The most correct calendar to find out the gender of the child. Tests to determine the sex of the child: by ovulation date and blood type

Pregnancy, especially a long-awaited one, is a bright event in every family. And only after seeing 2 stripes on the test, the couple becomes curious about who they will have - a boy or a girl. This issue is of greatest concern to couples who already have one child or several same-sex children.

It is no secret that determining the sex of the unborn child is possible only at 18-20 weeks of pregnancy during an ultrasound scan. And for some, it’s not easy to wait that long. Here techniques come to the rescue (ancient Chinese table; renewal of the blood of parents; date of conception; fetal heartbeat and others), with the help of which parents can find out the gender of the unborn baby. However, until now, no physician considers these methods reliable. From a medical point of view, this is comparable to fortune telling. coffee grounds. Only medical methods (genetic studies, ultrasound) make it possible to most accurately determine whether a couple is expecting a boy or a girl.

So, in this article we will look at how to determine who will be born - a boy or a girl.

Genetic research

These include amniocentesis, cordocentesis, and chorionic villus biopsy. They are prescribed exclusively for medical reasons to identify genetic diseases or fetal malformations. They allow you to determine the sex of the child with 99% probability. Such an intervention can cause miscarriage or premature birth, because the material (amniotic fluid, chorionic villi, umbilical cord blood) for research is taken from the uterine cavity

Determine the sex of the fetus by ultrasound

Gender can be determined using ultrasound as early as 16 weeks. But more reliable information can be obtained only at 20-25 weeks of pregnancy. In some cases, the specialist cannot see the gender on an ultrasound, for example, the fetus is in an awkward angle or its genitals are covered by the umbilical cord.

Ultrasound is considered the most effective and safe way to find out the gender of the unborn child. Confidence is 95%.

Gender by date of conception

It is known that conception occurs during ovulation (the release of a mature egg from the follicle in fallopian tube to meet the sperm). The sex of the baby is determined at the moment of conception. If sexual intercourse took place on the day of ovulation, then sperm carrying male chromosomes will reach the egg faster - which means it will be a boy. If sexual intercourse occurred a few days before ovulation, then fertilization of the egg will occur with the hardiest sperm carrying the female chromosome (as a rule, sperm with male chromosomes will have already died by this time). Thus, knowing the day of ovulation and the day of conception, you can estimate who will be born.

Determination by parental blood

A popular technique is to determine the sex of a child by renewing the blood of the parents. The reliability of the method is 50% - it either guesses the gender or not. Therefore, the method is more suitable as entertainment.

Blood renewal theory

There is an assumption that the sex of the child is influenced by the blood of the parents. Every person has blood renewal in their body throughout their entire life. In women, the blood is renewed once every three years, in men - once every four years. And which of the parents has “fresher” blood at the time of conception will have a baby of that gender. However, early blood renewal is also possible if blood loss exceeds 1000 ml, for example, during surgery, previous difficult childbirth, blood donation (donation), abortion. Therefore, these factors are also taken into account in the calculation.

How to calculate gender based on parental blood renewal

The scheme for calculating the sex of the baby is simple. Let's assume that the future father is 29 years old, and the mother is 23. Next, simple arithmetic operations are carried out: the woman's age is divided by 3, and the man's by 4 (23: 3 = 7.7; 29: 4 = 7.3). As can be seen from the example, the father’s remainder is 0.3, and the mother’s is 0.7, and since 3.7, the couple will most likely give birth to a boy.

If after calculations the remainders are the same, then the couple can have either a girl or a boy.

We offer to determine the sex of the baby using an online calculator. It is enough to enter the date of birth of the parents and know the exact time of conception.

If a man or woman has had blood donation, surgery, or childbirth, then instead of the date of birth, the date of the last blood loss is indicated.

(calculation will take a few seconds)

Determine sex by fetal heartbeat

This technique is based on the assertion that the number of heartbeats is different in boys and girls. Before ultrasound machines, many gynecologists could use a stethoscope to determine gender by heartbeat. Gynecologists have noticed that the heart of girls beats faster - 150 or more beats per minute, and the heart of boys - in the range of 120-140. However, this technique has not been proven, because the heartbeat can be influenced by many factors, for example, excessive fetal activity, possible hypoxia, uterine tone, gestational age, time of day, increased blood pressure at the mother's.

