Use of the verb ser in Spanish. Verbs SER and ESTAR in Spanish

Verb ser to be, to be used:

1. to identify a person or thing:

  • ¿Quién es este muchacho? - Es mi hijo. - Who is this young man? - This is my son.
  • What is it? - Es mi coche nuevo. - What is this? - This is my new car.

2. to indicate nationality, religion, affiliation with a party:

  • Antonio es Mexicano. - Antonio is Mexican.
  • Maria es católica. - Maria is a Catholic.
  • ¿Es usted socialista? - No, no soy socialista, soy comunista. - Are you a socialist? - No, I'm not a socialist, I'm a communist.

3. to describe appearance (always with an adjective):

  • Maria es alta y delgada. - Maria is tall and slender.
  • Todos sus amigos son muy simpáticos. - All his friends are very nice.

4. For description of shapes and colors:

  • Es una mesa cuadrada. Es de color marron. - This table is square. It is brown in color.
  • Mi coche es azul y el tuyo es rojo. - My car is blue and yours is red.

5. to indicate a profession:

  • Soy traductora. - I am a translator.
  • Juan es abogado. - Juan is a lawyer.
  • Estas muchachas son enfermeras. - These girls are nurses.

6. to indicate the days of the week and the hour:

  • What do you think? - Hoy es lune. - What day is it today? - Today is Monday.
  • ¿Qué hora es? - Son las dos y media. - What time is it? - It's half past two.

7. to indicate the number of persons present or the presence of objects:

  • Somos seis personas en la habitación. - There are six of us in the room.
  • Son dos televisores. - These are two TVs.

8. To indicate the price:

  • ¿Cuánto es? - Cien euros. - What is the price? - One hundred euros.

9. to indicate ownership, origin, material (with the preposition de):

  • ¿De quién son estas gafas? - Son de mi abuela. - Whose glasses are these? - These are my grandmother's glasses.
  • Antonio es de Mexico. - Antonio from Mexico.
  • ¿Es usted de Madrid? - No, no soy de Madrid, soy de Barcelona. - Are you originally from Madrid? - No, I'm not from Madrid, I'm from Barcelona.
  • En este palacio las escaleras son de mármol. - This palace has marble stairs.

10. in meaning happen, take place (tener lugar, ocurrir):

  • La conference es en la Universidad. - The conference will take place at the university.
  • El partido de fútbol es el sábado. - The football match will take place on Saturday.

11. verb ser serves to form the passive (passive) voice (see “Passive voice"):

  • Gaudí es conocido por sus obras maestras de la arquitectura. - Gaudi is famous for his architectural masterpieces.

Verb estar (to be, to be)

Verb estar to be, to be used:

1. to indicate the place where an object or person is located:

  • El antiguo edificio de la Universidad está en el centro de Moscú. - The old university building is located in the center of Moscow.
  • Pedro está ahora en el colegio. - Pedro is now in college.

2. to indicate presence or absence:

  • ¿Está el jefe? - Sí, está en su despacho. - Is the boss at home? - Yes, he is in his office.
  • María no está, llame, por favor, dentro de una hora. - Maria is not here, please call in an hour.

3. to describe the state, well-being:

  • ¿Cómo está usted? - Gracias, bien, ¿y usted? - How are you doing? - Thank you, good, what about you?
  • Hoy estoy mal. - Today I don't feel well.

4. to indicate marital status:

  • Sus hijos ya están casados. - Her sons are already married.
  • Juan está soltero, tiene sólo veinte años. - Juan is not yet married, he is only twenty years old.

5. to indicate the date:

  • ¿A cuántos estamos hoy? - Estamos a treinta de enero. - What date is today? - Today is January 30th.

6. in paraphrase with the gerund form indicates a long-term action:

  • José y yo estamos aprendiendo inglés. - Jose and I are studying English.
  • La camarera está limpiando las habitaciones. - The maid cleans the rooms.

Verbs ser and estar with adjectives and participles

Verbs ser And estar often used with adjectives and participles.

Verb ser, when used with an adjective or participle, conveys a permanent quality of an object or person:

  • Tu madre es nerviosa. - Your mom is nervous.(character trait)
  • La tierra es seca. - The ground is dry.(always dry)

Verb estar, when used with an adjective or participle, conveys a temporary state or quality that can change:

  • Tu madre está nerviosa. - Your mom is nervous.(at the moment)
  • La tierra está seca. - The ground is dry.(no rain)

But in combinations

  • ser feliz, dichoso be happy
  • Ser infeliz, desgraciado be unhappy,

where states that may be temporary are expressed, verb estar not used:

  • Soy feliz, me ha tocado la loteria. - I'm happy, I won the lottery.

