Complete horoscope for Cancer woman. Cancer horoscope by month

It will be a pleasantly amazing year. Will bring growth, abundance and good fortune, as well as positive change and excitement. Let us next consider the horoscope for 2021 for Cancers; it will help you find out in more detail what awaits them.

Influence Moon
Symbols cancer, crab, heart
Colors white, light blue, blue, silver, pea green (gray is unlucky)
Stones moonstone, emerald, ruby.
Flowers honeysuckle, water lilies, all white flowers, jasmine.
Metal silver
Mascot clover, heart
Favorable numbers 2 (all numbers divisible by 2), 4, 5, 8
Happy days Monday, Thursday
Bad days Tuesday, Saturday

Character of the sign

Cancers are quite interesting and unique natures; they are changeable emotionally. They also carry a large amount of positive emotions and are able to infect an entire crowd with their laughter. At parties and in large companies they are easy to recognize. People under this sign are very fond of jokes; they do not joke themselves, but they can laugh at the jokes of others. They don't seek popularity and usually don't have leadership abilities, but they also secretly want a lot of attention.

Also, these individuals are melancholic, they can not only infect with laughter, but also drown in their tears. They are in a constant sense of danger.

Cancers treat their home with reverence and care, but still can never feel safe. They are always missing something in life: money, fame, love, etc. Cancer people also adore water, this is quite natural. They love to swim in various bodies of water, ride boats and are good at all activities that involve water.

Many representatives of this sign bring themselves to serious illness due to constant anxiety. Well, then their rich imagination can lead to the smallest trouble into a global catastrophe. Only positivity and a good mood can save them from problems and illnesses. Apart from this sign, no one else is able to drive themselves to such an extent with their own emotions, but no one else will be able to recover with the help of optimism.

Cancers love to collect and save. In life, of course, they usually collect money, food and do not allow anything to be thrown away. Also, regardless of gender, the parental instinct is very developed.

Horoscope for Cancer

The year should be lucky for all zodiac signs, but for those who are under the rule of the Moon, it will be tense and, alas, unstable, changes will be expected.

In spring, Cancers will have to seek comfort and help from their loved ones, friends and relatives. If they don’t get this, they will achieve harmony without anyone’s help.

Next year, Cancer people will completely immerse themselves in work and will try to earn the maximum amount of money. There will also be an obsession with finding a soul mate among those who are not yet in a couple. Closer to the autumn season, it is better to change something in life: change jobs, change housing, or simply make repairs. If you don't distract yourself, stress is possible, nervous breakdowns that will negatively affect your health. Therefore, we advise you to take everything calmly.

Attention! The main thing is to remember that after a black streak in life there always comes a white one.

Also, be careful at the end of November: difficulties that you have achieved due to shortcomings or mistakes and shortcomings in the past may come up. It’s better to ignore the problems and move towards your goal. Only 2019 will help solve all problems.

Horoscope for 2021 for Cancer woman

In order to create a social unit, this year is especially good. Representatives of the fairer sex who are already in a relationship are waiting for a marriage proposal. Well, those who are already married will have a child.

In April, relatives will help you financially as much as possible, and you may also receive a lucrative job offer. In the summer, the Year of the Ox will help you immerse yourself completely in work and earn a lot of money. Accordingly, there will be an emotional upsurge. All yours free time Give your man better, show care, affection and attention. The main thing is not to speak rudely to him, be restrained.

Attention! Autumn will be a favorable season for unmarried ladies.

Horoscope for 2021 for Cancer man

Men will have a slightly different year than women. Cancer men will plunge headlong into work. But in this area there will be advancement on the career ladder and other positive aspects. In the spring, a serious conflict may await. Beware of it so as not to tarnish your reputation. Don't argue with anyone, it's better to remain silent. August will be an easy month, but it is better to give up everyone at this time bad habits and start communicating with all your loved ones again. October will be optimistic, but in order to stay in your place, you need to put in a considerable amount of effort.

Love horoscope 2021 for Cancer

Bull - best assistant to create strong relationships. Cancers just need to set a goal and purposefully go towards it. Do you want to be happy? Even if it means sacrificing something, take the risk and you will find love for the rest of your life. The main thing is that we recommend that you decide exactly what kind of person you need. You can even draw it on paper and go towards your dream.

According to the horoscope, it is especially important in 2021 for single Cancers to go on a trip or vacation to warm countries. Interesting and unexpected acquaintances will be expected there, which may develop into a serious relationship.

Attention! In married couples, divorce and finding a new couple are possible by the end of summer.

Holiday romances with breakups are also possible, after which only relatives can console.

Money horoscope

The 2021 horoscope for Cancer promises changes in terms of money, but not global ones. Even if there is a promotion up the career ladder, the salary increase will be insignificant.