According to the Chinese calendar

It is possible to find out the sex of a child using the ancient Chinese calendar, which is more than 700 years old. The Chinese believe that its accuracy is very high. It was by this method that in ancient times they determined who would be born to a couple. The method is based on the relationship between a woman’s lunar age at the time of conception and the month in which it occurred.

It is customary for the Chinese to count age not from the date of birth, but from conception. It turns out that Chinese babies are born at 9 months (months of intrauterine stay are added). But, if the baby was born in January or February, then it may be necessary to add another year to his age, in addition to 9 months. The fact is that during this period the Chinese are experiencing New Year.

  • If she was born after February 23, then 9 months of intrauterine life are added to her age (rounded up to 1 year).
  • If from January 1 to January 21, then 2 years will need to be added to the age (i.e. 9 months + 1 year).
  • If the date of birth fell in the period from January 21 to February 23, then it is more difficult to calculate the Chinese age. First you need to find out when New Year was in China this year. If a woman was born before him, then 2 years are added, if after - then 1.

To determine the gender of the unborn child using the ancient Chinese table, use an online calculator where you need to indicate the month of conception and the woman’s lunar age.

Every expectant mother really wants to know who has settled in her tummy: a boy or a girl? Modern medicine makes it possible to find out the sex of the fetus only after 9 weeks of pregnancy. But what to do if you want to meet your baby as early as possible? Is it possible to find out the gender of a baby before conception?

Japanese baby gender prediction table

Today, Japanese medicine is known throughout the world for its quality and highly qualified doctors. Even in ancient times, Japanese scientists developed their own methods of diagnosing and treating patients of all ages. Among other materials that have survived to this day, the Japanese table for predicting the sex of the fetus is very popular. How to use this technique?

The scheme for determining the sex of the fetus consists of two parts. In the first table, the month of birth of the expectant mother is indicated vertically. Horizontally, you can also find the month of birth of the future father. At the intersection of these lines there is a certain number that needs to be found and remembered. We will need the discovered number for the second table and for calculating the sex of the unborn child.

The second table shows numbers from 1 to 12 horizontally. We find the number we need and under it we see lines indicating the month the child was conceived. In the center of the table, opposite the desired month, the probability of having a child of a certain gender is indicated. The chances of having a boy or a girl are expressed in crosses. The more crosses, the higher the probability of conceiving a male or female child at a certain point in time.

  1. Mother's date of birth is March 13.
  2. Father's date of birth is August 27 (August).
  3. The date of conception of the child is June 5 (June).

In the first table, at the intersection of the lines for the required months, we find the number 11.

In the second table, under the number 11, we find the month of conception - June. In June, for this couple the probability of conceiving a boy is very high - 5 crosses. But the chances of a girl appearing are small and amount to only one cross. If we convert the data obtained into percentages, we get the following picture:

  • probability of having a boy – 83%;
  • the probability of having a girl is 17%.

How does the Japanese table work?

Modern scientists have not been able to fully decipher the methodology of the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun. Probably, the ancient Japanese studied the influence of the Moon or other celestial bodies on the conception of children and, based on the data obtained, compiled this table. At its core, the proposed scheme is closer to astrology than to classical medicine, so it is difficult for practicing doctors to assess the value of this technique.

Classical medicine does not use the achievements of ancient Japanese scientists to calculate the sex of the fetus. Modern obstetrics knows nothing about how the date of birth of future parents can affect the gender of the unborn child. Doctors prefer to use more conventional methods. The sex of the fetus can be determined at 7-9 weeks by detecting the special SRY gene in the mother’s blood. After 12 weeks, ultrasound successfully copes with the same task.

Calculator for predicting the gender of a child using a Japanese table

Mother's birth month:

Dad's birthday month:

Month of conception:

Gender Probability: 0%/0%

Why do you need to know the sex of the child?

Some women, denying the achievements of modern medicine, refuse to find out the sex of the fetus even during a routine ultrasound. Expectant mothers are preparing a surprise for themselves and their spouse, wanting to find out about everything only at the time of birth. Is this tactic justified?

The desire to find out the sex of the child as early as possible is not simple curiosity. Many women would like to be able to predict the gender of their baby even before conception. This question arises especially acutely when a married couple is planning a second child. Not many women decide to have many children, and in this situation the desire to be the mother of two children of different sexes is quite understandable.