Some adjectives or participles change their meaning depending on their use with verbs ser or estar:

ser bueno be kind estar bueno be healthy
ser malo be angry estar malo be sick
ser borracho be a drunk estar borracho be drunk
ser callado be secretive estar callado be silent
ser cerrado be withdrawn estar cerrado be closed(about the door)
ser abiero be frank estar abierto be open
ser cansado be annoying estar cansado be tired
ser listo be smart estar listo be ready
ser verde be green estar verde be immature
ser vivo be smart estar vivo be alive(not dead)
ser loco be crazy estar loco be angry
serrico be rich estar rico be tasty
ser muerto be boring estar muerto be dead
ser despierto be lively estar despierto don't sleep
  • Juan es muy callado, nunca habla de su vida personal. - Juan is very secretive and never talks about his personal life.
  • Estás muy callado hoy, ¿qué te pasa? - You are very silent today. What's wrong with you?
  • Es una muchacha muy lista, habla tres idiomas extranjeros. - This is a very smart girl, she speaks three foreign languages.
  • Tenemos que salir, ya es tarde, ¿estás listo? - It's late, it's time for us to go out. Are you ready?
  • En verano todos los árboles son verdes. - In summer all the trees are green.
  • No comas esas manzanas, están verdes. - Don't eat these apples, they are unripe.

Read more

Remember that everything you learn must be spoken out loud, listening to the voice-over of both the lesson itself and the answers to the exercises. Don’t be afraid if you are not yet familiar with the reading rules - just repeat after the announcer and return to the file according to the reading rules.
The pronunciation will pick up on its own as you work with the Spanish language.

Listen to the audio lesson with additional explanations

IN Spanish, as in all other European languages, you can't just say:

I'm beautiful, he's weird, they're at home, you're at work.

Get used to what any foreigner will say:

I There is beautiful, she There is weird, they There is at home, you There is At work.

The so-called verb be– one of the most important verbs in any foreign language.

The British have to be. The Germans have sein .
The French have être. The Italians have essere .

The Spanish also have a verb be. And not one, but two. What's the difference?

Conjugation of the verb ser

Verb ser – to be someone, something (something like a characteristic of a person, his description).

For example:

He (is) the director, and she (is) the secretary. He (is) very rich, and she (is) very beautiful.
Él es director y ella es secretaria. Él es muy rico y ella es muy hermosa.

The verb does not change according to the rules, you just need to remember:

Yo soy I am
eres You are
Él/ella/usted es He/she/you are
Nosotros, as somos We are
Vosotros, as sois You are
Ellos, as / ustedes son They/You are

Negative form of the verb ser

Before a verb (any verb in any tense) simply put the particle no.

Yo no soy I don't have
no heres You are not
Él/ella/usted no es He/she/you are not
Nosotros, as no somos We are not
Vosotros, as no sois You are not
Ellos, as / ustedes no son They/You are not

Interrogative form of the verb ser

Complete analogy with the Russian language. What we want to ask, we highlight with intonation. The only thing to remember for writing is:

When writing a question, put it at the beginning of the sentence.
an inverted question mark ¿, and at the end - a regular ?

¿Es director? - Is he the director?

Conjugation of the verb estar

Verb estar – to be, to be in the moment.

¿Está ahora en el trabajo? – Is he at work now?

For example, you say:

Soy el director. Hoy estoy en el trabajo y mañana estoy en Canarias. – I'm the director. Today I'm at work, and tomorrow I'm in the Canaries.

In the first case you will use the verb ser, and in the second you will use the verb estar.

The verb ser answers the questions: You are Who? What?
Verb estar - to the question: Where?

Set expressions with the verb estar

With the verb estar in Spanish, as in French and Italian, there are a lot set expressions, which are easier to learn once than to constantly think about which of the verbs to be should be used in a sentence:


What to pay attention to. In Russian we say:

I'm healthy, I'm healthy A, they are healthy s.
I'm busy, I'm busy A, they're busy s.

In grammar language this is called agree adjective in gender and number. If it’s simpler, then you need to put the correct endings.

A man will always speak with the ending -o
Woman – -a
They, we – -os / -as

Están contentos porque están sanos. – They are happy because they are healthy. (men and women)
Están contentas porque están sanas. – They are happy because they are healthy. (women)
Estoy enfermo porque hace calor. – I'm sick because it's hot.
Estoy enferma porque hace calor. – I'm sick because it's hot.
Estamos enfermos porque hace calor. – We are sick because it is hot. (men and women, men)
Estamos enfermas porque hace calor. – We are sick because it is hot. (women)

Now our task is to describe not only all kinds of objects around us, but also people in different faces. We can say The door is white, The houses are tall, but so far we lack a small amount of knowledge to make sentences such as You are tall, We are Spanish, You are smart. Knowledge of personal pronouns covered in the last section will also not be enough for this. You can't just attach a pronoun to an adjective and say Tú alto or nosotros españoles - that would be a big mistake. In this case, you must use the verb to be - Ser.

Set expressions using the verb estar

Since all five conjugations are different, we do not need to include a pronoun unless we want or need clarification or emphasis. Think of it this way: Spanish conjugate verbs are two words in one. For this reason, Latinos rarely use subject pronouns with their verbs. "Yo soya" means "I am." "Soya" means "I am." Only soybean is shorter, so soybean is what people say.

We'll cover all of this in another lesson! It means "to be" and is mainly used for. Identification and description Origin. . Spanish verbs have five conjugations, and each conjugation is two words in one. Ser is such an important verb. Remember this, in the same way - tell them with me: “soya, ere, es, somos, son.” Soy, ere, es, somos, son.

Note: While in Russian we don’t say I am Russian, you are beautiful, in Spanish the verb ser (to be) must be present.

However, when composing sentences, it is necessary to conjugate this verb correctly, that is, put it in the necessary forms, since the verb ser is modified in different persons.

