Signs and methods of treatment of autonomic neurosis. Disorder of the autonomic nervous system: the danger of the condition and its treatment. What does a labile nervous system mean?

Autonomic lability is the unstable functioning of the autonomic (autonomic) nervous system.

Increased sensitivity and reactivity of the autonomic nervous system manifests itself with minimal stress factors.

Anatomical and physiological implications

The autonomic nervous system is part of the body's nervous system. Its functions include control and regulation of the work of internal organs (intestines, stomach, heart, etc.), lymphatic, circulatory systems, and glands of the body.

This system also regulates the process of sweating, heart rate, thermoregulation, and blood pressure. It is also responsible for a person’s reaction in stressful situations, for the ability to fully relax physically during rest, for the digestion and assimilation of food consumed. The functioning of the autonomic nervous system is beyond human control.

The autonomic nervous system consists of two divisions - sympathetic and parasympathetic. The parasympathetic nervous system regulates the functioning of the endocrine system, the digestive tract, is responsible for metabolism and lowering blood pressure.

The sympathetic nervous system is active in stressful situations. It is responsible for supplying muscles with oxygen, rapid heartbeat, and breathing.

In a normal state, there is an adequate response of the autonomic system to external stimuli (stress, temperature, sounds). With the syndrome of increased lability of the autonomic nervous system, an individual may experience inadequate reactions to common stress factors: increased sweating at low temperatures, increased blood pressure with minor stress.

Reflexes of the autonomic system ensure an adequate response of the body to stress, and a person’s understanding of the presence of anomalies in his condition or sensations.

Autonomic lability is not an idiopathic disease. Often it is a sign of vegetative-vascular dystonia. This disorder is present in approximately 80% of the population, in adults and children.

Reasons for failure

Lability of the autonomic nervous system can develop gradually and occur suddenly. This condition often remains undiagnosed, since patients do not attach importance to the manifestations, considering them the result of stressful situations and fatigue. Patients may also be considered hypochondriacs.

The causes of autonomic lability can be varied:

  • stress factors;
  • adverse effects of the external environment;
  • infectious diseases;
  • intoxication;
  • surgical intervention;
  • traumatic brain and other injuries;
  • change of climate and time zones;
  • pregnancy;
  • menopause;
  • psychological trauma, including childhood trauma;
  • lack of vitamins (especially vitamins B1, B3, B6 and B12 and vitamin E).

There is also the possibility of autonomic lability due to dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, which can be caused by various diseases.

Such diseases include ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, diabetes, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, paraneoplastic syndrome, sarcoidosis, Sjögren's syndrome.

Wide range of manifestations

Manifestations of autonomic lability are associated with all areas that are controlled by the autonomic nervous system; symptoms of the condition can be varied:

  • fainting and dizziness;
  • increased fatigue (due to lack of adequate adjustment of heart rate relative to stress);
  • increased or decreased sweating;
  • headaches;
  • disturbances in the digestive tract, which lead to constipation, diarrhea, bloating, loss of appetite;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • problems in the sexual sphere (lack of erection, vaginal dryness, nonorgasmia);
  • visual impairment (increased sensitivity to light, blurred vision);
  • poor tolerance to cold and heat;
  • sleep disorders;
  • tremor;
  • rapid heartbeat, lability of blood pressure;
  • apathy, lethargy, weakness, constant mild malaise;
  • increased irritability;
  • decreased concentration;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • speech disorders;
  • unreasonable fears, anxiety and neurotic phobias;
  • pain in joints and muscles;
  • dry skin;
  • numbness in various parts of the body.

Examination and diagnosis

To make a diagnosis, a comprehensive examination is necessary, since the symptoms of autonomic lability are similar to those of other diseases. It is necessary to exclude mental illnesses, neuropsychiatric disorders, and also in case of physiological manifestations, to exclude organic pathologies.

After excluding other diseases, the likelihood of disorders in the autonomic nervous system is considered. Often, collecting an anamnesis, interviewing the patient, and a superficial examination is sufficient.

A neurologist should pay attention to constriction or dilation of the pupils, increased sweating, or excessive dryness of the skin, pallor, or hyperemia of the skin. To assess the work of the autonomic system, the work of skin, somatovegetative, and sweat reflexes is analyzed.

Also, to assess the degree of violations, tests are prescribed for the biochemical composition of urine and blood.

An integrated approach to treatment

When treating vegetative lability, methods without the use of pharmacological drugs predominate.

To bring the functioning of the nervous system back to normal, it is recommended:

  • adhere to normal operating hours;
  • have adequate sleep and rest;
  • follow proper nutrition;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • exercise;
  • reduce physical activity;
  • spend time outdoors, take walks;
  • avoid stress factors;
  • use decoctions of mint, valerian, lemon balm.

Drug treatment consists of the use of drugs that calm the nervous system, as well as symptomatic treatment of organs and systems whose functioning has been disrupted due to the disease.

They use drugs whose action is aimed at normalizing sleep, sedatives, painkillers, and vitamins.

A neurologist may prescribe anti-anxiety drugs (Tenoten, Phenazepam, Phenibut, Afobazol). The therapeutic course is selected individually.

In addition to visiting a neurologist, it is recommended to consult a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, or psychologist. These specialists will help identify the cause of the disease, as well as learn how to deal with stress, and teach techniques for relieving vegetative symptoms that arise as a result of internal tension.

Autonomic lability of the nervous system requires treatment, as it can lead to a number of diseases:

  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system (ischemia, hypertension, atherosclerotic changes);
  • stomach diseases (gastritis, peptic ulcer);
  • mental disorders.

This section was created to take care of those who need a qualified specialist, without disturbing the usual rhythm of their own lives.

What is autonomic lability?

Not a disease, but it needs to be treated

Autonomic lability is now familiar not only to adult patients, but also to children. According to neurologists, the incidence of this syndrome among children and adolescents ranges from 10 to 50%. Marzhan Zhareckeeva, a neurologist at the Children's Infectious Diseases Hospital in Astana, will tell you more about this disease.

There are many synonyms for this disease: autonomic lability, vegetative-vascular dystonia, autonomic dysfunction, autonomic neurosis, autonomic-vascular form of hypothalamic syndrome, psycho-vegetative syndrome, etc. In fact, none of this is a disease. This is a syndrome that includes disorders of autonomic functions of various origins and manifestations, caused by a disorder of their regulation.

For what reason does this imbalance occur in the body of children?

The causes of VSD in children depend on age. In early childhood, hereditary burden and perinatal pathology, accompanied by minimal cerebral dysfunction, are of great importance. Later – allergic and toxic-infectious lesions of the autonomic nervous system due to focal (caries, chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis) or general infection.

In addition, the child’s previous traumatic brain injuries and the impact of negative psycho-emotional factors are of great importance. Such factors may be overload at school, conflict situations in the family and school.

During the pubertal period, vegetative lability is transient, but when exposed to additional other causes it becomes very persistent.

What do the symptoms of the disease look like?

At an early age, signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia VSD are noted in the gastrointestinal tract. Regurgitation, bloating accompanied by crying, unstable stools, diarrhea or constipation are observed. Appetite is reduced, and there is a delay in weight gain. The skin may have diaper rash, persistent erythema, and symptoms of exudative diathesis. There is a tendency to allergic reactions. Such babies' sleep is superficial, with frequent waking up and unreasonable crying.

In the second and third years of a baby’s life, a decrease in the child’s adaptive capabilities appears (increased sensitivity to infections, meteorological influences, tendency to colds). There is poor appetite and insufficient chewing. Such children are very impressionable, fearful, uncommunicative, and pathologically attached to mom or dad.

Children of senior preschool age develop paroxysmal states of various types (night terrors, affective respiratory or hysterical seizures), which manifest themselves against the background of permanent autonomic dysfunction. Children become pale, get tired quickly, suffer from pre-syncope (lipothymia), fainting, frequent headaches, sometimes in the form of a typical migraine. In adolescence and adolescence, delineated syndromes of dysfunction of organs and systems are formed, and vascular dystonia develops.

Teenagers usually complain of hypertensive conditions: fatigue, heart pain, headaches, dizziness, sweating, chilliness, feeling of lack of air, sleep disturbances.

One should also distinguish between such a syndrome as vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypotonic type. It occurs in a child at an early age, but, as a rule, appears only during puberty. It is characterized by an asthenic physique, a lag in adolescent physical and psychomotor development, fatigue, headaches, dizziness when changing position, poor tolerance to transport or heights, vestibulopathy, and discomfort in the heart area. Fainting and migraines are sometimes observed.

Based on what studies is the diagnosis made?

Based on clinical data, ECG, Dopplerography, EEG, we determine dermographism and analyze cardiovascular reflexes. When making a diagnosis, consultations with a psychiatrist, endocrinologist, or psychologist are required in order to exclude other diseases.

How is vegetative-vascular lability treated?

If possible, preference should be given to non-medicinal methods - reflexology, physical therapy, massage, physiotherapy and herbal medicine, spa treatment.

Many doctors recommend breathing exercises for such children, which reduce the manifestations of hyperventilation, based on training diaphragmatic (abdominal) breathing, forming a certain ratio between the duration of inhalation and exhalation (1:2), deepening and thereby exercising breathing.

During exacerbations, patients are prescribed medications with a sedative effect for a short period of time.

Rational psychotherapy plays a significant role - it is necessary not only to inform the mother, but also the sick child that he does not have a life-threatening disease, but also explain the essence of his condition. Everything is curable.

Magazine article

Vegetative lability

What is this?

Autonomic disorders in the human body are a fairly common phenomenon, observed in approximately 80% of adults. The causes of this disease are structural and functional changes in the autonomic nervous system, which results in disruption of the regulatory functions of certain organs and systems, for example, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, etc. In recent years, there has also been a rejuvenation of such symptoms - increasingly, signs of vegetative lability appear in adolescents and children. There are several reasons for this: excessive academic loads at school, where the child has to be almost constantly under tension; poor quality nutrition; poor environmental conditions. By the way, now children move very little, preferring computer games instead of outdoor games.

Signs of vegetative lability

Symptoms of this disorder in children can manifest themselves in different ways, which complicates its diagnosis: dizziness, headaches; increased heart rate; unexplained surges in blood pressure. As a result, we get poor sleep, increased fatigue, increased irritability, sometimes the stomach hurts, the temperature rises, nausea appears, etc. Dizziness can cause fainting, especially if you stand up suddenly or stand in one place for a long time. In the presence of autonomic disorders, the child becomes too anxious, afraid of everything, often cries, which entails many psychological problems.