In the summer, you may receive interesting offers for the sale of real estate or a car. Here we recommend agreeing and not even thinking for a long time. This is exactly the chance that a person is given only once in his life. It is better to save the funds received for a rainy day, which may come in the fall. You might even be able to use this money to invest in your own business.

You can improve your financial situation only with the help of your loved ones. You will be left with an inheritance or simply receive an expensive gift.

Important! If there is still a loan outstanding, be sure to pay it off, do not take risks. Make at least the required payment so as not to encounter another problem.

Career Horoscope 2021 for Cancer

Try to achieve harmony in the team. The challenge is to earn respect and trust at work. In a positive scenario, after this, a promotion will await you in the spring.

If career takes first place in life, then it is better not to go on vacation in the summer, but to work. If your strength begins to leave, then go to a resort for a few days to restore your condition.

Autumn will not be very pleasant; even minor troubles at work are possible. The main thing is to take the situation into your own hands and do not despair. The worst that can happen is a fine.

Health horoscope for 2021

Cancers are very energetic and always full of energy. But without a vacation, of course, strength will begin to leave, nervous system will also begin to loosen. Accordingly, regular stress can lead to insomnia, decreased immunity, irritation and even aggression. In order to protect yourself from complications and diseases, it is better to do yoga, meditation or another sport. Representatives of this sign most often choose breathing exercises, since active activities are not for them.

In summer, be especially careful with food: fruits, mushrooms, berries.

The horoscope for 2021 warns Cancers that allergies may develop in the fall. It is better to immediately consult a doctor, spend money and identify the allergen. This procedure will help protect yourself from troubles in the future.

Celebrities born under the sign of Cancer

Each zodiac sign has famous representatives. Celebrities who were born under the sign of Cancer include the following:

  • Anna Akhmatova (June 23) - Russian poetess.
  • George Michael (June 25) is a British singer.
  • Isabelle Adjani (June 27) is a French actress.
  • Peter Paul Rubens (June 28) - Dutch painter.
  • Mike Tyson (June 30) is an American boxer.
  • George Sand (July 1) – French writer.
  • Pamela Anderson (July 1) is an American actress.
  • Lady Diana (July 1) – Princess of Wales.
  • Tom Cruise (July 3) is an American actor.
  • Gina Lollobrigida (July 4th) is an Italian actress.
  • Ringo Starr (July 7) is a British musician.
  • Zhanna Aguzarova (July 7) is a Russian singer.
  • Tom Hanks (July 9) is an American actor.
  • Vladimir Mayakovsky (July 19) - Russian poet.
  • Ernest Hemingway (July 21) – American writer.

The year will bring a lot of travel, acquaintances, and new projects. Even the representatives of the water sign themselves, modest and loving the comfort of home, will be surprised how rich life will become. Detailed horoscope for 2018, Raku promises that influential acquaintances, wealthy people, and promising partners will appear, communication with whom will open up new horizons.

If someone has long cherished the dream of leaving their homes or going abroad, then the Year of the Dog favors such movements. The year will bring a lot of emotional experiences: falling in love, dating, changes. Someone will be lucky enough to find a spiritual friend, a pleasant interlocutor. Or family Cancers will find peace next to their children.

  • January is dedicated to caring for loved ones. You will also be able to do many useful things and help your friends.
  • February will bring romantic acquaintances for those who are single. And those who already have a soulmate will want to renew their established relationship.
  • March will not be easy: it will bring confusion at work, squabbles, and financial problems. It's time to turn to relatives for help. All those whom Cancers helped throughout the winter will definitely not leave at a difficult moment.
  • Luck will return again by mid-April. A pleasant unexpected event is expected that will happen after the 20th.
  • May is suitable for launching new creative projects. Thanks to solid knowledge, new connections, and business competence, Cancers will become especially confident in their abilities.
  • June is a time of hard work. Don't be distracted by others who are relaxing, resting or idle. Cancer is driven forward by a big goal.
  • July - time to take a break. Monitor your sleep and rest schedule to avoid overload at work.
  • August is a good time to make a large purchase.
  • September is suitable for home improvements, renovations, and interior changes.
  • In October, you should not lend money even to trusted people. There is a high probability that the debt will not be repaid.
  • November will allow you to already see the results of the year. Cancers may find themselves in a new place, far from home. Or they will be surrounded by new people who will become friends and good buddies in 2018. Or maybe they will find that they have managed to move up the career ladder. Single representatives of this zodiac sign can find family happiness.
  • December will pass calmly and comfortably at home.

Horoscope for 2018 for Cancer woman


Many pleasant changes are expected in your personal life. An impressionable Cancer woman will find herself in a whirlpool of romantic adventures from the beginning of the year. The newly established relationship will develop rapidly before the onset of summer. And then the stars warn about the dangers of misunderstanding, groundless jealousy, and tension in the situation. If you manage to survive this period while maintaining the union, then in the second half of the year the couple will feel stability.