Here are examples of correct sentences in different persons:

After watching this video, students should be able to. Differentiate between infinitives and conjugate verbs Recognize the three types of Spanish verbs. Explain why Spanish conjugate verbs should not be used with pronouns. List five conjugations of Spanish verbs. . We will also explore its basic meanings and the expressions in which this verb can be used. It's usually the very first verb we learn to introduce ourselves and talk about citizenship, profession, and a variety of other subjects.

Ser is a special verb in the sense that it is completely different in each tense, but also because of its many meanings and uses. Let's look at its pairing first. All of them, with the exception of the second and third person singular, hold - from the stem.

Yo soy ruso - I'm Russian
Tú eres español - You are Spanish
Nosotros somos amigos - We are friends

As can be seen from the examples, the verb ser has absolutely different shapes in every face. Each form must be remembered well and be able to apply correctly. Below we present a table with the conjugation of the verb ser, which you need to know by heart.

nosotros/as - somos
vosotros/as - sois
Yo soy Jose
Tu eres medicine
El es americano
Ella es americana
Usted es professor
Nosotros somos españoles
Vosotros sois estudiantes
Ellos son amigos
Ellas son amigas
Ustedes son muy amables

Translations of forms of the verb ser and sentences can be viewed by moving the mouse cursor.

Let's look at how to conjugate ser in the present simple tense with a helpful table. When forming the future in Spanish, we always take the infinitive and add endings that fit each person. Let's look at its most common uses.

Let's look at our conjugations of ser in the future tense. To be or not to be? was Hamlet's clumsy question. The Spanish student must grapple with something like this: “Which” to “use”? There are several examples in Spanish where one English word can be translated into two in different ways in Spanish, and the decision you make can affect the meaning of the sentence. On the other hand, translating from English to Spanish is much more difficult because a decision must be made about which of the two words to use.

As you can see, the well-known forms es and son are nothing more than the verb ser.

Say it yourself in Spanish:

I'm tall
We are Spanish
You are beautiful
He's smart
They are good
Are you a teacher?
You are friends (vosotros)
She's Russian

Note: as a rule, in writing the pronoun ustedes is written in the following abbreviated form - Vd. , and ustedes - respectively Vds.

Before we get too much further, let's take a quick look at the conjugations of both verbs. So how do we decide which verb to use? The conditions may be mental, emotional or physical conditions people, animals and objects. The locations are quite simply somewhere or someone is. "Pepe and Pablo are in my room."

In both of these situations, the specified condition is temporary. Presumably Pepe and Pablo weren't always in my room, and hopefully Emilia was always sick. It's a fancy way of saying something that's unlikely to change. "My car is yellow." This is unlikely to change. The car has probably been yellow for some time and will be yellow in the future. We didn't expect it to be tomorrow yet. “Her brothers are very thin.” Again, this is a condition we don't expect to change soon. When we think of these brothers, we think of them as thin and don't expect them to gain weight quickly.

A very important feature of the Spanish language that distinguishes it from other languages ​​is that often personal pronouns are simply omitted, while verb forms indicate the person.

In other words, the expression yo soy José can be shortened to soy José. And instead of tú eres medico, you can very often hear eres medico. Such sentences will be translated into Russian in the same way. In many cases, such forms will even be more preferable, since the Spaniards themselves do not really like to abuse personal pronouns.

Ser and Estar: Differences in Meaning

Please note that in these examples it is possible that the characteristics have changed. It is unlikely that they will appear soon. It wouldn't be a rule if it didn't have an exception, right? "Party at Alejandro's house." "Football games are in the stadium." Think about the meaning of "as being the case." Some adjectives will convey different meanings based on which verb they are associated with. It should be translated: "Apple green", which means that the color of the apple is green.

This sentence should be translated something like this: “The apple is not ripe,” meaning that it still needs to ripen and turn red. Karts are very expensive. Kaires tu, Manuel? Soy agogado. All present rules of time and estar apply to other times.

Soy italiano - I am Italian
Somos amigos - We are friends
Es guapo - He is beautiful
Son atentos - They are attentive

Shorten the following sentences yourself:

Usted es medicine
Tú eres joven
Yo soy princess
Ellos son malos

Questions and denials

Interrogatives and negative sentences are built according to a principle already known to us.
In direct questions, we either leave the direct word order or put the verb first.

It's already night here. with a preposition, to indicate purpose or finality. This car is for Gabriel. This machine is designed for boiling. Son 120 euros. How much does it cost? This is 120 euros. This ring is made of gold. This is a ring from Mary. This ring is from Peru.

  • Felix and Raoul are big.
  • It's 10 o'clock today.
This English class comes with audio and we will speak the verb to be or to be in English. We will define what a verb is and we will talk about its usage, the most common conjugations and the problems of using this verb that are so common in English.

¿Usted es medicine? - ¿Es usted medicine?
Ella es profesora? - ¿Es ella profesora?

If the word order is reversed, the pronoun can be placed at the end; its position in the sentence does not play a big role: ¿Es profesora ella?

The situation is even simpler with abbreviated sentences. Their word order will not differ from affirmative.

Eres Marcos - ¿Eres Marcos?
Sois turistas o españoles - ¿Sois turistas o españoles?

This is the first verb we learn and, without a doubt, the most common of all. We learn almost immediately because thanks to its use we can introduce ourselves and ask for information. In addition, the structure is simple, the verb is easily conjugated. In this lesson we will talk about the verb English, about its conjugations in different grammatical tenses, about its use, as well as about the problems that it creates for us Latins that we have Spanish as a mother tongue. What is the verb?