There are more serious reasons to predict the sex of the baby before conception. Some hereditary pathologies are transmitted to a fetus of a certain sex (only a boy or only a girl). The desire to give birth to a healthy child forces expectant mothers to look for any ways to determine the sex of the baby even at the stage of pregnancy planning. Since modern medicine as an alternative, can only offer IVF with the transfer of an embryo of the desired sex, parents have no choice but to turn their attention to the ancient methods of the Land of the Rising Sun.

Of course, it is not possible to determine the sex of a child by the date of conception with a 100% guarantee. After all, Mother Nature herself decides who should be born - a boy or a girl. However, if you know exactly or approximately the day on which, you can use the table of the child’s gender by date of conception even before the ultrasound shows the exact answer.

Which parent determines the sex of the baby?

Let's remember the school biology course. The sex of the future human is determined by the combination of chromosomes: XX for girls, XY for boys. It is the Y chromosome that is “male”, and only the father can pass it on.

The sex of the baby depends entirely on the father, or rather on what set of chromosomes the sperm that fertilized the egg has.

Gender of the child and date of conception

Fact: sperm carrying the female set of chromosomes “weigh” more and move more slowly, but are more resilient and resistant to adverse conditions than theirY-brethren.

Simply put, “boy” sperm move faster and therefore get to the egg faster. However, if it took place before ovulation, they will not have time to do this, as they will die earlier. But the more stable “girls” will remain and at the decisive moment they will find themselves directly next to the egg.

Conceiving immediately on the day of ovulation and for several days after it increases the chance of pregnancy. If sexual intercourse occurs earlier, the likelihood of having a girl is higher.

Calculation difficulties

Although the described method indeed has a scientific basis, in practice deviations occur quite often.

To plan the gender of your unborn child based on the date of conception, you must clearly know the day of ovulation. If you have been planning your pregnancy for a long time and used special tests, there will be no problems.

However, the usual calendar method, for example, can fail. This is due to the fact that even women with a regular menstrual cycle may experience minor disruptions. This can be affected by stress, climate change, colds, various health problems and even simple fatigue.

Alternative ways to find out the sex of the child

The methods given below do not have a scientific basis; they are from the field of astrology and predictions. However, since they have been used for so many centuries, perhaps they really work.

Lunar calendar

Astrologers claim that the reliability of this method reaches 95-97%. Whether to believe them or not, let everyone decide for themselves. We will simply briefly describe the essence.

Duration lunar month is 29 days - this is the period during which the Moon rotates around our planet.

Lunar calendar |

It is believed that you can find out the sex of a child by the date of conception by finding out in which zodiac constellation the Moon was located that day. The “masculine” signs are Gemini, Leo, Libra, Aquarius, Sagittarius and Aries, and the “feminine” signs are Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces, Taurus and Virgo.

Chinese calendar

People have always sought to determine the sex of a child by the date of conception. And this is most eloquently proven by the ancient Chinese calendar, found in an ancient temple about 700 years ago (now the original is kept in the Beijing Museum).

In ancient China, it was believed that the sex of the baby depended on only two factors: the date of conception and the age of the mother.

Important: in order to calculate everything correctly, a pregnant woman needs to add 9 months to her real age. This is due to the fact that according to tradition in the Celestial Empire, the “reference point” was not the person’s birthday, but the date of conception.

Using this calendar to calculate the gender of your child is very simple. For example, if a woman is 25 years old, 1 year must be added to her age. It is necessary to find the corresponding column with age, the month of conception of the baby (for example, March), draw straight lines and find the place where they intersect. The table indicates “M” - this month there is a higher probability of conceiving a boy.

Japanese table

The next way to determine the sex of a child by date of conception is to use the Japanese table. Japanese scientists believe that X and Y chromosomes are produced at certain periods of time. When the number of “right” sperm prevails, the chance of conceiving a child of the desired sex is higher. Unlike the Chinese calendar, this method takes into account the age of the father.

The table consists of two parts.

1. Find the number and remember the number at the intersection of the birth months of the baby’s father and mother.

2. Go to the second table and find the required number in the horizontal line, and the month of conception in the column. Depending on where there are more crosses (in the “Boy” or “Girl” column), the likelihood of conceiving a baby of the desired gender is also higher.