Ladies who are already in love will enjoy pleasant hours in the arms of their loved one. They will also receive tender confessions and, probably, a marriage proposal. 2018 is full of turning points. We must try to ensure that decisions are not hasty, but balanced.

A marriage entered into in 2018 will be successful from a financial point of view. The future family is guaranteed material well-being.


In the first half of the year, especially in spring, financial difficulties are possible. You should count on financial support from close relatives, or you can try to get a well-paid job. From May there will be a chance to shine brightly in your career, show your best business qualities and achieve success in the fall. If you have ambitious plans, then you need to be ready to put your personal life on hold and completely immerse yourself in work for the summer.

The second half of the year promises big incomes and a stable financial situation. From September, Saturn will begin to have a positive influence on building a strong financial base. The end of the year will also be favorable in this matter.

Women's health horoscope

In spring, your health will be a source of concern. Loss of strength and deterioration in well-being may be due to overwork or spring vitamin deficiency. Prevention should be carried out in advance and a course of vitamins should be taken.

Cancer women are responsible when it comes to health: sometimes they worry more about others than about themselves. They should protect themselves from negative emotions and excessive frustration. And also do not take any unpleasant news to heart. Some will want to engage in energy practices to restore harmony in the soul and maintain vitality. Yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises will be useful.

Horoscope for Cancer man


For a man who wants to find his beloved, this task will be incredibly easy. He will be popular, meet people a lot, communicate. This will increase your chances of meeting love. Office romances or situations where friendships become romantic are likely. The stars also say that the union created during 2018 will be strong, long-lasting and successful.

If a man has been in a relationship for a long time and has serious intentions, then the time has come to marry his chosen one. A water sensitive man will turn out to be an excellent husband who does not forget about the feelings of a loved one. And his beloved, in turn, treats him with no less tenderness and care.

Thus, love horoscope For 2018, the Cancer man promises a happy marriage in which the spouses are respectful, tolerant, and compliant to each other. This is also a good time to buy an apartment and create a family home.


2018 is destined to be a year of savings, and it is worth investing both in promising businesses and in your own development. It is worth studying, improving your skills, improving your skills. The first 6 months are conducive to fruitful work, so that in the second half of the year the man will be able to resolve the financial issue and strengthen his financial situation.

Some will receive a salary increase, and some representatives of this sign will receive a promotion. Those involved in entrepreneurship should pay attention to drawing up a plan for the long term. You will be able to benefit from the development of business ideas, but the stars warn you to keep your ideas secret so that your valuable idea is not “stolen” by more agile competitors.

Expenses are possible due to repairs in the house, elimination of minor problems: electrical wiring, plumbing. To protect yourself, you can insure your apartment.

Men's health forecast

Men's health will not let you down. A high supply of vitality will help protect you from diseases. You just need to monitor your emotional state. Good health directly depends on the absence of stress and overload at work. In everyday life, you should not attach much importance to unpleasant events that are sometimes destined to happen.

Being in excellent shape, a cancer man will want to take care of his family. His attention will be valuable to parents. Representatives of the water sign, which is considered the most family-oriented, will readily sacrifice personal interests for the sake of loved ones.

For the Cancer sign, 2018 is a time of work and significant positive changes. This year you will have the opportunity to leave your cozy shell and look out into the world to experience life in its most vibrant and extraordinary manifestations.

Most Cancers would prefer to take offand change your life radically. Dating and searching for new experiences, dizzying emotions - this is the life credo of Cancers for 2018. Perhaps you decide to travel around the world, move to another place of residence, change jobs or change your marital status. Don't be afraid to take risks, your risk will be worth it. But when making decisions, do not rush, approach everything carefully and choose the best for yourself.

In 2018, Cancer will have to work a lot, but don’t forget to rest! Focus on the task that is most important to you and do not waste your energy on small or unworthy goals. Form an intention to achieve truly significant, big goals. Then you will be rewarded with both material success and career advancement. Of course, everything will not go smoothly and easily, but the trials that you will face are the key to your rapid spiritual growth and self-improvement. Sometimes, you will feel like you are a failure, but unexpected success will instantly correct the situation.

In 2018, Cancers will have many ups and downs, trials and errors. And it’s not surprising, because you will try yourself in different fields. And a new business always implies the possibility of error. After all, only those who do nothing make mistakes. Whatever happens, tell yourself: “This is for the best.” And don't allow yourself to entertain negative thoughts. In this case, everything that at first seems like a nuisanceyami will ultimately prove to be a blessing.