It is a cumulative verb that expresses a state in which we use: - to indicate the identity of a person, place or thing - to describe the qualities of a person, place or thing - to indicate the state, condition or location of a person, place or thing. The verb "To be" is considered the most universal of the English language, constantly changing in form. Considering we use it so often, it's a shame that the verb in the English language is the most irregular, slippery verb and, in many cases, gets confused in the English language.

Ask questions to the following sentences:

Él es inteligente
Usted es italiano
Eres profesora
Ellas son amigas

In negatives, as we remember, the particle no must always be placed immediately before the verb:

Yo soy estudiante - Yo no soy estudiante
Nosotros somos camareros - Nosotros no somos camareros

Put the sentences in negative form:

Ella es Maria
Soy ruso
Vosotros sois futbolistas
Somos americanos
Usted es medicine

As we know, to hide a verb, we have to do it based on 2 main things. Subject of the sentence and verb tense. As you can see, the infinitive form is like an unpolished diamond; is a raw verb. Using the infinitive in sentences and phrases has other uses, but that's part of another lesson. Common problems with the verb to be or to be in English. Although the rules seem easy to use, in practice students have a lot of problems using the verb. Remember that theory is one thing, and practice is another. - Incorrect use of auxiliaries such as "do, do and do" with verbs that should be or be: One of the reasons we recognize a verb is its simplicity. For example, simple or past simple presenters are not used.

Practice the conjugation of the verb ser in practice exercises and be able to use it in your Spanish speech.

Palabras nuevas
New words

Along with grammar, don't forget to expand your vocabulary with new Spanish words

amigo - friend

amable - amiable

However, the problem is that there are thousands of other verbs that use it and this often causes us to incorrectly use the form of the verb be or to be in English or that we use some kind of conjugation of the verb with other verbs, as in the following examples : - Where have you been? - Correct: Where are you? - Don't use a verb if you want to translate from Spanish to English: remember that the verb to be or to be in English is just a verb. In Spanish, you can say "I'm hungry" using the verb "to have."

However, in English the verb "I am hungry" is used. Another example is to translate the verb "agree" incorrectly to "I agree." Agree in English is another verb: agree. These are just some examples of how the verb to be or to be in English is challenging for many students. It is best to practice depending on the translation and always focus on correct communicative use. This way, they can avoid many of the confusions that arise when much depends on a direct translation from Spanish to English.

princesa - princess

moreno - dark-skinned

rico - rich

padres - parents

simpático - cute

americano - American

italiano - Italian

alemán - German

ingles - Englishman

frances - Frenchman

medico - doctor

turista - tourist

camarero - waiter

abogado - lawyer

arquitecto - architect

piloto - pilot

ingeniero - engineer

The verb "to be" expresses essential or permanent characteristics of a person or thing. This is an irregular verb, i.e. which does not follow normal pairing rules. In this article, we will see how to correctly combine the verb "to be" in Spanish. Unlike the verb "to be" which refers to a temporary state, the verb "to be" refers to the permanent state of existence of a person or thing. Check the use of the verb "to be" in Spanish.

Verb "to be" to identify people or things

This is my car. - This is my mother.

Express essential or permanent characteristics

Indicate nationality, profession or ideology. Express data about days, dates, seasons and times. Today is Friday. Today is May 5th. It's autumn. -Time? To indicate the material, origin, or ownership of an object. This ring is silver. - This ring is from Daniela. - This ring is from Mexico.

futbolista - football player


Ejercicio 1
Fill in the blanks by putting the verb Ser in the correct form

1. Yo ____________ intelligente;
2. Nosotros ____________ italianos;
3. Los padres de Julia ____________ ricos;
4. El capitán ____________ viejo;
5. Paco y yo ____________ jovenes;
6. ¿El señor y usted ____________ amigos?
7. Ana ____________ camarera;
8. Pablo y tú ____________ muy guapos;
9. Señora doctora, usted ____________ muy amable;
10. Tú y yo ____________ estudiantes de español.

To express a quality or physical characteristic

She's good. The car is white.

Preterite or preterite

Future simple or future imperfect. Future perfect or future conjunction. Spanish courses for secondary school students. Translating the verb to be is one of the main difficulties in Spanish. However, these two verbs have different meanings in Latin American and they cannot be used for each other.

Name, pronoun, number, infinitive or target. . Before the verb in the infinitive.

  • Icarus's dream was to fly.
  • This statue is in bronze.
Estar is a descriptive verb that means "to find oneself, to position oneself." Therefore it will be used for translation.

Ejercicio 2
Translate sentences from Russian into Spanish

1. I am a student;
2. You are a Spanish teacher;
3. We are Spanish;
4. We are Spanish;
5. You are waiters (vosotros);
6. Elena is tall and dark;
7. Federico and I are friends;
8. These gentlemen are Americans;
9. Señor Rodriguez, you are very kind;
10. Are they Germans?

My house is behind this building. . If the adjective expresses an essential quality. If the adjective indicates an accidental or exceptional state, a situation associated with external circumstances. Among the most common. The wounded man was taken to the hospital. . The auxiliary galley is used for construction in all difficult times.