Calculator by date of conception

If you are too lazy to understand various tables yourself, you can use ready-made calculators.

The most popular resource of this kind on the RuNet is the site “”. Here you can calculate the sex of the child based on the date of conception using a calculator based on ancient Chinese or Japanese tables. Everything is as simple and convenient as possible: you simply enter the necessary data, press the “Calculate” button and in a matter of seconds you will receive an answer to the question that concerns you.

There are probably no parents who would not want to find out who will be born to them. For this purpose, a Chinese table was created to determine the sex of a child. She is the one who will help everyone who wants to know who to expect: a son or a daughter.

Table on how to find out the expectation
according to the shape of the abdomen, ultrasound helps
the doctor is good for an apple
who will show signs of being pregnant

If you also lack patience and want to know what color romper to choose, then the baby gender determination chart will answer your questions.

Ancient Chinese table

The ancient Chinese table for recognizing the sex of a child was first discovered in Beijing more than 700 years ago. She was in the tomb of a hermit monk. When archaeologists studied the find in detail, they came to the conclusion that they had in their hands lunar calendar, which can indicate the gender of the unborn baby with high reliability of the result.

In order to find out who you are expecting, a son or a daughter, you need to find the month of expected conception in the left column of the Chinese table for determining the sex of the unborn child, and in the top line - the girl’s age at the time of conception. The intersection point will indicate the gender of the baby.

Ancient Chinese table

Application of the Pythagorean system

There is another equally well-known way to find out who has settled in the belly of the expectant mother - this is determining the sex of the fetus using the Pythagorean table. Numerology has gained great popularity in all spheres of human life, which is why a considerable number of future parents trust the Pythagorean system.

According to this method, each word, including the name, corresponds to a certain number, which can be obtained using a special table.

  1. It is necessary to write the full name of the future mother, which is registered on the birth certificate (accordingly, the maiden name), and after the future father.
  2. After this, you should record the month of conception of the unborn child.
  3. From all the resulting numbers, calculate the total amount, and then divide the resulting number by 7.
  4. If the final number is even, expect a girl; if it is odd, expect a boy.

It is worth knowing that this method is ideal for cases when the addition of one child is expected, and not twins or triplets.

According to the Pythagorean table

Blood renewal method

This method involves the use of a blood update table of future parents to recognize the sex of the fetus depending on their date of birth.

  1. Such cycles differ between men and women, and also consist of certain periods, starting from the date of birth.
  2. Full age expectant mother needs to be divided by 3 (since women's blood is renewed once every three years), and the future father - by 4 (men's blood is renewed once every four years).
  3. A prerequisite is knowledge of the approximate day of conception.
  4. When calculating, you must count your full age (even if you will be 30 years old the next day, you need to count 29 full).

By comparing the remainder of the division of the father and mother, we can draw a conclusion - whose remainder is larger (accordingly, the blood is stronger), the baby will be of that gender.

But it is worth immediately noting that blood is always renewed during operations, donations, and abortions. In this case, it is necessary to start counting from the date of the last blood loss.

Use only if the mother is Rh positive

According to some data, a table for identifying a child’s gender by age “works” only if the expectant mother is Rh positive.

If the mother has a blood type with a negative Rh factor, then everything will be the other way around: whoever has “older” blood on the day of conception will have a baby of that gender.

Maternal age and the French diet

Elena Shamrina conducted her research for more than 20 years and was able to establish that in nature there is a certain dependence of the conception of a child on the odd/even age of the expectant mother.

  1. In order to have a girl, you need to “engage in the creative process” in even months of the year (February, April, June, August, October), if the woman is of even age. For odd ages, accordingly, for odd months of the year.
  2. To have a boy, a woman of even age must conceive in odd months, and an odd age woman must conceive in even months. Thus, if a woman is of an odd age, then it will be easier for her to conceive a boy, and if she is an even age, it will be easier for her to conceive a girl.

Another method has been known for many years. It was called the “French diet”, since it was the French who established that the likelihood of having a boy or a girl is determined by the nutrition of the expectant mother during menstruation, which precedes subsequent conception.

The scientists concluded that parents of boys consumed more foods rich in sodium and potassium, and parents of girls consumed more foods rich in calcium and magnesium.