By 2018 horoscope, be prepared for that, What you will have to face problems that were once unresolved or people that are unpleasant for you. The best solution is to close all questions so as never to return to such a situation again. Also, in the coming months, many people, both close and not so close, will count on your help. Of course, it’s up to you to decide who to help and who not, but, under any circumstances, do not allow yourself to be made a “scapegoat.” From time to time, people will appear in your environment who will want to assign you this particular role. Stop such attempts so as not to suffer both morally and financially.

Horoscope Cancer 2018 - love, family

These are encouraging times for single representatives of the Cancer sign, although at first glance it may seem that it will be difficult to arrange a personal life, especially at the beginning of the year, but rest assured, the horoscope for 2018 promises to give Cancer a chance, and more than one, to get acquainted. Try to listen to your heart more. Cold calculation and hypocrisy will not lead to the desired happiness.

This year, family values ​​and sincere, trusting relationships are valued more than ever. Many Cancers will meet their “soul mate” in 2018 and create a strong family. But some “friends” who have not passed the strength test will have to be parted with. Don't worry, those who leave your social circle could hardly be called your friends.

To avoid problems in family life, it is necessary (this is especially true for a Cancer woman) to treat relationships more responsibly and pay attention to this area of ​​life, otherwise tension and conflicts cannot be avoided during this time period. Those couples who have a long-standing burden of various problems may decide to divorce or separate their residence, and, in this case, will have to deal with complex property issues all summer. Harmonious families will think about having a child. Don't worry, the stars will favor those who decide to take such a step.

The happiest period of 2018, both for married and single men and women of the Cancer sign, is its second half, August-October and December. Improve shaky relationships, take them to a new level, make new acquaintances, be active and do not hesitate to take the initiative if the situation requires it - be the first to approach the person you like, there is nothing reprehensible in this.

Cancer horoscope for 2018 – health

The less Cancer you worry, the better you will feel in 2018. After all, almost all diseases appear as a result of exposure to stressful situations. Don't bring yourself to physical and nervous exhaustion! Be positive and you will always feel good.

At the beginning of 2018, stomach problems may arise, so be careful in choosing food, especially at the holiday table. Stick to a diet and eliminate alcohol, canned foods and processed foods. Risk increases in the second half of the year infectious diseases. Strengthen your immune system, spend more time in the fresh air, harden yourself, and then you won’t be afraid of any diseases.

Horoscope 2018 Cancer – finance

In terms of finances, the first half of 2018 for Cancer, as well as its end, is a fairly positive time. Many Cancers will be able to improve their financial affairs during the year and even significantly increase their income. But the expenses will also be significant, and we are talking about several unplanned purchases or investments that you can make this year. Try not to go beyond the line that marks the border between a stable and precarious position of your budget.

A number of problems are expected in the summer - in July and August 2018. During this period, many representatives of the Cancer sign will need to invest a large sum of money. In one case it is connected with business, and in the other - with family life or romantic relationships. Also, we may be talking about paying off loans or some other debts, and this will turn out to be very difficult. Therefore, prepare adequately for this period so that it does not take you by surprise.

Cancer 2018 horoscope - work, business

In 2018, career growth will depend entirely on how much effort Cancers put in. Get used to the idea that during this period you are unlikely to find helpers, and you need to rely only on yourself, your own initiative and hard work. In the first half of the year, the most active representatives of the star sign will be given a rare opportunity to show their talents in full brilliance. But, remember that your success will be directly proportional to your performance and perseverance. Don't be afraid to express your ideas - your opinion will be listened to. Don’t neglect professional exhibitions, seminars, look for business partners. Remember that new acquaintances promise lucrative offers.

Connections with colleagues from other cities or countries will develop very well, and successful trips are possible. Entrepreneurs can count on profitable deals and rapid development of projects started in 2017.

In March-April 2018, Cancer employees will have a great opportunity to climb the career ladder and take a responsible position. It will be difficult to cope with all the responsibilities entrusted to you, but there is no way out, you will have to live up to expectations and work hard. As they say, “I’ve picked up the tug, don’t say it’s not strong.” Particular success awaits politicians, as well as representatives of creative professions - you are simply guaranteed popularity and increased income.

To live 2018 as efficiently as possible and take advantage of all the opportunities provided by fate, Cancers are recommended to:

Finding support within yourself is the most important task for people born under the sign of Cancer. If you look for peace, love, comfort and solace in other people or in anything external, you are losing yourself. Remember that the true treasures are within you. There is extraordinary depth, beauty and an inexhaustible source of love and happiness within you. Only by gaining self-sufficiency and strengthening your spiritual core will you attract loving people and the most favorable circumstances.

Learn not to be influenced by other people. For Cancer, it is very important to take care of someone and therefore you can fall into emotional dependence: your mood and state of mind begins to react sensitively to the behavior and emotions of other people. In such situations, remember that it is within you that the deepest source of peace lies.