Don't start the disease

Alas, not all parents pay due attention to the symptoms described above in their child. Increased fatigue and headaches are easily explained by school stress, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract are easily explained by an unbalanced diet or minor food poisoning. A doctor is consulted only when symptoms become severe. However, autonomic disorders can cause complications, so you should consult a doctor as early as possible. Statistics show that against the background of autonomic disorders, pathologies of the cardiovascular system can easily develop: hypertension, coronary artery disease, atherosclerotic changes.

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Neurotonia and its manifestations. Vegetative lability

To name and define similar forms of autonomic disorders. in which we are talking about a general predominance, in various mixtures and proportions, the term and concept of neurotonia (Guillaume - 1919) and hyper- or hypoamphotonia (Danielopoulu - 1923) appeared. Both want to express states characterized by a general predominance of both vegetative components, in combinations in which it is difficult to specify the share of each of them, in which the symptoms and signs of vagotonia and sympathicotonia are intertwined differently from person to another, from territory to another, even from day to day , creating strange symptomatic pictures, sometimes difficult to decipher, even paradoxical. For these conditions, later labels appeared: vegetative dystopia (Sicard), amphodystonia, dysvegetosis, as well as vegetative lability, vegetative ataxia (Birkmayer).

These names refer - all - to the category of patients with various neurovegetative disorders that cannot be included in simple tone deviations (that is, hyper- or hyposympathetic-vagotonia). The various names indicated tend to mean - each - neurovegetative disorders, into which deviations of the sympatheticus and vagus are interwoven, in different features and proportions. They seem, therefore, to be equivalent, synonymous.

However, there is some relative difference in content between them. The shade in their use is also useful in practice, and therefore should be emphasized.

Autonomic lability means a state of instability, sensitivity and increased reactivity of the neurovegetative system, with minimal, banal, general stimuli. A vegetatively labile individual represents living reflectivity, excessive, exceeding the general size of the viscera, organs of vegetative life, in comparison with general physical factors (cold, heat), in the face of noise, polluted atmosphere, fatigue, emotions, food excesses, spoiled foods, etc.

Under the influence of such factors. more or less general, an individual with autonomic lability, quite easily and relatively often presents episodic disorders consisting of headaches, migraines, palpitations, precordial pain, nausea, spasms, abdominal cramps, complains of cold or hot spells, becomes pale or engorged, sweats, his mouth becomes dry or saliva collects, and eventually he has an attack of diarrhea; his pulse quickens or slows down, his blood pressure rises (less often falls).

Vegetatively labile individuals are sensitive to mental trauma, mental stress, and meteorological changes, to which they react very strongly; they are very sensitive when traveling and easily get seasickness, air sickness and train sickness; Nitritodine crises, intolerance reactions, a state of collapse, and fainting are also easily caused in them. They, strictly speaking, are not sick, in the purely classical sense of the word - they are painful; represent on an organism normal in appearance, greater organo-vegetative sensitivity, increased moral and physical sensitivity, increased visceral reflectivity, forcing them to periodically suffer due to aggressive conditions of even low intensity. They are, as Eppinger and then Guyom called them, “invalids of the vegetative system,” and Bergamn “vegetatively branded; they have an unstable, unreliable balance of the autonomic system. Their state of dysreactivity, lability regarding the organ-vegetative system was also called “neuro-getative erethism, visceral erethism” or “vegetative ataxia” (Birkmayer).


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Emotional lability: is it good or bad?

Emotional lability is a concept that implies instability and variability of mental processes in the structures of higher nervous activity of a person. Their appearance can be caused by a number of internal factors - for example, a malfunction in a person’s hormonal background, and external stimuli - high temperature, contact with chemicals, changes in the magnetic field.

Emotional lability syndrome is more typical for people whose psyche reacts too actively to changes in the environment, to stressful situations, or to the appearance of internal diseases.

At the same time, lability in psychology is considered as mobility, and in some cases instability of the human psyche, regardless of its relationship with physiology. The condition itself is usually considered a negative quality. However, experts give it its due as one of the mechanisms of adaptation to a changing external environment. Mood swings can be associated with the characteristics of the innate parameters of the human psyche, for example, choleric personality type, or with psychological trauma suffered by him.

Whereas lability in physiology is considered exclusively from the point of view of the properties of nervous tissue - its ability to conduct an electrical impulse, transform it, or stop it. Such characteristics must be taken into account by specialists when selecting optimal treatment regimens for various nervous and mental diseases.

Intellectual instability

Widespread emotional lability is its intellectual variety. In essence, it is a person’s ability to quickly switch his attention from solving one life problem to another that requires the application of intellectual effort.

The biologically determined process directly depends on the neurophysiological parameters of the cerebral cortex inherent in humans by nature. Therefore, practice and training will not play any role - each of us is a unique individual in this regard.

High lability of the nervous system is the ability to:

However, not every person has the required intelligence characteristics. Therefore, in attempts to adapt to the modern pace of life and its demands, people become irritable, embittered, and acquire many nervous diseases and disorders.

Emotional instability

No less often in the practice of psychotherapists there is such a condition as emotional lability. As a rule, such instability is secondary, accompanying other pathologies and diseases of brain structures. For example, mood lability can be observed in people who have a history of:

  • senile dementia;
  • pronounced cerebral atherosclerosis;
  • suffered brain accidents - for example, strokes;
  • obliterating form of cerebral thromboangiitis;
  • hypertension stage 2–3;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • brain tumors.

Psycho-emotional lability in this case will be only one of many clinical signs of exhaustion of the nervous system. Only a highly professional specialist can assess its severity and establish the true root cause.

A failure in the balance between the processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex will manifest itself in different ways. Most often, emotional lability is expressed as follows:

  • the appearance of sudden, unexpected affective outbursts - for a seemingly insignificant reason,
  • words spoken out of place also quickly disappear;
  • sudden changes, mood swings - from the peak of anger to deep despondency, tearfulness;
  • lack of inclination to physical aggression even at the height of emotional experiences;
  • restlessness and lack of concentration at home and at work;
  • lack of adequate assessment of one's own behavior.

People with such mental instability are prone to quarrelsomeness, lack of social attachment, and excessive impressionability. They can go from one extreme to another.

Autonomic instability

Therefore, blood pressure parameters, sweating, thermoregulation and many other internal processes depend on the full activity of this system. Functional lability will consist precisely in the lack of coherence between the central structures of the brain and the peripheral parts of the autonomic system.

Main manifestations of instability:

  • tendency to faint;
  • persistent dizziness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • frequent and causeless euphoria;
  • excessive sweating;
  • difficulty with bowel movements;
  • dysuric states;
  • erectile dysfunction in men, vaginal dryness in women;
  • visual impairment not due to physical reasons;
  • disturbances in the sensitivity of the pharynx, which can also be observed with pharyngeal neurosis;
  • poor tolerance to temperature fluctuations;
  • various sleep quality disorders;
  • severe tremors in the limbs;
  • tachycardia.

With age, vegetative lability can either decrease or increase - for example, hysterics in women during menopause occur much more often, while after stabilization of hormonal levels, mental lability decreases.

Mental instability

An extremely unstable psychological state is the main clinical sign of a disorder such as mental lability. A similar feature is inherent in people of creative professions - theater and film actors, artists and singers, as well as film directors and writers.

The entire spectrum of possible feelings and emotions is experienced by them with excessive depth - from love to hatred a few moments can pass. However, emotional lability in this case does not last very long - as a rule, a person quickly regains control over his emotions.

If for a choleric personality, affective outbursts can even be called a plus - they help them express themselves and fulfill their work duties, for example, actors. Then, in severe cases, mental emotional lability can be a sign of an organic personality disorder, some psychopathy, and even mania.

Borderline symptoms of instability:

  • excessive impressionability;
  • tendency to shift the difficulties of life onto other people;
  • rapid change of emotions and interests;
  • pronounced emotional as well as physical exhaustion following an affective outburst;
  • ignoring prohibitions from others.

Gradually, negative character traits worsen, a person completely loses control over his mental activity, and can become dangerous to society. Treatment in this case should be carried out by a psychiatrist, not a psychotherapist.

Features of emotional instability in childhood

Often, emotional lability in children is difficult to differentiate from hysterical psychopathy or the need for increased attention from adults. Children with a hysterical psychotype constantly create “scenes” and do not respond well to educational measures.

However, most often increased psychological lability is a consequence of stress experienced by the child. Therefore, it is enough to establish what caused the disorder in the child’s emotional sphere in order to restore his peace of mind. Parents should pay attention to their child’s persistent reluctance to communicate with this or that person or fulfill any requirements. A timely request for help from a child psychologist allows you to take appropriate measures and return emotional well-being to the family.

If specialized treatment is required, it is also advisable to start it from an early age. Then the baby’s chances of developing more or less according to his age increase significantly, and in the future the child will be able to adapt to society without serious consequences.

Treatment tactics

Treatment of emotional lability must necessarily be comprehensive - it requires influence not only at the physiological level, directly on the speed of the processes of excitation and inhibition in neurocytes, but also work with a psychotherapist.

In some cases, it is enough to adhere to general recommendations - get enough sleep, eat right, avoid stressful situations - in order to gain control over your own emotions. In addition, the specialist prescribes mild herbal-based sedatives. Motherwort, valerian, as well as lemon balm, chamomile, and hawthorn have proven themselves to be excellent.

If lability is due to the course of a particular mental illness, then the treatment tactics will be different, aimed at correcting the underlying disorder. Medicines are selected from psychotropic subgroups of the anticonvulsant series, nootropics and drugs that improve cerebral circulation and relieve increased anxiety in the individual. Physiotherapy, massage, hydrotherapy come to the rescue. Courses of psychotherapy and occupational therapy are required.

The key to success in the fight against emotional instability is timely seeking medical help. At the early stage of the appearance of fluctuations in the emotional sphere, they can be dealt with if you follow all the doctor’s instructions.

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Autonomic lability in children

In case of vegetative disorders in children, it is important to take all measures in a timely manner so that the situation is not complicated by other diseases.

What is it?