In order to plan the child's gender, two diets were offered, which contained a set of certain products. For two months, future parents had to follow the specified diet. The success was amazing - in up to 80% of cases, the spouses received exactly the one they wanted most.

If young people dream of a boy, they need to eat more:

  • potatoes;
  • mushroom and meat dishes;
  • cherries, bananas, oranges, peaches.

It is necessary to exclude all dairy products and nuts. It would be a good idea to add a little salt to your food.

If parents want a daughter, then the expectant mother should:

  • stick to a dairy diet;
  • eat beets, carrots, cucumbers, green peas, onions, nuts.

Plums, bananas, melon, potatoes and citrus fruits should be excluded.

The most accurate way

Which of the existing tables for determining the sex of a child is the most accurate? Of course, the most the right way find out who will be born, performs ultrasound examination, which the doctor will prescribe when you contact him.

However, there is another method, not discussed above, that allows you to predict as accurately as possible who will be born to you - this is the Japanese conception table for identifying the gender of the future heir.

This table is the most truthful and popular way of planning, as well as establishing the gender of the unborn child. Many geneticists claim that this process cannot be predicted. However, Japanese scientists boldly refuted this theory and proposed their own method, which is based on simple calculations.

Japanese method

They are confident that the combination of chromosomes can be easily predicted using the month of birth of both parents, as well as the exact time of fertilization. In other words, the male body produces sperm with a certain set of chromosomes at specific periods of time. Thanks to this approach, you can reliably find out who has settled in your tummy.

As soon as it becomes known that a new addition to the family is expected, huge amount questions. If the baby is the first, most often it does not matter who is born, a son or a daughter. When several children of the same sex grow up, you want to know how to determine the gender of the unborn child. They are interested in what factors influence this process, and whether it is possible to predict the likelihood of having a son or daughter before pregnancy.

Let's figure out how this process happens. Of the 46 available chromosomes, two are sex chromosomes - X and Y. Women have the XX set, men have the XY set. The baby receives one maternal and paternal chromosome. He can inherit either the X or Y chromosome from his father. With the development of the first option, you can expect the appearance of a daughter, the second - a son. You can use any test to determine the sex of the child.

Of course, the most accurate answer can be obtained using ultrasound. Expectant parents are wondering at what week can they find out the sex of the baby using an ultrasound? Only at the beginning of the second trimester will an experienced doctor with modern equipment be able to answer this question, but the likelihood of an erroneous prognosis is high.

Enough exact method suggested by a Polish doctor, his research was confirmed by French gynecologists. Before calculating the sex of the child using the proposed method, let’s figure out what the difference is between the X and Y chromosomes. The first of them are distinguished by high viability, but they are inactive. They can remain viable in a woman’s genital tract for up to three days, sometimes more. Y chromosomes are characterized by mobility, rapidity, and short life expectancy. If you have sexual intercourse during the period when a mature egg is in the genital tract, it will be fertilized by Y chromosomes. They will reach it faster and fertilize it. If the egg is not yet mature, these chromosomes will die within 20-24 hours. If you are planning to calculate the sex of your child in order to conceive a son, you must have sexual intercourse on the day of ovulation. If your goal is to have a girl, plan your actions as follows:

  • it is necessary to have sexual intercourse before the egg is released;
  • after 22-25 hours, the Y chromosomes will lose viability;
  • the egg will be met by X chromosomes, fertilization will occur, and a female embryo will emerge.

Before determining the sex of the child by the date of conception, you will have to accurately calculate the moment of release of the finished egg - ovulation.

Gender of the baby by ovulation days

According to blood data

One of the most common methods for determining the gender of a child is early stages pregnancy is a technique that takes into account the so-called “renewal” of blood. This method has been around for decades and is very easy to use. It is believed that its accuracy reaches 70-80 percent. The basis is the statement that the blood goes through a renewal process, and in men this happens once every 4 years, in women – every 3. Determining the time of the last renewal is not difficult. The baby will inherit the gender of the parent whose blood was most recently renewed and is more “fresh.” You can determine the sex of a child by blood before conception; there is a chance to predict the sex of the baby.