Vanity, haste and excessive activity are contraindicated for you. If you feel that you are too tense, nervous, or something is driving you crazy, you are most likely straying from your unique path.

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As you know, the coming year will pass under the auspices of the Yellow Earth Dog, which promises significant changes for all zodiacs, however, if often we're talking about and about changes for the worse, then Cancers, on the contrary, are waiting for exclusively positive changes that will affect not only their “personal” life, but also internal development - many Cancers in 2018 will reach a completely different level of self-understanding, and, finally, will be able to achieve universal harmony and unity with the world. So what details will the horoscope for Cancer for 2018 tell you?

“When the cancer hangs on the mountain” - this is how one can characterize the leitmotif of the coming year in the sense that not a single important and serious decision will be made without taking into account the opinion of people born under the auspices of the zodiac constellation Cancer. And for this you don’t even have to wait for the rain on Thursday - active involvement in public affairs will contribute not only to the individual development of the Cancers themselves, but also to all the people who surround them. This is their mission for the entire 2018 - to be in the spotlight and guide people to new heights.

In addition, the unprecedented activity of Cancers, which without exaggeration can be called the “engine” of future progress, will allow them to gain strength and do what they have long and passionately desired: quit their unloved job, fly around the world, or continue their studies in their favorite specialty.

The coming year is generally very favorable for changes in the professional sphere, so if you have long dreamed of changing your profession or realized that after years you are not where you would like, then you need to act now or never.

FAVORABLE COLORS: silver (silver), white, light blue, lavender, pink, pale orange, light green.

LUCKY NUMBERS: 2 (and all numbers divisible by 2), 5, 7, 11, 16, 20, 25.

LUCKY DAYS FOR CANCER: Monday, Thursday and Friday.

Love sphere (family)

The personal life of Cancers, as a rule, is characterized by particular stability and confidence in the future. The influence of the Moon makes the zodiac sign faithful life partners, ready to follow their soul mate through thick and thin, and even pass the test of copper pipes.

Always quiet and calm, Cancer next year will be significantly influenced by the Earth’s satellite, and the Moon, as we all know, is multifaceted and playful, so this year personal life Cancer will be filled with incredible love adventures and adventures. As in other areas of life, on the personal front there is also no need to be afraid of change: feel free to let people into your world, without trying, out of habit, to calculate life 10 years in advance.

At the beginning of the year, single Cancers will have an amazing opportunity to see the world and meet different people, one of which may well become a life partner, which will become clear at the end of 2018. Many representatives of the sign may well find themselves in a situation where they will need to make a choice between several suitors or potential brides, but this problem, as you know, is very easy to solve: if you cannot choose from three people, look for a fourth.

Single men risk meeting a woman next year who will have a fatal influence on the rest of their lives - in these relationships there will be quarrels, heated reconciliations, and a great feeling that, with proper care, can develop into a strong union.

Not every man can tame the pride of a woman desired by many men, but if you manage to do this, then the Cancer man will become the happiest man on earth. It’s not for nothing that they say that a man’s happiness and success largely depends on the emotions of his woman.

For women, such a meeting will have a slightly different character and will be more similar to the process of imprinting, when the center of the universe narrows to the size of a human being. Only this feeling will be directed at Cancers, and not come from them. A meeting with a person for whom the Cancer woman will become the meaning of the universe will happen suddenly, at the most unexpected and awkward moment, so it is very important not to miss the person, hiding behind the awkwardness of the moment.

How can you recognize a dashing gentleman who, under other circumstances, can replace all the men on the planet? Everything is quite simple: a sensitive Cancer girl will feel amazing warmth and lightness, as if the person standing opposite is an endless source of light, as cozy and safe as her father’s home. Agree, it’s difficult to confuse this.

As one famous British presenter put it: “Love is the ability to share one refrigerator for decades.” So here, family Cancers will be able to realize that the person with whom they have lived for so many years is in fact their destiny and will devote all their strength to renewing the romantic relationship characteristic of the first years life together. And the main thing here is not expensive gifts and night walks (although they are very important), but the ability to hug in time and confess your feelings.

  • Best compatibility in love and marriage for Cancer with Scorpios, Pisces And Crayfish. The love between them will only grow and this bond can lead to a perfect marriage.
  • Well compatible with Taurus And Virgo. A love and marriage union between them is successful, especially if the partners are ready to give, and not just receive.
  • Union with Aries can be useful for your career and position in society.
  • With Libra- for emotional support.
  • Relationship with Leo can be financially beneficial. And a marriage can become happy and long-lasting.
  • Capricorn could become one of best selections. This is one of the most natural and harmonious couples that has every chance of living a long and happy life together.
  • Partnership with Gemini fruitful for spiritual development.
  • Successful relationship with Aquarius rare, but possible. The key to the success of this union may be joint business or financial interests.
  • With Sagittarius A good union is also possible, provided there is a reasonable attitude towards each other. Here, the fate of the couple largely depends on the partners themselves.


