Rocktail Chicken." Who can tell it to me?

And now we will also decorate the eggs. In front of you are cut out eggs, plasticine, peas, buckwheat, and beans. We take our egg and apply palstelin to the entire surface. After we apply the plasticine, we decorate our egg with peas, beans, and buckwheat.

Now answer my questions.

1. Which holiday is considered the most public holiday?

2. What happened on this day?

3. What is the main symbol? Easter?

4. What do people do on this day?

Topic: Easter holiday.

Fostering a respectful attitude towards the culture of the Russian people.

  1. Educational:

Learn to draw on a form

Improve work with paints, use unconventional methods drawing with cotton swabs

2. Developmental:

Develop an interest in creative activities and a desire to participate in them

Motivate children to study folk art

Expand children's horizons about folk customs and traditions.

3. Educational:

To cultivate an emotional and aesthetic attitude towards images.

To cultivate love and kindness for the world around us, interest in the art and culture of the Russian people.


Paints, forms for decorative painting (chicken eggs), a sample of egg painting (symbols of the sun, snowflakes, wavy lines, straight lines, etc.).

Musical series:

Easter, bell ringing, music “Vesnyanka”, Christ is Risen.

GCD move

I . Organizational point:

Hello guys! Today we have guests, let's welcome them. And now all attention is on me. Today our meeting with you is unusual; today in class we will remember the holiday that all people celebrated this Sunday. What is the name of this holiday (Easter). That's right kids. This holiday comes in the spring, when nature awakens. (a soundtrack of bells sounds). Now listen to the poem:

How joyfully the sounds of birds sound to us again,

They warmly conceal the playful ringing of spring.

And the domes shine again and the sun sparkles

A magical Easter cake heralds Easter.

II. Conversation about Easter. Guys, let's remember how your mothers and grandmothers prepared for this holiday. What were they doing? (children's answers).

That's right guys.

According to Russian folk tradition, Easter cakes are baked and eggs are painted for this holiday. And on the day of Great Easter, people congratulate each other and give Easter cakes and eggs.

Guys, how do people greet each other on this day? (children's answers).

What are eggs painted the same color called? (colors).

Who remembers which eggs are called Easter eggs? (painted).

That's right guys!

Teacher: Since ancient times, the egg has been considered a symbol of life and the sun. To express deep respect for this symbol, people began to paint and paint it. So today we will paint an Easter egg. And so that we can work in a cheerful mood, we will dance the stonefly dance. Now let’s go and sit down at our jobs. The children sit down.

III. Guys, let's look at the already painted egg. What patterns do you see on it? Children list the names of the elements of the pattern (arcs, rings, stars, straight lines, etc.). That's right kids. Let's show in the air how to draw wavy, straight lines, etc. (children point their fingers in the air). What colors do you think are best to decorate an egg with? (children's answers). That's right kids.

And we will paint the egg not with a brush, but with cotton swabs. Before work I spend finger gymnastics(fingers went out for a walk).

IV. Children can work independently (quiet music is playing). During independent work I help struggling children. While the children are working, I monitor the children’s posture.

V. Upon completion practical work exhibition is being arranged finished works. Guys, how did ours turn out? easter eggs? (children's answers: beautiful, bright, etc.). That's right, they turned out marvelous, magical and beautiful. With what feeling did you draw them? (children's answers: with joy, in a good mood, with enthusiasm, etc.). You all did a great job! Well done!!!

Here are some painted eggs for you

Not simple, golden!

Who gives eggs to each other,

I'm happy all year long.

In the evening, give your Easter eggs to your parents.

The bell rings. I wish you joy, peace, goodness on Easter!

Thank you for your attention and a great lesson!

It seems to me that it will be more interesting for children in the form of a fairy tale. You can make a puppet theater or a finger theater. Dramatize a fairy tale and then ask to decorate the egg.

One example:

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”

Presenter: We lived in the same village
An old man with his old lady,
We lived together, did not grieve,
We went to church together on Saturday,
We managed the farm together,
They baked pies together.

Baba: Grandfather, did you light the stove?
Today I will start a feast.
After all, Easter has arrived.

Grandfather: I’m already exhausted
I chopped wood, brought water,
I lit the stove for you a long time ago.

Baba: Oh yes, helper! And I didn't doze.
I set the dough. I crushed the cranberries,
I poured sugar. Delicious pie
I put it in the oven, it will arrive on time.
Sweet fruit juice was poured into a jug...

Grandfather: Grandma, we forgot to color the eggs!

Baba: Well, it’s not a problem!
Chicken Ryaba, come here to us!

The chicken Ryaba comes out with a golden egg.

Chicken Ryaba: Hello, Grandfather, and hello Baba!
Kura Ryaba tried.
You didn't listen to me
And it was not in vain that I said:
For Christ's day
I'll bring you an egg.
Yes, that egg is not a simple one
I brought you gold!

Baba: Grandfather, the egg burns like heat!

Grandfather: I thought it was a fire!

Baba: It’s a pity to paint gold,
Let it stand like that.
And to you, my crested girl,
I'll pour the grains into a mug.

Grandfather: Well, I’ll pour some water,
I will also praise Ryaba.

Grandfather and Baba and the chicken Ryaba leave, Mouse comes out.

Mouse What a strange egg, it looks like it’s burning with heat!
I’ll play with it a little, touch it with my paw, roll it around.

(Drops the egg and breaks it)

Mouse Oi! Until the grandfather and grandmother see,
The mouse needs to make its legs.

Runs away. Grandfather and Grandmother are crying and see a broken egg

Baba: Such grief! What a disaster!
This is Mouse, Grandfather!

Grandfather: What to do? How can we be here?

Baba: Let's shed tears, old man!

Grandfather and Baba are crying, Ryaba the hen comes out with colored eggs in her hands.

Chicken Ryaba: Don't cry, Grandfather! Don't cry Baba!
Brought to you by Ryaba the chicken
The testicles are different,
Not golden ones, but simple ones!
Roll the eggs, welcome Easter!

Woman. Thank you, Chicken, thank you, honey! But these eggs are all white, and ours were so beautiful and festive.

Leading. Don't worry, these eggs are very easy to make fancy too. Guys, let's help Grandma and Grandpa decorate the eggs!

Children decorate eggs (blanks are made in advance)

Leading. Just look how elegant our testicles turned out!
Do you guys know why it is customary to paint eggs red at Easter? They are painted this way in memory of the blood of the Lord shed on the cross. On Easter everyone exchanges colored eggs, saying: “Christ is risen! " and " Truly Risen! " And this is done so that only good and light stick to our souls, and all the bad, like a shell, lags behind us.

If there is tea drinking in the kindergarten, then you can continue

Woman. I've been sitting here with you for some time. Although it’s very interesting, it’s time to go knead the dough and bake the cakes.

Grandfather. Go, Grandma, get busy, and I’ll sit here and look at the kids.

Baba comes in and treats the kids to Easter cakes.

Woman. Now the cakes are ready!

Be healthy, children!
Come, help yourself,
Eat, eat, don't be shy!