We take into account the age of the parents

According to the age of the expectant mother

People often try to find out the sex of a child using a table; it was found several centuries ago in a temple near Beijing. For Chinese families, the absence of a male heir was a tragedy. For this reason, scientists in ancient times devoted a lot of time to the problem of how to calculate the gender of a child in advance. The calculation method is based on the idea that it depends only on the mother whether a son or daughter will be born into the family. Using this table, the sex of the child is determined by the age of the mother, and the month of conception is also taken into account. Find the line that says mother's age, the column with the month of conception. At the intersection you will find the result. In China, they are confident that the table of the child’s sex by mother’s age is approximately 70% reliable, scientific research it has not been confirmed in any way.

Table for determining sex by mother's age

By father's age

Most often, they try to calculate the gender of the child based on data associated with the mother. But you can use a technique that allows you to find out the sex of the child by the age of the father. From a medical point of view, the father determines the sex of the child; the quality of sperm, viability and motility of sperm are of great importance. At first glance, the method looks rather strange. There is a formula that can help you get an answer to your question. It looks like this:

X - father's age, full years;

Y is the month of conception.

If the result is an even number, expect the birth of a boy. If the number is odd, you will have a daughter. The method is original, but quite reliable. It is believed that the percentage of true results reaches 97.

Japanese method

Gender of the child according to the month of birth of the parents

Modern methods

Future parents are very interested in how long it takes to determine the sex of the child? Ultrasound can most accurately answer this question. Before 12-13 weeks, it’s not worth trying, not a single doctor will vouch for accuracy. You will receive the most truthful answer in the middle of pregnancy, after the 20th week. By this time, the baby has fairly clear genitals and is actively moving. If the baby does not sleep during the examination, figuring out his gender will not be difficult. An ultrasound performed at the end of pregnancy may be less informative. The baby has grown, occupies almost all the space in the uterus, he lies head down, pressing his arms and legs to himself, hiding his genitals.

Studying the baby's heartbeat

Determining the baby's heartbeat rhythm

It is important to take into account the characteristics of the heartbeat characteristic of female and male babies:

  1. It is necessary to take into account the heart rate; in boys it is approximately 120-140 beats per minute. The girl’s heart beats more quickly; this parameter can reach up to 160 contractions. Some gynecologists are confident that this method can only be used until mid-pregnancy. Others prove what he gives reliable result at any time.
  2. It is worth paying attention to the heart rhythm. In a male baby, the heart beats smoother and more rhythmically. Girls are more likely to experience an uneven heartbeat, and the heart beats more quietly.
  3. Popular observations include the statement that if the heart is heard on the right side of the abdomen, you need to wait for the birth of a girl, and vice versa.
  4. The boy's heartbeat is synchronized with the mother's heartbeat. In cases of pregnancy with a girl, such a connection was not found.

We cannot vouch for the reliability of this method; for some couples it was confirmed, for others it was not.

Methodology of the Budyansky spouses

This method of determining the sex of a child by the month of conception is based on the fact that gender is determined exclusively by the mother, her health characteristics, and the regularity of sexual intercourse. monthly cycle. The woman must determine the type to which it belongs - even or odd. She needs to take into account the calendar time of her conception. If there is an even cycle, there is a high chance of conceiving a daughter in an even period, and a son in an odd period. If a woman has an odd cycle, the opposite happens. The couple developed a table consisting of three columns. On the sides of the table are even and odd years, and in the center are menstrual cycles. To determine your type, subtract forty weeks from your date of birth. If you determine that conception took place in an even year, you must use the right column, if in an odd year, use the left column. Find the intersection of the month row and the year column, this will be your result.

When using this method, errors arise due to the inability to determine the exact time of conception of the mother; perhaps she was born premature or post-term. Irregularity of menstruation has an impact, the possibility of an error increases if conception took place at the turn of the century menstrual cycles. But in general, this method is in demand, the probability of positive results is quite high.

The Japanese method, which makes it possible to calculate the sex of a child based on the date of birth of the parents, is widely popular. The month of birth of the parents and the moment of conception are taken into account. You can find the corresponding tables on the Internet and use them. Some parents want a girl, others a boy, but both are trying to influence the situation and plan the appearance of a child of the desired gender. At the moment, the most accurate way is ultrasound. And although this question begins to interest you from the moment two stripes are detected on the test, you will have to be patient. The main thing is to do everything in your power to ensure that the child is born strong and healthy.