Limitless activity will give rise to enormous ambitions in Cancer, the realization of which will require most of their physical and emotional strength. And if you have not yet decided what you want from life, it’s time to think about it - if you cannot curb the Dog, then it will not wait and will drive its team at its own discretion.

Therefore, it is very important to dare to stop going with the flow and do what is really important and desirable, because you understand that the most exact result any activity always depends on you.

It doesn’t hurt creative people to pay attention to more mundane specialties - it just so happens that working “at the junction” of two or more areas will seriously increase your chances of success and contribute to professional and creative growth.

For people who are more inclined to “technical” work, the stars recommend thinking about how to add a drop of creative diversity. As soon as you understand what you need to work on, rapid career growth awaits you, including the prospect of gaining work experience abroad.

In general, the next year is favorable for achieving career heights like no other, since the Dog will provide significant support to all adventurers and adventurers, even if these adventures take place in the office and concern the search for new original solutions. In this matter, only Cancers can make a more accurate prediction of the future, but only at the end of next year.


The astrological forecast for health suggests that it would be a good idea for Cancers to pay attention to the health of their leg joints and their work. lumbar region, since the next year will be rich in travel and acquaintances, and what are new acquaintances? These are long walks, mountain hikes, travel to distant countries and many other types of active recreation that can be interrupted due to troubles such as a dislocation or increased tone muscles.

In order to gain strength and meet the challenges of fate, most representatives of the sign do not mind paying due attention to maintaining a harmonious state: go to yoga or go to the pool, do fitness, or simply increase the number of hiking- all this will have a good effect on the personality of Cancers, who will simply need royal calm and inner nobility.

They are the main companions who will accompany Cancers in any situation, be it solving work issues or meeting new people. And if “inside” they are not tormented by Nietzschean demons and monsters, then all known diseases, including the seasonal cold, will bypass them.

It is also worth noting that the Year of the Dog is very suitable for the birth of children - pregnancy promises to be quite easy, and childbirth will take place without any consequences for the expectant mother and newborn child. And, more importantly, children born under the auspices of the Dog promise to grow up to be worthy, truth-loving individuals and, over time, will become a strong support for their parents.


The New Year 2018 is also preparing significant financial changes for Cancers. As already mentioned, many representatives of the sign will experience serious career growth, and along with it, monetary wealth will grow, increased both due to official wages, and through various types of capital investments: deposits, playing on the stock exchange or buying and selling real estate. In this case, the personal contribution of Cancers will not be such a large percentage, since the year promises to create a solid financial base when money works for itself.

For those who want to start developing their own business, astrological forecast recommends paying attention to areas where direct contact with clients is necessary, for example, the provision of educational services.

Opening a language center is the ideal case when you can realize your own potential, help people learn something new, and at the same time make good money.

Less creative Cancers should consider trading. Even though modern man surrounds huge amount goods, services and offers, Cancers have the opportunity to realize themselves in this industry.

And finally, I would like to say that the year 2018 is preparing quite a few pleasant surprises for cancer, the diversity of which is not possible to predict - a more detailed forecast will be made by life itself.

The main thing in all this is not to be afraid of change, to take “the buck by the horns” or, more precisely, “the dog by the tail” and reach visible and invisible peaks, as did the famous director Andrei Zvyagintsev, who worked for some time as an ordinary janitor to fulfill his dream. At the same time, it is very important not to despair: if something did not work out this month, then in the next month everything will definitely work out.

In work and business, this is the period when your initiatives will be supported. You will have the opportunity to enter a new stage of professional growth.This is a favorable time to switch to new job. A good time for those of you who are involved in creative professions. This is also the time when you can turn your hobby into a business. This aspect makes it possible to make important changes in life. Your income may increase. This is the time of new romantic acquaintances, love interests, romance, which can develop into a serious relationship.

Children can be pleased with their successes; this is a favorable period for topics related to children, for establishing trusting relationships with them. INIt will be easier for you to find a common language with your children and direct their energy in the right direction.If you are planning to have a child, this year you have a good chance to fulfill your intentions.But if you are planning to open a new business, start a new project designed for growth and development, or make an investment, you need to be careful. There are many periods in 2018 when such actions are not favorable, these are the times: from March 20 to April 16, from the last week of June to August 27, and from October to the second ten days of December. This is especially important to remember if your endeavors involve taking out a loan or making financial investments.

This year is worth doing sports, sports games, combining relaxation with exercise to improve your physical fitness. This will increase the body's resistance to infections and mental stress resistance. You can start as early as January.