  • They were married in July.
  • I have a red car.
  • Tien dos germanos.
  • He has two brothers, Tiens Quirinho.
  • You have a tenderness for her.
Note: Tenera sometimes replaces galer before the past participle to insist that the action has already been performed.

Ejercicio 3
Ask direct questions to the following sentences, imagining that you are talking to a Spaniard. That is, in some cases you need to change your face. Remember that personal pronouns are often omitted in Spanish

(Ellos) son americanos – ¿Son (ellos) americanos?

1. Soy español – ¿_____________________________________________?
2. Angela es médica – ¿_____________________________________________?
3. Carlos y Sandra son camareros – ¿_____________________________________________?
4. Somos arquitectos – ¿_____________________________________________?
5. Julia y tú sois amigos – ¿_____________________________________________?
6. Señor González: Soy bastante viejo.
Carlos: ¿_____________________________________?
7. Eres muy inteligente – ¿_____________________________________________?

Ejercicio 4
Put the sentences in negative form

Soy ingeniero – No soy ingeniero

1. Julia es abogada –
2. Somos ingleses –
3. Sois amigos – _____________________________________;
4. Mi papá y mi mamá son jovenes_____________________________________;
5.Vd. es profesor de español – _____________________________________;
6. Juan y tú sois pilotos – _____________________________________;
7.Vds. son franceses _____________________________________;
8. Soy Javier –

Ejercicio 5
Pluralize the sentences

Tú eres profesor – Vosotros sois profesores

1. Soy español – _____________________________________;
2. Él es muy simpático – _____________________________________;
3. Ella es peluquera – _____________________________________;
4. ¿Eres estudiante de español?_____________________________________;
5.Vd. es una persona importante – _____________________________________.

Ejercicio 6
Imagine that you are talking to a Spaniard. Answer his questions

¿Eres Carlos? – Sí, soy Carlos

1. ¿Es María morena? –
2. ¿Sois ingenieros? –
3. Son pequeños los niños? – Sí, _____________________________________;
4. ¿Es Vd. taxista? –
5. ¿Son Vds. abogados? – No, _____________________________________;
6. ¿Somos tú y yo amigos? – Sí, _____________________________________.

Palabras en el diálogo:

mira - look
mexicano - Mexican
un friki - freak
más - more
musculoso - muscular
abuela - grandmother

First let's look at the conjugation of the verb Ser in

1. present tense:

3. in the past perfect form

4. in the future tense

yo sere - I will
tú serás - you will
el/ella/Ud. será - he/she will be, you will be

nosotros seremos - we will
vosotros seréis - you will
ellos serán - they will

Use of the verb Ser

1. Description of constant quality, unchanging characteristics. Use Ser when you say a person's name and describe them.

Yo soy Marta. - I'm Martha.

- Él es Paco. - He's Paco.

Yo soy alto. - I'm tall.

Ellos son tranquilos. - They are calm.

Mi hermana es intelligence. - My sister is smart.

2. Profession. Use Ser when you want to name a person's profession:

Soy professor. - I am an educator.

Ella era camarera. - She was a waitress.

Mi hijo será actor. - My son will be an actor.

Somos estudiantes. - We are students.

3. Time. When you say the day of the week and hour, use Ser:

Hoy es jueves. - Today is Thursday.

Mañana será el viernes. - Tomorrow will be Friday.

Es la una. - It’s an hour now (01.00 or 13.00)

Son las tres. - It's three o'clock now.

Notice when you say "hour" you are using es, and with all numbers greater than 1, you use son.

4. Place of birth, nationality, origin. When you say where someone is from, their nationality, or what they are made of, use Ser:

Soy de Italia. - I'm from Italy.

Eres de Argentina. - You are from Argentina.

Es aleman. - He's German.

Son rusos. - They are Russian.

La mesa es de madera. - Table made of wood.

La cadena es de plata. - Silver chain.

5. Family relationships, religion. If you want to indicate family ties and talk about your religion, use Ser:

Juan es mi marido. - Juan is my husband.

Anna es mi hermana. - Anna is my sister.

Soy catolico. - I am Catholic.

Soy orthodoxa. - I am Orthodox.

6. Price. Use Ser to ask for price:

- ¿Cuánto es? - what is the price?

7. Using Ser, they describe the unchanging characteristics of objects. For example, age, color, size, quality.

El bolso es grande. - The bag is big.

Le pelicula es buena. - The film is good.

La casa es blanca. - The house is white.

El coche es nuevo. - The car is new.

Let's look at examples of the use of Ser in monologue and dialogues:

Daniel: Te presento a unos amigos: este es David. Es medico.

I introduce you to my friends: this is David. He is a doctor.

David y yo somos compañeros de trabajo.

David and I are work colleagues.

Esta es Natalia. Natalia es de Sevilla. Somos amigos.

This is Natalya. Natalia from Seville. We are friends.

Estos son Miguel y Alejandro. Son argentinos. Son actors.

This is Miguel and Alejandro. They are Argentinians. They are actors.

Estas son Sandra y Monica. Son brasilñas. Son compañeras de clase.

This is Sandra and Monica. They are Brazilian. They are classmates.

Petra: Buenos días. - Good morning.

Pablo: Quién eres? - Who are you?

Petra: Soy Petra, y tú? – I’m Petra, and you?

Pablo: Soy Pablo. - I'm Pablo.