Autonomic disorders in the body are a fairly common problem, which occurs to one degree or another in more than 80% of the adult population. The causes of this disease lie in structural and functional changes in the autonomic nervous system. As a result, the autonomic regulation of some organs and systems is disrupted, in particular, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, respiratory, genitourinary and others. Unfortunately, every year the symptom complex becomes younger, and more and more often signs of autonomic disorders are observed in children. There are several reasons that led to this state of affairs. This includes excessive workload at school, where the child is under constant stress, poor nutrition and unsatisfactory environmental conditions. In addition, modern children move very little. They prefer computer games to playing outside and doing physical activity.

Characteristic signs

Symptoms of autonomic disorders in children can be different, which complicates diagnosis. For example, this may be palpitations, headaches and dizziness, surges in blood pressure, and as a result - increased fatigue, sleep disturbance, irritability, and in some cases, abdominal pain, nausea, fever and other symptoms. Sometimes dizziness leads to fainting, especially when standing up suddenly, or in case of prolonged standing. In the presence of autonomic disorders, the child is prone to anxiety, tearfulness and fear, which leads to a number of psychological problems.

It is important not to start the disease

Unfortunately, parents do not always respond properly to the symptoms described above. We often blame fatigue and headaches on school, and we almost always blame problems with the gastrointestinal tract on an unbalanced diet or suspect food poisoning. As a rule, we consult a doctor only when the symptoms become more pronounced. But autonomic disorders can lead to complications, so you need to seek medical help as early as possible. It is noted that against the background of autonomic dysfunctions, the risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies, in particular hypertension, coronary heart disease and atherosclerotic changes, increases.

Take action

If your child has autonomic lability, certain lifestyle changes are recommended: normalization of sleep, moderate physical activity, balanced nutrition and, of course, taking special medications that correct the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

When searching for a cure for cardiovascular disorders, researchers realized that such drugs are usually taken in long courses, which is dangerous due to toxic complications on the body. In order to solve this problem, it was decided to create a drug on a natural basis. Scientists knew that one of the most effective remedies for cardiovascular diseases is the fruit of hawthorn. However, in case of vegetative disorders, the effect of hawthorn is insufficient, so it was decided to create a combination drug that consists of extracts of hawthorn and motherwort. This is how the combined drug CRATAL was created, which contains the amino acid taurine and thick extracts of hawthorn and motherwort fruits.

Especially for use in pediatric practice, the Borshchagovsky Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant has developed a children's dosage of the drug Kratal. The combined drug “Kralal for Children” gently calms the nervous system, significantly improves the emotional state, and also increases the child’s performance. Such a wide spectrum of action is due to the properties of the constituent components: the amino acid taurine, extracts of hawthorn and motherwort fruits. The amino acid taurine improves cerebral circulation and cognitive functions of the central nervous system, and also acts as an antiaggregate component.

The combined drug “Kralal for children” can be used by children from 6 years of age in complex therapy of vegetative-vascular and neurocirculatory forms of autonomic disorders. For children of different ages, the drug is taken in the following dosage:

  • children aged 6-11 years take 1 tablet 3 times a day;
  • children under age - 2 tablets 3 times a day.

The drug is taken orally before meals with a sufficient amount of water. The duration of treatment is 1 month. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated. The frequency of repeated courses of treatment is prescribed by the doctor on an individual basis.

The drug has antiarrhythmic, antianginal, mild cardiotonic and sedative effects. In addition, the drug “Kralal for children” improves blood supply to the heart muscle, normalizes pulse and blood pressure.

If there is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, allergic reactions (itching, hyperemia, swelling of the skin, urticaria, rash), arterial hypotension, bradycardia, drowsiness and dizziness are possible.

Before use, be sure to read the instructions and consult your doctor.

Keep the drug out of the reach of children.

Self-medication can be dangerous to your health.

Instructions for medications

Autonomic lability occurs when there are disturbances in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. Its work is automatic and is almost not controlled by consciousness. It controls functions such as breathing, digestion, and heartbeat.

Are you having any problem? Enter “Symptom” or “Name of the disease” into the form, press Enter and you will find out all the treatment for this problem or disease.

The site provides reference information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible under the supervision of a conscientious doctor. Any drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required, as well as detailed study of the instructions! .

It controls many defensive reactions, for example, constriction of the pupils to light, the desire to remove a limb when exposed to pain, and many others.

Stable operation of the autonomic system ensures the coordinated functioning of internal organs, adapting them to unfavorable environmental conditions.

Thanks to it, you can adequately respond to stress, relax psychologically, physically, and get a good night's sleep.

If the system fails, vegetative lability occurs; it no longer protects, but has a negative effect.

What is vegetative lability

The disease has diverse manifestations.

If there are disturbances in the functioning of the autonomic system, then it is no longer able to provide an adequate response to stress.

More often, her reaction to an external stimulus may be too violent.

For example, with a minor conflict, a person may experience palpitations, a sharp rise in blood pressure, and an attack of suffocation. These reactions in the form of dysfunction can be observed in the gastrointestinal, genitourinary, and respiratory systems.

A person loses his appetite, suffers from incomprehensible pain in the stomach or heart, sleeps poorly, and becomes irritable.

Problems arise in the family and at work, which further provokes the disease; a “vicious circle” arises from which the patient can no longer escape on his own.

When visiting a doctor, no pathology in the organs is detected; such patients are often considered hypochondriacs or malingerers.

Reasons for the development of the disease

The disease can appear suddenly or develop gradually, but the person simply does not pay attention to the “alarm bells”.

It is provoked by stress factors and adverse effects of the external environment.

They weaken the body, leading it to physical and mental exhaustion.

The development of the disease can be provoked by infectious diseases, various intoxications, operations, injuries, especially craniocerebral injuries, changes in time zones, and climate. In women, this often occurs during pregnancy or menopause.

The roots of the disease can also be hidden in early childhood and be associated with psychological trauma.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of the disease are varied and depend on the individual neuropsychic and physiological characteristics of the person.

Disturbances can manifest themselves in the form of physiological and neuropsychological disorders.

Physiological manifestations may include rapid heartbeat, dizziness, headaches, even fainting.

Disorders of the genitourinary, cardiovascular, and digestive systems are typical. Various numbness, muscle and joint pain, severe sweating or, conversely, dry skin are possible.

With neuropsychological disorders, asthenic syndrome often occurs, when a person complains of causeless weakness, fatigue, irritability, impaired attention, and sudden mood swings occur.

Other manifestations of such disorders include sleep disturbances and speech disturbances. Neurotic phobias and unreasonable fears often accompany the manifestation of this disease.


Clinical and laboratory diagnostics

This disease can be diagnosed only after an examination to exclude organic pathology in physiological manifestations and mental illness in neuropsychological disorders.

Once the examination is completed, autonomic disorders are considered.

Often their manifestation is noticeable even when interviewing the patient, a superficial examination - this is dilation or constriction of the pupils, dry skin or excessive sweating, possible pallor or, conversely, sharp hyperemia of the skin.

The tone of the autonomic system is judged by reflexes. Somato-vegetative, skin and sweat reflexes are often examined.

To study the function of the nervous system, biochemical tests of blood and urine along with a number of instrumental studies began to be used. This allows you to assess the degree of disturbance and the severity of autonomic dysfunction.

Treatment tactics

When choosing treatment tactics, the emphasis is on non-drug methods aimed at normalizing the functioning of the nervous system.
For this purpose, they recommend a gentle regime of work with proper rest, sleep, and it is necessary to pay attention to proper nutrition.

Avoiding stress, frequent walks, and moderate physical activity play a big role in recovery. It is recommended to drink herbal infusions - mint, lemon balm or valerian - instead of tea and water.

In addition to a regular doctor, such patients are advised to receive help from a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Regular sessions will help identify the cause of the disease and change your attitude towards it. A psychologist will help you develop skills to deal with stress and teach relaxation techniques to reduce or relieve vegetative symptoms that develop due to internal tension.

Drugs for the treatment of disorders

Drug treatment of autonomic lability is aimed at normalizing the function of organs and systems and relieving tension in the autonomic nervous system. They use medications to normalize sleep, safe sedatives, painkillers, and vitamin therapy.

For severe disorders, anti-anxiety medications will be prescribed for a short time:

The basis of the disease is a disruption of the autonomic system.

Ignoring symptoms leads to serious psycho-physical complications.

In advanced forms, it is possible to develop pathologies of systems and organs - ischemia, hypertension, various types of gastritis, peptic ulcer. Various anxiety states lead to mental disorders.

Nutrition for autonomic dysfunction

The health of nerve cells depends on the usefulness of food.

For their normal operation, it is necessary to consume products with a high concentration of chemical elements:

  1. Phosphorus activates the functioning of nerve endings. It is found in legumes, liver, cereals, and dairy products.
  2. Iron is responsible for brain function. Its sources are seafood, liver, beef, buckwheat, spinach, cabbage.
  3. Calcium ensures the speed of transmission of nerve impulses to internal organs and systems. Calcium is found in dairy products, vegetables, and almonds.
  4. Magnesium is responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses. It enters the body through consumption of all types of cereals, nuts, egg yolk, and bran.
  5. Potassium normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It is advisable to include vegetables, fruits, legumes, and millet in the daily menu.
  6. Promotes normal functioning of the thyroid gland, improves memory iodine. It is found in seaweed and seafood.
  7. The daily menu should include foods rich in vitamins A, B, C, E. The main sources of vitamins are: legumes, nuts, vegetables, fruits, fish oil, citrus fruits, red peppers, rose hips, strawberries, black currants, spinach, sprouted sprouts wheat, porridge, black bread.
  8. All types of cereals and cereals play an important role in health. They are the main source of fiber, which can remove accumulated toxins from the body.
  9. To form liquid cholesterol, you need to consume foods that contain lecithin: eggs, sunflower seeds, citrus fruits, sprouted wheat. Cholesterol in this form is necessary for nerve cells.
  10. Brain activity depends on blood glucose levels. To normalize it, it is advisable to eat potatoes, grapes, salads, fruits, raspberries, raisins, and honey.

Traditional methods

Traditional medicine is actively used for the treatment and prevention of vegetative lability.

Tea made from herbal tea has restorative properties. Contains 30 g of St. John's wort, 20 g of peppermint, 15 g of lemon balm. The ingredients must be combined. To brew, pour 2 tablespoons of the raw material into a glass of boiling water. You need to insist for half an hour. In the morning and evening you need to eat 1 glass of the drink.