From December 20, Saturn moved into the sector of marriage, partnership, social life and open confrontation. The sphere of relations for the next two and a half years will be one of the most important. This aspect for each of you in due time, depending on your personal horoscope, can bring new obligations in business or personal relationships. The opposition of Saturn can create tension and problems in cooperation, marriage, relationships with superiors or government agencies, and with older relatives. This is a time of determination in relationships. It requires a serious and mature approach to business and personal relationships. If there was uncertainty in the relationship, it will no longer be able to remain in limbo. You will have to make commitments, formalize them, or break up. An unreliable partnership and a fragile marriage may come to an end. In your work or social activities, you may experience increased control from your superiors or regulatory structures, tension in relations with business partners, and problems in fulfilling your obligations. If you break the rules or the law, circumstances may turn against you. For Cancers who were previously diligent and consistent in their work, this aspect may bring a promotion or a responsible job offer that increases your status. In 2018, this aspect will primarily affect those born in the first decan of Cancer.

The 2018 eclipses bring material issues to the fore. February 11 and July 27, and February 15 and August 11 fall in the areas of finance. During the months of eclipses, issues of earnings, financial relationships, your or your partner’s income and expenses, sources of project financing will be important topic. from May to October in your eighth and seventh astropolis also emphasizes the importance of reviewing financial policies, items of expense and income, and the material component of your relationships with other people.

But the second astropolis, which falls on January 31 and August 11, is also your innate abilities and talents, which can become a new source of income. Spending on your training and improving your skills will be a good investment. But you need to be careful when dealing with issues of taxation, insurance, profit distribution and capital allocation.

On July 13 at 20°41" Cancer will be in your sign in opposition to Pluto. In July, complications with partners in marriage or business, with opponents or enemies are likely. The cause of problems may be financial matters, conflict of interest. At this time, you may experience pressure from people or interference from circumstances beyond your control. This period poses the challenge of balancing the demands that relationships and partnerships place on you, and your need to be yourself.You may depend on other people for business and decisions, and the topic of relationships is important at this time.At the same time, in July it is important to take care of your personal goals, issues of personal growth, image and health, and personal career advancement.

The importance of the theme of self-determination and self-knowledge, revealing your creative abilities and your identity this year is emphasized by the transition of the North Node to Cancer on November 06, 2018. The nodes are associated with eclipses, I wrote about this -. July 13 is the first of a series of eclipses on your sign's axis that will end in July 2020. During this period, it is important for you to highlight your interests and goals, and understand whether they are consistent with the goals of cooperation, how appropriate it is for you, and if “yes,” then in what form it can be continued. In the next six months, your initiatives and decisions will play an important role in the events of your life.

On November 8, 2018, Jupiter moves into your 6th astropolis and will remain in this sector until early December 2019. This transit favors everything related to work and professional activities. You may have new job opportunities, part-time work, or improved work conditions. But success at work will depend on your interaction with colleagues and partners. Be prepared to cooperate and jointly solve emerging difficulties, since during this period not everything will depend on you. Businessmen will be able to improve the psychological climate in the team of subordinates and increase productivity at work. Do not neglect your health, any excess will have a bad effect on the body. This good time to acquire smart eating habits. If you engage in health improvement, you will bring yourself to good shape, and this energy will last for a long time.

Read more about some aspects of the year.

The whole month of January is in the field of partnership, marriage and external relations there will be a stellium, and until January 25, the bisextile Pluto-Jupiter-Neptune will complete a dynamic and favorable configuration for your sign. This is a favorable time for launching a new project, active social activities, for new cooperation, advisory and legal practice, settling legal issues, presenting and promoting your ideas and interests. A good time for Cancers of creative professions, for performances, concerts, artistic and exhibition activities. Good time to change jobs. At the same time, tension is possible in business and personal relationships at this time., problems will appear, conflicts and legal problems are possible. Now you should take into account the arguments of the opposing side so as not to complicate the situation. Take care of your health, avoid overexertion and overload, if you feel unwell, do not self-medicate, consult a doctor.

At the end of January and the first half of February, issues of personal income and expenses may come to the fore. But forced expenses or large purchases are likely. Caution is needed as overpriced purchases are likely. It is recommended to reconsider your financial approaches and plan your budget rationally.

January 31 at 11°37" Leo in your astropolis of personal values, resources and finances. During this eclipse, information may come or a situation may arise that will show how your approach to material issues is impractical or wasteful. Think over your financial policy for the future. This The eclipse also concerns the topic of your skills, talents, your ability to do something that you can convert into payment for your skills.

February 10 to March 6 is the time for new romantic acquaintances, trips, foreign contacts and business trips can develop successfully. A good time to start studying, change jobs, resolve legal issues, start new projects, communicate with distant relatives and friends.