Petra: Y ella, ¿quién es? - And who is she?

Pablo: Es Anna. Es mi amiga. - She's Anna. She's my friend.

Petra: ¿Qué eres? - What do you do for a living?

Pablo: Soy estudiante. ¿Y tú? – I’m a student, what about you?

Petra: Soy medico. Yella, ¿qué es? - I am a doctor. And she, what does she do?

Pablo: Es enfermera. - She's a nurse.

Petra: Encantada. - Very nice.

Pablo: Bueno, mucho gusto. - Mutually, very nice.

Peter: ¡Hola! Soy Peter. - Hello, I'm Peter.

Susana: Yo soy Susan. - I'm Suzanne.

Peter: Encantado. Yo soy alemán, de Munich. ¿De donde eres? - Very nice. I'm German, from Munich. Where are you from?

Susana: Soy inglesa, de Londres. – I’m English, from London.

Peter: ¿Son ellos también ingleses? -Are they English too?

Susana: No, no son ingleses. Lucía es italiana, es de Roma. Raymond es americano, es de Florida. ¿Quién es nuestro profesor? - No, they are not English. Lucia is Italian, she is from Rome. Raymond is American, he is from Florida. Who is our teacher?

Peter: El señor García es nuestro profesor. – Mr. Garcia is our teacher.

Susana: ¿Cómo es el señor García? – Which Mr. Garcia?

Peter: Es alto, moreno y muy simpático. “He is tall, dark and very friendly.

Susana: ¿Español o sudamericano? – Is he Spanish or Latin American?

Peter: Español, de Madrid. - He is Spanish, from Madrid.

Conjugation of the verb Estar

The verb Estar is translated not only as “to be,” but also as “to be.” For convenience, we will use the second translation option.

1) in the present tense

3) in the past perfect form

4) in the future tense

yo estare – I will be there
tú estarás – you will be
el/ella/Ud. estará – he, she will be, you will be

nosotros estaremos – we will be
vosotros estaréis - you will be
ellos, Uds. estarán – they will be there, you will be there

Use of the verb Estar

1. Location. If you want to know or indicate where an object or person is, use the verb Estar:

Estoy en casa. - I'm home.

- What do you mean by el libro? -Where is the book?

La oficina está al lado del café. – The office is located next to the cafe.

- What do you think? -Where are you now?

2. Temporary condition. When you describe the state of a person or thing at a given moment, use the verb Estar:

Estoy cansado. - I'm tired.

Estábamos enfermos. - We were sick.

- ¿Por qué estás nervioso? – Why are you nervous?

3. Action in the present moment. With Estar, you can emphasize that a certain action is happening now. For this purpose, the Estar structure is being built.

Estamos bailando. - We are dancing now.

- ¿Con quién estás hablando? – Who are you talking to now?

Están trabajando. - They are working now.

4. Temperature. When you want to say how many degrees it is outside, use Estar in the plural and first person (we) and the preposition a:

Estamos a 28 grados hoy. – Today it’s 28 degrees.

5. Days and months. To say the date, use the plural and first person Estar (we):

Let's look at examples of using Estar:

Julia: Entras y está el recibidor. El cuarto de baño está a la derecha. Uno de los dormitorios está al lado. El salón está en frente de la entrada. La cocina está al lado del comedor.

Julia: You walk in and there is a hallway. The bathroom is on the right. One of the bedrooms is nearby. The hall is located opposite the entrance. The kitchen is located next to the dining room.

La iglesia está en el centro. El teatro y el parque están a la derecha de la iglesia. Los bares y las tiendas están en la calle principal. Los hoteles están cerca de la playa.

The church stands in the center. The theater and park are located to the right of the church. Bars and shops line the main street. Hotels are located near the beach.

Difference between Ser and Estar

Note that SER and ESTAR completely change the meaning of a phrase when used with the same word. Let's look at a few examples:

es aburrido

he's boring

Está aburrido

he's bored

es bueno

he's good

Está bueno

how delicious, how good!

es cansado

he's boring

Está cansado

es grave

it is heavy (dangerous)

está grave

he is seriously ill now

es listo

está listo

he's bad

está malo

he doesn't feel well

es orgulloso

he is proud

Está orgulloso

he's proud now

es moreno

he's dark-skinned

está moreno

he's tanned

es palido

he's pale

está palido

he turned pale

es pesado

it's heavy

Está pesado

he talks boringly

he's rich

está rico

it's delicious

es seguro

it's safe

está seguro

he's sure

es verde

it's green

está verde

he's immature

es viejo

he's old

está viejo

looks old and shabby

está vivo


Do some exercises to practice what you have learned.

Verbo "Ser"
Verb ser

Now our task is to describe not only all kinds of objects around us, but also people in different faces. We can say The door is white, The houses are tall, but so far we lack a small amount of knowledge to make sentences such as You are tall, We are Spanish, You are smart. Knowledge of personal pronouns covered in the last section will also not be enough for this. You can't just attach a pronoun to an adjective and say Tú alto or nosotros españoles - that would be a big mistake. In this case, you must use the verb to be - Ser.

Note: Whereas in Russian we don’t say I there is Russian, You there is a beautiful one, in Spanish the verb ser (to be) must appear.

However, when composing sentences, it is necessary to conjugate this verb correctly, that is, put it in the necessary forms, since the verb ser is modified in different persons.