A tincture containing lemon, eggshells, and vodka has a beneficial effect on nervous activity. 10 lemons, the shells of 5 eggs must be finely chopped, pour in 500 ml of vodka. It takes about 2 days to apply the product. You need to drink the medicine three times a day, 2 tablespoons.

A preparation made from thyme, motherwort, and oregano will help normalize the psychological state. 2 tablespoons of the herbal mixture should be poured into 500 ml of boiling water and left for more than 3 hours. You need to take the tincture three times a day, one spoon.

Herbal baths have a calming, strengthening and restorative effect.

The following types of medicinal plants are used for their preparation:

  • Motherwort;
  • Cones, pine needles;
  • Valerian;
  • Lavender;
  • Black currant.

Before taking healing water procedures, you must take a shower and cleanse your skin. After bathing, do not rinse your body with plain water.

Baths with sea salt will help relieve tension. The components contained in salt help activate metabolic processes, restore the balance of microelements and vitamins, and strengthen the vegetative system.

Consequences and complications

Impaired functioning of the autonomic nervous system leads to the development of various diseases.

  1. Cardiovascular system. Tachycardia, unstable blood pressure, heart failure, poor blood circulation. Unreasonable pressure and pain in the heart area.
  2. There is a high probability of blood clots with decreased blood clotting.
  3. Respiratory organs. Shortness of breath appears, breathing quickens, and there is a feeling of lack of air when inhaling. There is a lack of oxygen in the blood, which leads to dizziness, muscle spasms, and high sensitivity of the limbs.
  4. Digestive system. Abdominal pain, cramps, and flatulence occur. Gastrointestinal disorder is accompanied by lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and pain when swallowing food. An ulcer or gastritis may develop.
  5. Inflammation of the pancreas, which secretes enzymes for the digestive process.
  6. The process of sweating is disrupted and increases, especially on the feet and palms.
  7. Unreasonable painful and difficult urination.
  8. Sexual dysfunction. Sexual desire decreases, which is accompanied by malfunction of the genital organs.
  9. Thermoregulation is impaired. The body temperature rises, which is accompanied by chills.
  10. Mental disorders. There is a feeling of lethargy, depression, inability to control emotions and think rationally. Depression, apathy, neuroses, chronic fatigue, insomnia, and irritability may occur.
  11. A weakened immune system leads to active exposure to pathogenic microorganisms that contribute to the development of infectious diseases.
  12. Skin diseases occur.

You can prevent disruptions in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system by following simple recommendations.

  1. Lifestyle. Changes should be made to the daily work schedule. Spend more time in the fresh air, alternate rest with work, it is advisable to avoid stress, give up bad habits.

It is advisable to distance yourself from the influence of negative emotions and tune in to the positive. Communicate more with people, attend cultural events.

  1. Proper nutrition. It is recommended to follow a diet. Eat more easily digestible, healthy foods: vegetables, fruits, dietary meat, dairy products, seafood, lettuce, spinach, nuts, grains, vegetable oils.

It is advisable to avoid eating baked goods, sweets, fatty and fried foods, soda, chewing gum, and strong tea or coffee. You can drink green tea and pure still water.

/ 5 ( 21 voice )

Article last updated 07/18/2018

Emotional lability is a concept that implies instability and variability of mental processes in the structures of higher nervous activity of a person. Their appearance can be caused by a number of internal factors - for example, a malfunction in a person’s hormonal background, and external stimuli - high temperature, contact with chemicals, changes in the magnetic field.

Emotional lability syndrome is more typical for people whose psyche reacts too actively to changes in the environment, to stressful situations, or to the appearance of internal diseases.

At the same time, emotional lability in psychology is considered as mobility, and in some cases instability of the human psyche, regardless of its relationship with physiology. The condition itself is usually considered a negative quality. However, experts give it its due as one of the mechanisms of adaptation to a changing external environment. Mood swings can be associated with the characteristics of the innate parameters of the human psyche, for example, choleric personality type, or with those suffered by him.

Whereas lability in physiology is considered exclusively from the point of view of the properties of nervous tissue - its ability to conduct an electrical impulse, transform it, or stop it. Such characteristics must be taken into account by specialists when selecting optimal treatment regimens for various nervous and mental diseases.

Intellectual instability

Widespread emotional lability is its intellectual variety. In essence, it is a person’s ability to quickly switch his attention from solving one life problem to another that requires the application of intellectual effort.

The biologically determined process directly depends on the neurophysiological parameters of the cerebral cortex inherent in humans by nature. Therefore, practice and training will not play any role - each of us is a unique individual in this regard.

Intellectual lability lies in the individual speed of excitation, as well as inhibition of impulses in neurocytes, the degree of balance of the listed processes. Moreover, the higher this parameter, the faster a person reacts to information received from outside, and his brain corrects psychomotor reactions. It is for this reason that some people are more successful in life - their lability is much higher, while others are slower to adapt and have a rigid nervous system.

High lability of the nervous system is the ability to:

  • think productively and outside the box in each specific situation;
  • find the optimal solution to the problem in a concise manner;
  • respond adequately to changing situations;
  • quickly acquire new skills and abilities.

However, not every person has the required intelligence characteristics. Therefore, in attempts to adapt to the modern pace of life and its demands, people become embittered and acquire many nervous diseases and disorders.

Emotional instability

No less often in the practice of psychotherapists there is such a condition as emotional lability. As a rule, such instability is secondary, accompanying other pathologies and diseases of brain structures. For example, mood lability can be observed in people who have a history of:

  • pronounced cerebral atherosclerosis;
  • suffered brain accidents - for example, strokes;
  • obliterating form of cerebral thromboangiitis;
  • hypertension stage 2–3;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • brain tumors.

Psycho-emotional lability in this case will be only one of many clinical symptoms. Only a highly professional specialist can assess its severity and establish the true root cause.

A failure in the balance between the processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex will manifest itself in different ways. Most often, emotional lability is expressed as follows:

  • the appearance of sudden, unexpected affective outbursts - for a seemingly insignificant reason,
  • words spoken out of place also quickly disappear;
  • a sharp change - from the peak of anger to deep despondency, tearfulness;
  • lack of inclination to physical aggression even at the height of emotional experiences;
  • restlessness and lack of concentration at home and at work;
  • lack of adequate assessment of one's own behavior.

People with such mental instability are prone to quarrelsomeness, lack of social attachment, and excessive impressionability. They can go from one extreme to another.

Autonomic instability

An important part of the human nervous system, of course, is the autonomic, or as it is also called, the autonomous structure. The heart, stomach, blood and lymphatic vessels, as well as almost all endocrine glands are under its influence.

Therefore, blood pressure parameters, sweating, thermoregulation and many other internal processes depend on the full activity of this system. Functional lability will consist precisely in the lack of coherence between the central structures of the brain and the peripheral parts of the autonomic system.

Main manifestations of instability:

  • tendency to faint;
  • persistent dizziness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • frequent and causeless;
  • excessive sweating;
  • difficulty with bowel movements;
  • dysuric states;
  • erectile dysfunction in men, vaginal dryness in women;
  • visual impairment not due to physical reasons;
  • disturbances in the sensitivity of the pharynx, which can also be observed with;
  • poor tolerance to temperature fluctuations;
  • various sleep quality disorders;
  • severe tremors in the limbs;
  • tachycardia.

With age, vegetative lability can either decrease or increase - for example, hysterics in women during menopause occur much more often, while after stabilization of hormonal levels, mental lability decreases.

Mental instability

An extremely unstable psychological state is the main clinical sign of a disorder such as mental lability. A similar feature is inherent in people of creative professions - theater and film actors, artists and singers, as well as film directors and writers.

The entire spectrum of possible feelings and emotions is experienced by them with excessive depth - from love to hatred a few moments can pass. However, emotional lability in this case does not last very long - as a rule, a person quickly regains control over his emotions.

If for a choleric personality, affective outbursts can even be called a plus - they help them express themselves and fulfill their work duties, for example, actors. Then, in severe cases, mental emotional lability can be a sign of an organic personality disorder, some psychopathy, and even mania.

Borderline symptoms of instability:

  • excessive impressionability;
  • tendency to shift the difficulties of life onto other people;
  • rapid change of emotions and interests;
  • pronounced emotional as well as physical exhaustion following an affective outburst;
  • ignoring prohibitions from others.

Gradually, negative character traits worsen, a person completely loses control over his mental activity, and can become dangerous to society. Treatment in this case should be carried out by a psychiatrist, not a psychotherapist.

Features of emotional instability in childhood

Often, emotional lability in children is difficult to differentiate from or the need for increased attention from adults. Children with a hysterical psychotype constantly create “scenes” and do not respond well to educational measures.

However, most often increased psychological lability is a consequence of stress experienced by the child. Therefore, it is enough to establish what caused the disorder in the child’s emotional sphere in order to restore his peace of mind. Parents should pay attention to their child’s persistent reluctance to communicate with this or that person or fulfill any requirements. A timely request for help from a child psychologist allows you to take appropriate measures and return emotional well-being to the family.

If specialized treatment is required, it is also advisable to start it from an early age. Then the baby’s chances of developing more or less according to his age increase significantly, and in the future the child will be able to adapt to society without serious consequences.

Treatment tactics

Treatment of emotional lability must necessarily be comprehensive - it requires influence not only at the physiological level, directly on the speed of the processes of excitation and inhibition in neurocytes, but also work with a psychotherapist.

In some cases, it is enough to adhere to general recommendations - get enough sleep, eat right, avoid stressful situations - in order to gain control over your own emotions. In addition, the specialist prescribes mild herbal-based sedatives. Motherwort, valerian, as well as lemon balm, chamomile, and hawthorn have proven themselves to be excellent.

If lability is due to the course of a particular mental illness, then the treatment tactics will be different, aimed at correcting the underlying disorder. Medicines are selected from psychotropic subgroups of the anticonvulsant series, nootropics and drugs that improve cerebral circulation and relieve increased anxiety in the individual. Physiotherapy, massage, hydrotherapy come to the rescue. Courses of psychotherapy and occupational therapy are required.

The key to success in the fight against emotional instability is timely seeking medical help. At the early stage of the appearance of fluctuations in the emotional sphere, they can be dealt with if you follow all the doctor’s instructions.