Here are examples of correct sentences in different persons:

Yo soy ruso - I'm Russian
Tú eres español - You are Spanish
Nosotros somos amigos - We are friends

As can be seen from the examples, the verb ser has completely different forms in each person. Each form must be remembered well and be able to apply correctly. Below we present a table with the conjugation of the verb ser, which you need to know by heart.

nosotros/as - somos
vosotros/as - sois
Yo soy Jose
Tu eres medicine
El es americano
Ella es americana
Usted es professor
Nosotros somos españoles
Vosotros sois estudiantes
Ellos son amigos
Ellas son amigas
Ustedes son muy amables

Translations of forms of the verb ser and sentences can be viewed by moving the mouse cursor.

As you can see, the well-known forms es and son are nothing more than the verb ser.

Say it yourself in Spanish:

I'm tall
We are Spanish
You are beautiful
He's smart
They are good
Are you a teacher?
You are friends (vosotros)
She's Russian

Note: as a rule, in writing the pronoun ustedes is written in the following abbreviated form - Vd. , and ustedes - respectively Vds.

A very important feature of the Spanish language that distinguishes it from other languages ​​is that often personal pronouns are simply omitted, while verb forms indicate the person.

In other words, the expression yo soy José can be shortened to soy José. And instead of tú eres medico, you can very often hear eres medico. Such sentences will be translated into Russian in the same way. In many cases, such forms will even be more preferable, since the Spaniards themselves do not really like to abuse personal pronouns.


Soy italiano - I am Italian
Somos amigos - We are friends
Es guapo - He is beautiful
Son atentos - They are attentive

Shorten the following sentences yourself:

Usted es medicine
Tú eres joven
Yo soy princess
Ellos son malos

Questions and denials

Interrogative and negative sentences are built according to the principle already known to us.
In direct questions, we either leave the direct word order or put the verb first.

¿Usted es medicine? - ¿Es usted medicine?
Ella es profesora? - ¿Es ella profesora?

If the word order is reversed, the pronoun can be placed at the end; its position in the sentence does not play a big role: ¿Es profesora ella?

The situation is even simpler with abbreviated sentences. Their word order will not differ from affirmative.

Eres Marcos - ¿Eres Marcos?
Sois turistas o españoles - ¿Sois turistas o españoles?

Ask questions to the following sentences:

Él es inteligente
Usted es italiano
Eres profesora
Ellas son amigas

In negatives, as we remember, the particle no must always be placed immediately before the verb:

Yo soy estudiante - Yo no soy estudiante
Nosotros somos camareros - Nosotros no somos camareros

Put the sentences in negative form:

Ella es Maria
Soy ruso
Vosotros sois futbolistas
Somos americanos
Usted es medicine

Practice the conjugation of the verb ser in practice exercises and be able to use it in your Spanish speech.

Palabras nuevas
New words

Along with grammar, don't forget to expand your vocabulary with new Spanish words

amigo - friend

amable - amiable

princesa - princess

moreno - dark-skinned

rico - rich

padres - parents

simpático - cute

americano - American

italiano - Italian

alemán - German

ingles - Englishman

frances - Frenchman

medico - doctor

turista - tourist

camarero - waiter

abogado - lawyer

arquitecto - architect

piloto - pilot

ingeniero - engineer

futbolista - football player


Ejercicio 1
Fill in the blanks by putting the verb Ser in the correct form

1. Yo ____________ intelligente;
2. Nosotros ____________ italianos;
3. Los padres de Julia ____________ ricos;
4. El capitán ____________ viejo;
5. Paco y yo ____________ jovenes;
6. ¿El señor y usted ____________ amigos?
7. Ana ____________ camarera;
8. Pablo y tú ____________ muy guapos;
9. Señora doctora, usted ____________ muy amable;
10. Tú y yo ____________ estudiantes de español.

Ejercicio 2
Translate sentences from Russian into Spanish

1. I am a student;
2. You are a Spanish teacher;
3. We are Spanish;
4. We are Spanish;
5. You are waiters (vosotros);
6. Elena is tall and dark;
7. Federico and I are friends;
8. These gentlemen are Americans;
9. Señor Rodriguez, you are very kind;
10. Are they Germans?

Ejercicio 3
Ask direct questions to the following sentences, imagining that you are talking to a Spaniard. That is, in some cases you need to change your face. Remember that personal pronouns are often omitted in Spanish


(Ellos) son americanos – ¿Son (ellos) americanos?

1. Soy español – ¿_____________________________________________?
2. Angela es médica – ¿_____________________________________________?
3. Carlos y Sandra son camareros – ¿_____________________________________________?
4. Somos arquitectos – ¿_____________________________________________?
5. Julia y tú sois amigos – ¿_____________________________________________?
6. Señor González: Soy bastante viejo.
Carlos: ¿_____________________________________?
7. Eres muy inteligente – ¿_____________________________________________?

Ejercicio 4
Put the sentences in negative form


Soy ingeniero – No soy ingeniero

1. Julia es abogada –
2. Somos ingleses – _____________________________________;
3. Sois amigos – _____________________________________;
4. Mi papá y mi mamá son jovenes_____________________________________;
5.Vd. es profesor de español – _____________________________________;
6. Juan y tú sois pilotos – _____________________________________;
7.Vds. son franceses _____________________________________;
8. Soy Javier –

Ejercicio 5
Pluralize the sentences


Tú eres profesor – Vosotros sois profesores

1. Soy español – _____________________________________;
2. Él es muy simpático – _____________________________________;
3. Ella es peluquera – _____________________________________;
4. ¿Eres estudiante de español?_____________________________________;
5.Vd. es una persona importante – _____________________________________.

Ejercicio 6
Imagine that you are talking to a Spaniard. Answer his questions


¿Eres Carlos? – Sí, soy Carlos

1. ¿Es María morena? –
2. ¿Sois ingenieros? – Sí, _____________________________________;
3. Son pequeños los niños? – Sí, _____________________________________;
4. ¿Es Vd. taxista? –
5. ¿Son Vds. abogados? – No, _____________________________________;
6. ¿Somos tú y yo amigos? – Sí, _____________________________________.


Palabras en el diálogo:

mira - look
mexicano - Mexican
un friki - freak
más - more
musculoso - muscular
abuela - grandmother

March 25, 2015

The very first verb that those who begin to learn Spanish, and almost any European language, encounter is the verb “to be”. And then tram-tara-ram it turns out that Spanish has two verbs that are translated into Russian as “to be.” These are the verbs SER and ESTAR. Why such difficulties and what is the difference? Let's figure it out together.

Conjugation tables for the verbs SER and ESTAR in Indicativo tenses can be found here: http://site/izuchaem-ispanskiy/tablitsyi-i-shemyi/

Upon closer examination, it turns out that everything is quite simple, since the verbs SER and ESTAR are used in completely different situations and, remembering a few features, you will never confuse them.

The main difference is that SER is used to indicate a permanent state of an object or person, while ESTAR is used to indicate a temporary state. What can be classified as permanent and what can be classified as temporary? So:

SER is used to convey persistent state, namely:
1) Nationalities.

For example: Soy americano. I'm American.
Pedro es italiano. Pedro is Italian.

2) Origin. You can live in any country in the world, but the country where you are from, where you were born, remains unchanged.

For example: Maria es de Rusia. Maria from Russia.
Juan es de Argentina. Juan from Argentina.

3) Professions. Here we mean a profession with a diploma or a main, permanent profession.

For example: Paola es profesora. Paola is a teacher.
Marta es periodista. Martha is a journalist.
*However, if for some reason a person temporarily works outside of his profession, then the verb estar with the preposition de is used.
For example: Antonio es arquitecto pero está de camarero porque tiene problemas. Antonio is an architect, but works temporarily as a waiter because he has problems.

4) The appearance of a person or the external characteristics of an object. Here we mean general permanent characteristics that cannot change overnight. For example color, size, etc.

For example: Mi coche es grande y modern. Es de color negro. My car is big and modern. It is black.
Los ojos de mi novia son grises. My fiancee has gray eyes.

5) Character trait.

For example: Mi jefe es muy inteligente. My boss is very smart.

6) The material from which the thing is made.

For example: Esta blusa es de seda natural. This blouse is made of natural silk.

7) Time.

For example: Son las tres de la noche. It's three o'clock in the morning.
El examen es a las dos de la tarde. The exam is at two o'clock in the afternoon.

ESTAR is used to convey persistent status, as follows:
1) Location of an object or person.

For example: El hotel está en la calle Gran via. The hotel is located on Gran Via.
Estoy en el Mercado. I'm at the market.

2) Temporary work. (See point 3 of the verb SER)

For example: Estoy de dependienta en una tienda para pagar mis estudios. I work temporarily as a shop assistant to pay for my studies.

3) Dates. The verb estar is used with the preposition a.
4) Temporary variable state of a person. For simplicity, you can remember a few expressions:

estar enfermo - to be sick
estar sano – to be healthy
estar resfriado - to have a cold
estar cansado - to be tired
estar ocupado - to be busy
estar casado\a - to be married\
estar divorciado\a – to be divorced\divorced
estar soltero – to be single
estar seguro de que… - to be sure that…
estar de acuerdo - to agree

For example: Estoy de mal humor porque estoy resfriado. I'm in a bad mood because I have a cold.

5) Moods.

estar ofendido - to be offended
estar contento - to be satisfied
estar discontentо - to be dissatisfied
estar listo - to be ready
estar de mal humor - to be in a bad mood
estar de buen humor - to be in a good mood

For example: Estamos discontentos porque estamos ofendidos. We are unhappy because we are offended.

** Some adjectives can change their meaning depending on whether they are used with SER or ESTAR. Here are examples of such expressions:

SER listo – to be smart
ESTAR listo – to be ready
SER verde - to be green
ESTAR verde - to be unripe
SER borracho – to be an alcoholic
ESTAR borracho - to be drunk
SER bueno - to be kind, good
ESTAR bueno - to be healthy
SER malo - to be bad, evil
ESTAR malo – to be sick
SER triste – to be a pessimist
ESTAR triste – to be sad, sorrowful
SER alegre - to be optimistic
ESTAR alegre - to be cheerful, joyful

I hope this article helped you understand the intricacies of using the verbs SER and ESTAR. You can practice and test yourself by completing the TEST here http://site/izuchaem-ispanskiy/testyi-po-ispanskomu/
And the “Spanish with a Smile” team wishes you success in learning Spanish!