Emotional lability is a pathology of the nervous system, which is characterized by unstable mood and its changes. The main feature of the pathology is that it occurs under the influence of events that do not imply a strong reaction. Of course, the problem of normalcy in psychiatry still persists, so before making a diagnosis of “emotional lability,” you need to take into account the structure of a person’s temperament and his age. Thus, such a feature of the nervous system in adolescents does not in all cases relate to pathology: hormonal surges and the problem of socialization, as well as the general development of personality, can occur with nervous and emotional instability. Here it is necessary to take into account the radicality of manifestations relative to the norm, but the norm, again, does not have clear boundaries.

General characteristics and symptoms

The lability of the nervous system is considered one of its properties in differential psychology. This means the rate of emergence and cessation of nervous processes, and in general lability is called functional mobility.

Emotional lability can reach a high degree in its manifestation, up to affective explosiveness.

Features of other types may be superimposed on it:

  • Hysterical.
  • Unstable.
  • Sensitive.

Labile-affective psychopathy can be combined with manifestations of the above types.

It is characterized by the following features and conditions:

  1. The occurrence of affective outbursts for a minor reason: they arise quickly and pass quickly;
  2. Changing an angry state to tears;
  3. Lack of gross aggression;
  4. Accompanied by affect are: crying, swearing, throwing things, moaning.
  5. Frequent changes in mood lead to restlessness and lack of composure, as well as rapid changes in interests (therefore, there are often conflicts and problems in the family, at work, and in school).
  6. Lack of adequate assessment of one's behavior.

Emotional lability in asthenic syndrome

Without identifying and curing the cause of the disease, it is impossible to stabilize excited emotionality, therefore the main therapy is aimed precisely at the “primary source”.

To alleviate emotional lability, you should take soothing teas and antidepressants (for example, valerian root tea).

It controls functions such as breathing, digestion, and heartbeat.

It controls many defensive reactions, for example, constriction of the pupils to light, the desire to remove a limb when exposed to pain, and many others.

Stable operation of the autonomic nervous system ensures the coordinated functioning of internal organs and systems, adapting them to unfavorable environmental conditions.

If the system fails, vegetative lability occurs, and it no longer protects, but has a negative effect on the human body.

What is vegetative lability

The disease has diverse manifestations.

If disturbances have occurred in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, then it is no longer able to give an adequate response to a stressful situation.

Most often, the system’s reaction to an external stimulus can be too violent.

For example, with a minor conflict, a person may experience palpitations, a sharp rise in blood pressure, and an attack of suffocation. Similar reactions in the form of dysfunction can be observed in the gastrointestinal, genitourinary, respiratory and other systems and organs.

A person loses his appetite, suffers from incomprehensible pain in the stomach or heart, sleeps poorly and becomes irritable.

As a rule, when visiting a doctor, pathologies in systems and organs are not detected; such patients are often considered hypochondriacs and malingerers.

Reasons for the development of the disease

The disease can appear suddenly or develop gradually, but a person simply does not pay attention to the “alarm bells” in his body.

It is provoked by stress factors and adverse effects of the external environment.

They weaken the body and lead it to physical and mental exhaustion.

The development of the disease can be triggered by infectious diseases, various intoxications, operations and injuries, especially craniocerebral injuries, as well as changes in time zones and climate. In women, this often occurs during pregnancy or menopause.

The roots of the disease can also be hidden in early childhood and be associated with psychological trauma.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of autonomic lability are quite diverse and depend on the individual neuropsychic and physiological characteristics of a person.

Disturbances can manifest themselves in the form of physiological and neuropsychological disorders.

Physiological manifestations may include rapid heartbeat, dizziness, headaches and even fainting.

Disorders of the genitourinary, cardiovascular and digestive systems are typical. Various types of numbness, muscle and joint pain, severe sweating or, conversely, dry skin are possible.

With neuropsychological disorders, asthenic syndrome often occurs, when a person complains of causeless weakness and fatigue, irritability and impaired attention, and sudden mood swings occur.

Other manifestations of such disorders may be sleep disturbances and speech disorders. Neurotic phobias and unreasonable fears also often accompany the manifestation of this disease.

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Clinical and laboratory diagnostics

This disease can be diagnosed only after an examination to exclude organic pathology in physiological manifestations and mental illness in neuropsychological disorders.

After the examination is completed, autonomic disorders are considered.

Often their manifestation is noticeable even when interviewing the patient and a superficial examination - this is dilation or constriction of the pupils, dry skin or excessive sweating, possible pallor or, conversely, sharp hyperemia of the skin.

The tone of the autonomic system is judged by reflexes. Somato-vegetative, skin and sweat reflexes are usually examined.

Treatment tactics

When choosing treatment tactics, the emphasis is on non-drug methods aimed at normalizing the functioning of the nervous system.

Avoiding stress, frequent walks and moderate exercise also play a big role in recovery. It is advised to drink, instead of tea and water, infusions of herbs such as mint, lemon balm or valerian.

In addition to a regular doctor, such patients need the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Regular sessions will help identify the cause of the disease and change your attitude towards it. A psychologist will help you develop skills to deal with stress and teach relaxation techniques to reduce or relieve vegetative symptoms that develop due to internal tension.

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Drugs for the treatment of disorders

Drug treatment of autonomic lability is aimed at normalizing the function of organs and systems and relieving tension in the autonomic nervous system. They use medications to normalize sleep, safe sedatives, painkillers, and also use vitamin therapy.

For severe disorders, anti-anxiety medications may be prescribed for a short time:

  • Phenazepam, due to its relaxing effect on the central nervous system, is effective for insomnia and seizures. Its use has a positive effect on any disorders of the autonomic nervous system, helps cope with irritability, and reduce the severity of neurasthenia.
  • Tenoten, this homeopathic drug has several effects on the body. It calms and helps normalize the psycho-emotional background, stimulates memory and concentration, and does not cause drowsiness. It is used for chronic prolonged stress and nervous system disorders.
  • Phenibut has a positive effect on memory, stimulates brain activity, and improves brain nutrition. It is used for decreased performance, memory loss, and sleep disorders. It also has a positive effect in the treatment of anxiety and neurotic conditions.
  • Afobazole, its use is not addictive. It helps overcome fear, insomnia, timidity and irritability. It is prescribed to treat various anxiety conditions.
  • Corvalol is not only a favorite medicine for heart patients with tachycardia and heart pain, it can help with neuroses and insomnia. It is very good to use for the treatment of hypochondriacal syndrome and autonomic lability.
  • Glycine. These small tablets with a pleasant taste should be placed under the tongue in case of stress or severe mental tension, and sucked well before bed for insomnia and neuroses. The drug normalizes vegetative-vascular disorders and helps reduce psycho-emotional stress.
  • Adaptol, this tranquilizer does not cause drowsiness, helps relieve anxiety and irritability. Its use gives a good effect in the treatment of various autonomic disorders that occur against the background of hormonal changes.
  • Atarax is not an antidepressant, but due to its sedative effect it is very helpful in reducing anxiety.
  • The basis of the disease is a disruption of the autonomic system.

    Nutrition for vegetative lability

    The health of nerve cells depends on the usefulness of food.

    For their normal operation, it is necessary to consume products with a high concentration of certain chemical elements:

    1. Phosphorus activates the functioning of nerve endings. It is found in legumes, liver, cereals, and dairy products.
    2. Iron is responsible for brain function. Its sources are seafood, liver, beef, buckwheat, spinach, cabbage.
    3. Calcium ensures the speed of transmission of nerve impulses to internal organs and systems. Calcium is found in dairy products, vegetables, and almonds.
    4. Magnesium is responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses. It enters the body through consumption of all types of cereals, nuts, egg yolk, and bran.
    5. Potassium normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It is advisable to include vegetables, fruits, legumes, and millet in the daily menu.
    6. Promotes normal functioning of the thyroid gland, improves memory iodine. It is found in seaweed and seafood.
    7. The daily menu should include foods that contain vitamins A, B, C, E. The main sources of vitamins are: legumes, nuts, vegetables, fruits, fish oil, citrus fruits, red peppers, rose hips, strawberries, black currants, spinach, sprouted wheat sprouts, porridge, black bread.
    8. All types of cereals and cereals play an important role in the health of the nervous system. They are the main source of fiber, which is able to remove accumulated toxins from the body.
    9. To form liquid cholesterol, you need to consume foods that contain lecithin: eggs, sunflower seeds, citrus fruits, sprouted wheat. Cholesterol in this form is necessary for nerve cells.
    10. Brain activity depends on blood glucose levels. To normalize it, it is advisable to eat potatoes, grapes, salads, fruits, raspberries, raisins, and honey.

    Traditional methods for the treatment of vegetative lability

    Traditional medicine is actively used for the treatment and prevention of vegetative lability.

    Tea made from herbal tea has restorative properties. It contains 30 g of St. John's wort, 20 g of peppermint, 15 g of lemon balm. The ingredients must be combined. To brew, pour 2 tablespoons of the raw material into a glass of boiling water. You need to insist for half an hour. It is recommended to drink 1 glass in the morning and evening.

    A tincture containing lemon, eggshells and vodka has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. 10 lemons and the shells of 5 eggs must be finely chopped and poured with 500 ml of vodka. It takes about 2 days to apply the product. You need to drink the medicine three times a day, 2 tablespoons.

    A preparation made from thyme, motherwort and oregano will help normalize the psychological state. Two spoons of the herbal mixture should be poured into 500 ml of boiling water and left for more than 3 hours. You need to take the tincture three times a day, one spoon.

    Herbal baths have a calming, strengthening and restorative effect.

    The following types of medicinal plants are used for their preparation:

    Before taking healing water procedures, you must take a shower and cleanse your skin. After bathing, do not rinse your body with plain water.

    Baths with sea salt will help relieve tension. The components contained in salt help activate metabolic processes, restore the balance of microelements and vitamins, and strengthen the autonomic nervous system.

    Consequences and complications

    Impaired functioning of the autonomic nervous system leads to the development of various diseases.

    1. Cardiovascular system. Tachycardia, unstable blood pressure, heart failure, poor blood circulation. Unreasonable pressure and pain in the heart area.
    2. There is a high probability of blood clots with decreased blood clotting.
    3. Respiratory organs. Shortness of breath appears, breathing quickens, and there is a feeling of lack of air when inhaling. There is a lack of oxygen in the blood, which leads to dizziness, muscle spasms, and high sensitivity of the limbs.
    4. Digestive system. Abdominal pain, cramps, and flatulence occur. Gastrointestinal disorder is accompanied by lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and pain when swallowing food. An ulcer or gastritis may develop.
    5. Inflammation of the pancreas, which secretes enzymes for the digestive process.
    6. The process of sweating is disrupted and increases, especially on the feet and palms.
    7. Unreasonable painful and difficult urination.
    8. Sexual dysfunction. Sexual desire decreases, which is accompanied by malfunction of the genital organs.
    9. Thermoregulation is impaired. The body temperature rises, which is accompanied by chills.
    10. Mental disorders. There is a feeling of lethargy, depression, inability to control emotions and think rationally. Depression, apathy, neuroses, chronic fatigue, insomnia, and irritability are also possible.
    11. A weakened immune system leads to active exposure to pathogenic microorganisms that contribute to the development of infectious diseases.
    12. Skin diseases occur.

    You can prevent disruptions in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system by following simple recommendations.

    1. Lifestyle. Changes should be made to the daily work schedule. Spend more time in the fresh air, alternate rest with work, it is advisable to avoid stressful situations, give up bad habits.

    It is advisable to distance yourself from the influence of negative emotions and tune in to the positive. Communicate more with people, attend cultural events.

    1. Proper nutrition. It is recommended to follow a diet. Eat more easily digestible and healthy foods: vegetables, fruits, dietary meat, dairy products, seafood, lettuce, spinach, nuts, grains, vegetable oils.

    It is advisable to avoid eating baked goods, sweets, fatty and fried foods, soda, chewing gum, and strong tea or coffee. You can drink green tea and pure still water.

    1. Physical activity. Sports activities help saturate the body with air, strengthen the cardiovascular system, and increase immunity. Any sport is suitable for this: swimming, aerobics, running, cycling, race walking, dancing.
    2. Massage, acupuncture, swimming, yoga, contrast shower, relaxing bath, aromatherapy, bath are effective.
    3. Healthy sleep. During a night's rest, all the body's functional abilities, vitality and energy are restored.

    Signs and predisposing factors of emotional lability

    Emotional lability in psychology is a pathology of the nervous system, characterized by instability of mood, its sudden changes for no apparent reason. This condition can occur in both adults and children of different ages. A person characterized by this feature reacts equally sharply to negative and positive stimuli. Emotional lability syndrome very often accompanies vascular pathologies and organic diseases of the brain, and also occurs in asthenic conditions.

    A person’s mental reaction in response to any stimulus is stimulated by the cerebral cortex. When the nervous system is weakened, emotional lability arises, provoking a lightning-fast reaction to even the most insignificant stimulus. A person with this pathology is able to cry bitterly with happiness or laugh hysterically with resentment. In psychology, there is also the opposite concept - rigidity, characterized by emotional scarcity. It is worth noting that, according to experts, the absence of positive and negative emotions affects mental health much worse than their excessive manifestation.

    Predisposing factors

    A nervous disorder such as emotional lability can have quite a variety of causes. Most often, the development of the pathological condition is facilitated by:

    • prolonged emotional stress;
    • frequent stressful situations;
    • lack of attention from others or, conversely, constant being in the spotlight;
    • psychological trauma experienced in childhood or as an adult;
    • somatic diseases, in particular endocrine pathologies and hormonal imbalances that occur, for example, in pregnant women or during menopause;
    • vitamin deficiency.

    In some cases, increased emotionality acts as a symptom. Thus, it can accompany tumor diseases of the brain, cerebral atherosclerosis, hypertension, organic brain pathologies, asthenia, traumatic brain injury, etc.


    Symptoms of emotional weakness usually include impulsiveness, lack of self-control, and taking rash actions without considering possible negative consequences. Manifestations of pathology depend on the makeup and characteristics of a particular individual. Psychology distinguishes between two types of emotional lability: impulsive and borderline. In the first case, signs of the disease manifest themselves in dysphoria, that is, in a melancholy and even angry mood, constant dissatisfaction, quarrelsomeness, and sudden outbursts of anger. People with this disorder, in a fit of rage, can commit violent acts towards others. It is worth noting that in the absence of progression, the disease tends to smooth out over the years. In women, this usually occurs due to hormonal changes in the body after childbirth.

    The borderline type of emotional lability is characterized by excessive impressionability, developed imagination, and enthusiasm. People with this disease are usually very easily suggestible, often change interests, and are restless. Individuals with this disorder are usually said to go from one extreme to another.

    Manifestations in childhood

    In modern society, the generally accepted point of view is that the capriciousness of children is always the result of errors in upbringing. However, this statement can only be considered partially true. The fact is that there is a clear connection between the development of pathologies of the nervous system in a child and the lack of attention from adults and peers. High excitability in children can gradually lead to nervous exhaustion, which further aggravates the symptoms of emotional weakness.

    A child with such a disorder constantly demands attention, and in the absence of it, throws tantrums and makes scenes. At the same time, the condition of such children can be aggravated by both overly strict upbringing with constant prohibitions and punishments, and indulgence in whims. Emotional lability in childhood may be a sign of the development of neurosis.

    In adolescent children, weakness of the nervous system does not always indicate illness. Here, circumstances typical for teenagers come to the fore: hormonal changes in the body, difficulties with socialization. Here it is important to determine whether the existing manifestations of emotional lability fit into the criteria of the norm; however, these criteria have rather blurred boundaries.


    Emotional lability can be corrected, but it is worth considering that the therapeutic course is always selected depending on the root cause of the pathological condition. To find out the cause, the patient must undergo a comprehensive examination, after which the doctor will select adequate therapy. First of all, treatment is prescribed for the underlying disease that caused emotional lability. As a rule, patients are prescribed a course of restorative therapy, and, if necessary, antidepressants or other drugs that stabilize mental activity. Correction can also be carried out with the help of psychotherapy, it is especially important if the pathology is based on a certain mental disorder.

    The treatment of children requires a special approach, since standard regimens are not applicable for young patients. If the need for drug therapy arises, children are usually prescribed safe herbal-based sedatives. As the child grows up, constant work should be carried out with him, aimed at teaching him to effectively cope with attacks of lability and, most importantly, not to be afraid of his condition. Otherwise, emotional lability can lead to panic attacks.

    Autonomic lability as a form of autonomic disorders

    The term “lability” means instability, mobility, variability of various phenomena and processes in the body (pulse, body temperature, physiological state, psyche).

    Autonomic lability is the unstable functioning of the autonomic (autonomic) nervous system.

    Increased sensitivity and reactivity of the autonomic nervous system manifests itself with minimal stress factors.

    Anatomical and physiological implications

    The autonomic nervous system is part of the body's nervous system. Its functions include control and regulation of the work of internal organs (intestines, stomach, heart, etc.), lymphatic, circulatory systems, and glands of the body.

    This system also regulates the process of sweating, heart rate, thermoregulation, and blood pressure. It is also responsible for a person’s reaction in stressful situations, for the ability to fully relax physically during rest, for the digestion and assimilation of food consumed. The functioning of the autonomic nervous system is beyond human control.

    The autonomic nervous system consists of two divisions - sympathetic and parasympathetic. The parasympathetic nervous system regulates the functioning of the endocrine system, the digestive tract, is responsible for metabolism and lowering blood pressure.

    The sympathetic nervous system is active in stressful situations. It is responsible for supplying muscles with oxygen, rapid heartbeat, and breathing.

    In a normal state, there is an adequate response of the autonomic system to external stimuli (stress, temperature, sounds). With the syndrome of increased lability of the autonomic nervous system, an individual may experience inadequate reactions to common stress factors: increased sweating at low temperatures, increased blood pressure with minor stress.

    Reflexes of the autonomic system ensure an adequate response of the body to stress, and a person’s understanding of the presence of anomalies in his condition or sensations.

    Autonomic lability is not an idiopathic disease. Often it is a sign of vegetative-vascular dystonia. This disorder is present in approximately 80% of the population, in adults and children.

    Reasons for failure

    Lability of the autonomic nervous system can develop gradually and occur suddenly. This condition often remains undiagnosed, since patients do not attach importance to the manifestations, considering them the result of stressful situations and fatigue. Patients may also be considered hypochondriacs.

    The causes of autonomic lability can be varied:

    • stress factors;
    • adverse effects of the external environment;
    • infectious diseases;
    • intoxication;
    • surgical intervention;
    • traumatic brain and other injuries;
    • change of climate and time zones;
    • pregnancy;
    • menopause;
    • psychological trauma, including childhood trauma;
    • lack of vitamins (especially vitamins B1, B3, B6 and B12 and vitamin E).

    There is also the possibility of autonomic lability due to dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, which can be caused by various diseases.

    Such diseases include ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, diabetes, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, paraneoplastic syndrome, sarcoidosis, Sjögren's syndrome.

    Wide range of manifestations

    Manifestations of autonomic lability are associated with all areas that are controlled by the autonomic nervous system; symptoms of the condition can be varied:

    • fainting and dizziness;
    • increased fatigue (due to lack of adequate adjustment of heart rate relative to stress);
    • increased or decreased sweating;
    • headaches;
    • disturbances in the digestive tract, which lead to constipation, diarrhea, bloating, loss of appetite;
    • difficulty urinating;
    • problems in the sexual sphere (lack of erection, vaginal dryness, nonorgasmia);
    • visual impairment (increased sensitivity to light, blurred vision);
    • poor tolerance to cold and heat;
    • sleep disorders;
    • tremor;
    • rapid heartbeat, lability of blood pressure;
    • apathy, lethargy, weakness, constant mild malaise;
    • increased irritability;
    • decreased concentration;
    • sudden mood swings;
    • speech disorders;
    • unreasonable fears, anxiety and neurotic phobias;
    • pain in joints and muscles;
    • dry skin;
    • numbness in various parts of the body.

    Examination and diagnosis

    To make a diagnosis, a comprehensive examination is necessary, since the symptoms of autonomic lability are similar to those of other diseases. It is necessary to exclude mental illnesses, neuropsychiatric disorders, and also in case of physiological manifestations, to exclude organic pathologies.

    After excluding other diseases, the likelihood of disorders in the autonomic nervous system is considered. Often, collecting an anamnesis, interviewing the patient, and a superficial examination is sufficient.

    A neurologist should pay attention to constriction or dilation of the pupils, increased sweating, or excessive dryness of the skin, pallor, or hyperemia of the skin. To assess the work of the autonomic system, the work of skin, somatovegetative, and sweat reflexes is analyzed.

    Also, to assess the degree of violations, tests are prescribed for the biochemical composition of urine and blood.

    An integrated approach to treatment

    When treating vegetative lability, methods without the use of pharmacological drugs predominate.

    To bring the functioning of the nervous system back to normal, it is recommended:

    • adhere to normal operating hours;
    • have adequate sleep and rest;
    • follow proper nutrition;
    • lead a healthy lifestyle;
    • exercise;
    • reduce physical activity;
    • spend time outdoors, take walks;
    • avoid stress factors;
    • use decoctions of mint, valerian, lemon balm.

    Drug treatment consists of the use of drugs that calm the nervous system, as well as symptomatic treatment of organs and systems whose functioning has been disrupted due to the disease.

    They use drugs whose action is aimed at normalizing sleep, sedatives, painkillers, and vitamins.

    A neurologist may prescribe anti-anxiety drugs (Tenoten, Phenazepam, Phenibut, Afobazol). The therapeutic course is selected individually.

    In addition to visiting a neurologist, it is recommended to consult a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, or psychologist. These specialists will help identify the cause of the disease, as well as learn how to deal with stress, and teach techniques for relieving vegetative symptoms that arise as a result of internal tension.

    Autonomic lability of the nervous system requires treatment, as it can lead to a number of diseases:

    • pathologies of the cardiovascular system (ischemia, hypertension, atherosclerotic changes);
    • stomach diseases (gastritis, peptic ulcer);
    • mental disorders.

    Emotional lability

    From the point of view of the physiology of higher nervous activity, emotion means an urge to action. The word is derived from the Latin verb “emovere” - I excite. In relation to emotion, the object of excitation is the cerebral cortex, which generates a mental reaction. According to the teachings of Academician Anokhin, any motivation is generated by emotion. Moreover, before the launch of a functional system, any emotion is considered negative until a positive result is achieved. If the goal turns out to be unattainable, the emotion will remain negative. When a person’s nervous system is weakened, emotional lability occurs, which is characterized by an instant reaction to any stimuli. It doesn’t matter at all what sign it is – “plus” or “minus”.

    An emotionally labile person reacts equally sharply to positive and negative stressors. Changes in the situation cause an instant, violent reaction. A person cries with happiness or, conversely, resentment gives rise to hysterical laughter. This is where emotional lability manifests itself, as opposed to stability. The opposite state is called rigidity in psychology, and emotional flatness in psychiatry. Lack of emotions is much more dangerous for human health. Loss of motivation leads to exhaustion faster than an explosion of emotions.

    Emotional lability: symptoms

    Disorders of an emotionally unstable personality are characterized by impulsiveness, spontaneity of actions in the absence of self-control and without taking into account possible consequences. At the same time, affective outbursts arise for insignificant reasons. In psychiatry, borderline states include emotional lability, the symptoms of which manifest themselves depending on the personality type. There are two types of emotional weakness:

    When the emotional sphere is disordered according to the impulsive type, a persistent state of dysphoria develops, that is, an angry-sad mood, interspersed with outbursts of anger. People who have emotional lability are difficult to get along with in teams because they always claim leadership without taking into account their own abilities. In family life, excitable individuals express dissatisfaction with daily worries, considering them routine and not worthy of attention. Therefore, conflicts often arise, accompanied by breaking dishes and the use of physical violence against family members. The person is unyielding, vengeful, and vindictive. In the absence of progression, emotional lability smoothes out with age, and over the years, easily excitable men calm down and “gain life experience.” For women, as a rule, violent emotional outbursts become a thing of the past after the birth of children. This is due to changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy.

    Under unfavorable conditions, patients lead chaotic lives and often resort to drinking alcohol, which leads to the commission of aggressive antisocial acts.

    The borderline type of personality disorder is characterized by increased impressionability, vivid imagination, and increased enthusiasm. Such emotional lability gives rise to workaholics. People with borderline emotional disorder are easily influenced by others. They easily and gladly adopt “bad habits” and norms of behavior that are not encouraged by society. Borderline individuals go from one extreme to another, so they often break off marriages, quit their jobs, and change their place of residence.

    Society has an accepted point of view that capricious children are the result of poor upbringing. This is true, but only partly. There is a relationship between lack of attention and the development of neurasthenia syndrome in a child. Persistent emotional lability in children leads to nervous exhaustion, which, in turn, intensifies the mental reaction. The baby requires increased attention, so he makes “scenes.” This is characteristic of hysterical personality development. People with such a psychotype are, as they say, difficult to please. Strict upbringing gives rise to protest, increasing emotional lability; indulging in any whims leads to similar results.

    If, from the point of view of others, the child is not deprived of attention, the reason for the heightened perception of changes in the environment should be regarded as the development of neurosis. Neurotic disorder, in turn, is subject to treatment.

    Emotional lability, treatment of neuroses

    The causes of neurotic conditions are traumatic situations. When the cause is eliminated, emotional lability disappears - treatment by a psychiatrist guarantees positive results if treated in a timely manner. It is necessary to pay attention to the child from a young age. Manifestations of negativism - denial of adult demands - should alert parents.

    When emotional lability develops in old age, treatment drugs are aimed at improving blood circulation in the brain. If nervous excitability is caused by organic lesions of the nervous system, emotional lability also appears, the treatment of which consists of combating the underlying disease. This is the work of neurosurgeons and neuropathologists.

    Nootropic drugs sold without prescriptions are indicated for all types of emotional instability. Herbal sedatives have a good effect.

    There is a big difference between conventional wisdom and medical diagnoses. Especially when emotional lability develops, drugs for the treatment of which should be taken only on the recommendation of a psychiatrist. The help of a psychologist, of course, has a positive effect, but does not eliminate the causes of mental disorders.

    What is nervous system lability?

    What is nervous system lability? Are you familiar with this concept? Perhaps you heard it somewhere, but don’t know what it means? Lability of the nervous system is a pathology that provokes sudden changes in mood and its instability. This pathology is unusual in that seemingly ordinary and unremarkable things can cause a surge of emotions or vice versa. Before making a diagnosis of nervous system lability, you need to study the character and temperament of a person, as well as his age.

    It is worth taking a more careful approach to solving this issue in adolescents, because during the period of maturation they exhibit similar signs. But, in fact, for children this is quite normal, because the body undergoes a restructuring, everyone goes through it. In adolescents, an unstable psychological state can be considered the norm.

    The disease itself, if it occurs in a fairly mild form, does not pose any danger, only unpleasant sensations that will cause discomfort. People with nervous system lability find it difficult to withstand difficult life situations or experience some important event. For them, giving a speech on stage, for example, is worse than a nightmare. They can show their fear right in front of the public and automatically do something strange.

    People suffering from nervous system lability are specific. It is sometimes difficult to communicate with them due to the fact that at the moment a cheerful, cheerful person is sitting in front of you, and a minute later he is already a pessimist. The mood can change regardless of the situation in which the patient is. This disease also affects the field of psychology.

    Labile nervous system: a little about the history of the term

    Russian physiologist N.E. Vvedensky introduced this term in 1886. He learned to distinguish between the functioning of a normal nervous system and one that causes sudden emotions and mood swings. He conducted a series of experiments consisting of comparing the body's reactions to a certain number of stimuli. He understood how to determine low nerve fatigue, that is, a situation where the nerve expends a small amount of energy in response to some stimulus.

    In more improved conditions I.P. Pavlov continued this work. He studied the mobility of nerves. It has also been proposed that certain methods be used to diagnose mobility. The methods have been divided into several categories. Restrictions were placed on reaction speed and problems in changing actions.

    Determination of vegetative lability

    The functioning of our internal organs, circulatory and lymphatic systems completely depends on how correctly and accurately the autonomic, or, as it is sometimes called, the autonomic nervous system functions. It is also responsible for the functioning of various glands in our body. Heartbeat, increase or decrease in blood pressure, sweating - all this is directly dependent on the autonomic nervous system.

    It is very important when perceiving different signals in critical situations, when a person is very worried or under stress.

    The quality of sleep, the digestion of food, the ability to relax physically and psychologically - all this is subject to the same system.

    What can lability of the nervous system lead to?

    First of all, these are, of course, failures in the thinking process. The danger is that sometimes such people cannot account for their actions. They do not see the difference between adequate and inappropriate actions. When a patient wants to do something, he does what he has planned, even if it is an illegal act. Lability of thinking occurs in people against the background of depressive manic psychoses.

    This is characterized by strange laughter that occurs unexpectedly, incomprehensible, specific humor, however, the person himself does not notice this. While speaking, patients cannot do without animated gestures. It is possible to pronounce words that are not related to the topic of the current conversation, speech may be confused or unclear, and there is no concentration of attention on specific objects.

    Since this problem affects psychology, experts in this field reason as follows. Lability of the nervous system can appear due to any diseases in which a person feels so weakened and helpless that he is unable to deal with the circumstances around him. By the way, lability can appear due to improper upbringing.

    This disease may be accompanied by some diseases:

    • vascular diseases;
    • asthenia conditions;
    • brain lesions affecting the organic area;
    • hypertension;
    • severe concussion.

    Signs of nervous system lability

    They can be discovered by communicating with a person. If he does not understand the reality and necessity of treatment, we must definitely help and convince him of the need for certain procedures. So, if your acquaintance, friend or family member has the following signs, you have known him for a long time and are sure that this has not happened before, then do not hesitate to go to the doctor.

    1. Unreasonable changes in mood (i.e. instability). When everything is in order, a person can laugh, cry, succumb to any provocation, or become furious.
    2. Poor or lack of self-esteem. The patient may evaluate himself, his own abilities and capabilities either too high or too low. From the outside it immediately catches the eye.
    3. Absent-mindedness, restlessness. A person cannot sit still, he definitely needs to do something. There is no concentration and attentiveness, so there is fussiness and lack of concentration.

    How to treat nervous system lability?

    Before treating an illness, you need to make sure that you are really sick. To do this, you definitely need to consult a specialist who can assess your condition and make an accurate diagnosis.

    In no case should you resort to self-medication, believing that you can get rid of all unpleasant sensations by taking medicine. Pharmacy medications must be selected individually.

    According to statistics, about 80% of the Russian population does not go to the doctor until serious problems appear. Unfortunately, sometimes it is too late.

    By the way, if you really suffer from this disease, be prepared for the fact that, in addition to the doctors in the hospital, you will also have to visit a psychologist who will monitor your condition. As is clear, there are no general recommendations for drug treatment, since it is prescribed individually.

    However, there are also measures that you can take on your own as preventative or supportive procedures. Walk outdoors more often, try to play more sports. Create a schedule for eating, sleeping and resting: this is useful because, as a result of illness, as already mentioned, the patient becomes distracted and fussy. Drink not ordinary water, but various herbal infusions that have a calming effect and have a positive effect on the nervous system. For example, these are teas made from mint, lemon balm, lavender or valerian.

    It’s better not to take any medications without your doctor’s permission, be sure to get examined, and then start treatment.

    Labile nervous system

    Emotional lability is a disorder and, in a certain way, a pathology of the nervous system, characterized by unstable mood. People who have this trait react excessively emotionally to every event and especially to difficulties, despite the fact that these events do not at all imply such a strong reaction.

    From the standpoint of the physiology of nervous activity, a feeling indicates an urge to action. By the way, the term feeling itself is derived from the Latin verb emovere, which translates as excite.

    The object of stimulation in relation to feelings is the cerebral cortex - it awakens a mental reaction. Each motivation, in accordance with the teachings of academician Peter Anokhin, is generated by feeling. Moreover, before the launch of the functional system, each feeling is considered negative until a positive outcome is achieved. In the same case, when the goal turns out to be unattainable, the feeling remains negative. If a person’s nervous system is weakened by any factors, emotional lability appears, characterized by an instant reaction to any stimulus. And it doesn’t matter at all whether he is positive or negative; an emotionally labile person reacts equally sharply to all types of stressors. A person can cry with happiness, but resentment, on the contrary, leads to hysterical laughter. Every transformation can cause an instant and violent reaction. This is where emotional lability manifests itself. However, doctors are confident that this condition is not so important when compared with rigidity, because the absence of feelings is much worse for health.

    Symptoms of emotional lability

    Disorders of an emotionally labile personality are characterized by a violent reaction to what is happening, impulsiveness and spontaneity of actions, lack of self-control and consideration of probable consequences. Moreover, outbursts of passion appear for any reason, except for the most insignificant ones.

    Symptoms of emotional lability depend on its type, and it may be impulsive or borderline.

    1. With impulsive disorder, a person experiences a state of dysphoria, which is characterized by an angry, melancholy, tense affect with severe irritability, interspersed with outbursts of rage and aggressiveness.

    Such people quite often change their place of work, due to the fact that they do not get along in teams, since they invariably claim to be the favorite, without taking into account their abilities.

    In married life, these individuals express dissatisfaction with everyday chores because they consider them not worthy of attention, which entails frequent conflicts, including the use of physical force against family members. Emotionally unstable people are unyielding, vindictive and vindictive.

    If the disease does not progress, then after about a year the emotional lability smoothes out; such men are said to have gained life experience and become wiser. For women, violent emotional outbursts in most cases disappear after the birth of children, which is due to the transformation of hormonal levels during pregnancy.

    If a person with impulsive emotional lability finds himself in negative conditions, he begins to lead a chaotic life, quite often abuses alcohol, which ultimately leads to the commission of antisocial aggressive acts.

    2. Borderline type disorder is characterized by increased enthusiasm, vividness of imagination, special sensitivity, extreme sensitivity to obstacles on the path to self-realization, and functioning at the maximum of one's capabilities. In addition, the reaction of such individuals to trivial events may acquire an exaggerated temperament.

    Already in adolescence, these people are distinguished by deep suggestibility and a tendency to fantasize, and will not be able to establish stable relationships with peers. Their areas of interest change very quickly, but they do not pay attention to the rules and regulations, as well as those established by their parents. Based on this, in addition, despite good intellectual capabilities, children with emotional lability demonstrate poor academic performance.

    Such people, as a rule, lead an uneven life - periodic changes are observed in it, and they often, as they say, go from one extreme to another. For example, an all-consuming passion is abruptly replaced by a loss of interest, and violent emotions are replaced by an unexpected separation. However, these emotionally unstable individuals are able to adapt to new events and find a way out of a difficult situation.

    Emotional lability in children

    Capricious children are the result of bad upbringing; this point of view is accepted in society. But this is only partially correct, because there is a relationship between the development of neurasthenia syndrome in a child and lack of attention. Emotional lability in children leads to their nervous exhaustion, which further intensifies the mental reaction. Demanding increased attention, the child makes a scene. Moreover, not only strict upbringing leads to protest, which increases emotional instability, but also indulgence in whims leads to a similar result.

    Circumstances and treatment of emotional lability

    Nervous system disorders can develop as a result of a variety of factors, and also as a consequence of:

    • Long-term emotional stress: insufficient or excessive attention from others, a series of failures and stress, psychological trauma, constant prohibitions, etc.;
    • Somatic disorder: lack of certain vitamins and minerals, hormonal imbalance, age-related hormonal transformations.

    Emotional lability can also accompany certain diseases:

    • Hypertension or hypotension;
    • Brain tumors;
    • Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels;
    • Obliterating cerebral thromboangiitis;
    • Organic brain damage;
    • Asthenic conditions;
    • Vascular diseases of the brain;
    • Consequences of traumatic brain injuries.

    In these circumstances, the disorder is seen as one of the symptoms of another important disease.

    To treat emotional lability that appears due to emotional overstrain, you should seek help from a psychologist or psychotherapist. In any other situation, the first priority is to eliminate the underlying disease.

    In addition, the doctor may prescribe sedatives for emotional lability. If a person is experiencing anxiety attacks, tranquilizers may be indicated. If the patient is invariably depressed, antidepressants are used. Persons with a high level of excitability are prescribed a course of antipsychotic drugs for emotional lability.

    Types of NS (nervous system)

    The question of the existence of individual typological properties of the nervous system was first raised in physiology by Pavlov. Observing the behavior of dogs that survived being submerged during a flood, I noticed that in some animals the previously developed conditioned reflexes were preserved, while in others they were destroyed, and the animals developed neurosis. Pavlov decided that the first group of animals had a strong nervous system, and the second group had a weak one. For the weak type, as Pavlov wrote, “both individual and social life with its most severe crises are directly unbearable.” Psychologists and clinicians today do not agree with Pavlov’s conclusions, see text below

    Currently, the most studied properties of NS are: strength, mobility and lability.

    It was defined by Pavlov as the ability to tolerate super-strong stimuli and understood as the endurance of the nervous system. Subsequently, an inverse relationship between the strength of the nervous system and sensitivity was established, that is, individuals with a strong nervous system are characterized by a low level of analyzer sensitivity, and, conversely, a weak nervous system is characterized by high sensitivity. The strength of the nervous system began to be determined by the level of EEG activation and considered as the activation of the nervous system, while sensitivity is a secondary characteristic depending on the level of activation of the nervous system at rest.

    Representatives of the strong and weak types of the nervous system differ in terms of endurance and sensitivity. A person with a strong nervous system is characterized by high performance, low susceptibility to fatigue, the ability to remember and take care of performing several types of tasks at the same time for a long period of time, that is, to distribute his attention well. In situations of intense activity and increased responsibility, an improvement in performance efficiency is observed. Moreover, in the conditions of ordinary, everyday activities, they develop a state of monotony and boredom, which reduces work efficiency, so they achieve their best results, as a rule, in conditions of increased motivation.

    The behavior of a person with a weak nervous system is characterized completely differently. It is characterized by rapid fatigue, the need for additional breaks for rest, a sharp decrease in work productivity against the background of distractions and interference, and the inability to distribute attention between several tasks at the same time. In situations of intense activity, work efficiency decreases, anxiety and uncertainty arise. This is especially evident in situations of public communication. A weak nervous system is characterized by high resistance to monotony, therefore representatives of the weak type achieve better results in everyday, habitual activities.

    This property was first identified by Pavlov in 1932. Later it turned out to be very ambiguous and was divided into two independent properties: mobility and lability of the nervous system (Teplov).

    The mobility of the nervous system is understood as the ease of alteration of the signal meaning of stimuli (positive to negative and vice versa). The basis for this is the presence of trace processes and their duration. In the experiment, when determining mobility, the subject is presented with positive (requiring a response), negative (inhibitory, requiring to slow down the response) and neutral stimuli alternating in a random order. The speed of a reaction depends on how long traces of a previous reaction remain and influence subsequent reactions. Thus, the more stimuli a person can accurately process under these conditions, the higher the mobility of his nervous system. Vital manifestations of the mobility of the nervous system are the ease of inclusion in work after a break or at the beginning of an activity (workability), the ease of altering stereotypes, such a person easily moves from one way of performing an activity to another, diversifies techniques and methods of work, and this applies to both motor and intellectual activity, ease in establishing contacts with different people is noted. Inert ones are characterized by opposite manifestations.

    The speed of emergence and disappearance of the nervous process. This speed characteristic of the activity of the nervous system is based on the assimilation of the rhythm of impulses coming to the tissues. The higher the frequency a particular system is able to reproduce in its response, the higher its lability (Vvedensky). Indicators of lability are CFSM (critical frequency of flicker fusion), as well as EEG indicators (latency period and duration of depression of the L-rhythm after presentation of the stimulus). One of the most important manifestations of life is the speed of information processing and the lability of the emotional sphere. Lability has a positive effect on academic success and the success of intellectual activity.

    Modern data obtained by psychophysiologists, psychologists and clinicians indicate that each of the properties of the nervous system has both negative and positive sides. For example, the positive side of a weak nervous system is its high sensitivity, high resistance to monotony, and a higher manifestation of speed qualities. The positive side of the inertia of nervous processes is the establishment of stronger conditioned reflex connections, better voluntary memory, greater depth of penetration into the material being studied, and greater patience with the difficulties experienced. Thus, typological features determine not so much the degree of adaptation of a person to the environment, but rather the different methods of adaptation. This is especially evident in the formation of an individual style of activity.

    An activity style is a system of techniques for performing an activity. The manifestation of the style of activity is diverse - these include methods of organizing mental activity, practical methods of action, and features of reactions and mental processes. ". “Individual style should be understood as the entire system of distinctive features of a given person’s activity, determined by the characteristics of his personality” (Klimov). An individual style is developed throughout life and performs a compensatory adaptive function. Thus, representatives of a weak type of nervous system compensate for rapid fatigue with frequent breaks for rest, pre-planning and regularity of activities, and distractibility with increased control and checking of work after completion. Thorough preliminary preparation makes it possible to reduce the neuropsychic stress that arises at critical moments of activity.