February 15 at 27°07" Aquarius in the 8th. Issues of loans, taxes, insurance, family budget or your financial relationships with other people may come to the fore. Past wise investments, both material and moral, will pay off. Difficulty in the fact that you may have a desire to deal too freely with accumulated savings or joint capital. If you previously made miscalculations or erroneous bets, now their consequences may affect you in the form of financial losses. At this time, there may be difficulties with financing the projects you have started, complications in the future. financial relationships. This period may be a time of psychological difficulties and worries, the cause of which will be long-standing unresolved problems. You may want to change the style of your relationship with your partner or change your partner altogether. Before making important decisions, take a break and return to this after March 18.

From March 6 to April 20, your work schedule may become busier and your workload may increase. To realize your plans, you will have to make additional efforts. March 09-13, difficulties in relationships with partners, with superiors, conflicts at work or at home are likely. Difficulties in relations with official structures or older relatives are likely. Business issues can interfere with personal relationships and lead to complications, but your task is not to lead disagreements to conflict, since conflicts started at this time will not pass without a trace.

From March 23 to April 15 in the astropolis of work and goals. Take care of the projects you started, but don't rush into new ones, finish the work you started. Be careful and do not be stubborn if the situation requires you to reconsider your position and make adjustments to your previous plan. In the last week of March and early April, problems may arise in work, unexpected news may force you to change plans, disagreements with partners, and complications with customers are likely. At this time, you will depend on external circumstances.

In general, the period from April 17 to June 12 will be favorable for business development, for promoting and starting new projects, for realizing your plans. From May 20 to June 12 is a good period for romantic acquaintances, new relationships and cooperation, and important purchases.

"Zodiac. Cancer", artist Stephanie Law

But you need to take into account that from March 17 to May 16, Mars will be in the 7th astropolis, and this is a potentially stressful time. In the last week of March, at the beginning and last week of April, disagreements, conflicts of interests, conflicts with partners in marriage or business, and activation of competitors and opponents are likely. In business or public activities, there is a high probability of problems with regulatory or law enforcement agencies. Nowyou should take into account the balance of power and the arguments of the opposite side, so as not to complicate the situation for yourself and not to transfer conflicts to the legal plane.But at this time you will have the support of circumstances, so if controversial issues arise or an undiplomatic attack in your direction, keep your emotions under control, maintain restraint and the situation can be resolved. It is better not to attach importance to contradictions unless something really important is at stake. At this time, if possible, it is better to do what you can implement yourself.

Be attentive to conflicts in the first half of May, as their consequences can be long-lasting. In the first half of May, cruising between your eighth and seventh fields. will be the background until October, so you should take care that exhausting showdowns and correction of mistakes made in May do not become this background. It is better to refrain from legal and legal disputes and not to initiate conflicts yourself, since they may not be resolved in your favor, or the solution will be difficult and costly. Myself will be from June 26 to August 27.This is an unfavorable time for starting a new business, for investments, for a new partnership and new romantic relationships. Focus on developing and maintaining projects already started and relationships that already exist. Now this will be more useful than a new partnership.It is better not to get involved in investments and stock market speculation, as there is a high risk of significant losses. In business, you will have to make additional efforts to realize your plans. But it is better to postpone the start of new business projects and new important endeavors until after August 27. This transit stimulates sexuality and the importance of the intimate side of relationships. At the end of June and July, romantic acquaintances are likely, but new connections may be reliable and not long-term. At the same time, this is a good period for the development of already started projects and businesses.I wrote more about what is possible and what is not recommended to do during this time in a separate article on the period .

July 10-23 is a favorable period for traveling, communicating with relatives, friends, studying, and working in the field of communications. At this time, issues with obtaining a visa and various types of permits can be successfully resolved.

July 13 at 20°41" Cancer, in your sign. In July, important changes may occur in your life, some topics and projects may come to an end. Changes may affect work, your family and partner relationships. Difficulties in relationships with official security forces or opposition from competitors. In business, this is a time of struggle for power and control, inspections and audits are likely. This is a period of aggravation of problems. If in previous months there were financial disagreements in your relations with your partners and problems remained open, now they may worsen. be topics related to your competitors, rivals, open enemies, lawsuits. Be open to dialogue, make concessions.In business, try to resolve controversial issues by agreement, without bringing the matter to a standstill. trial. Overcoming difficulties will require persistence. But favorable circumstances can also help you, so if problems arise, remain calm and confident. This is also the time that you need to devote to your personal interests and personal plans, your external image, image, health, and rethinking yourself. A clearer understanding of what you want to improve in yourself, what to transform in order to feel 100% - free and confident. Think about what hinders you and what helps you be who you want to be.

The second half of July and the first week of August is a fruitful period for creativity, for promoting business, for relationships with children, for the development of creative projects, for strengthening relationships with loved ones. This is the time for romantic acquaintances, but now it is better to pay attention to old connections and those who have been with you for a long time.

The period from July 26 to August 19 will be in the field of finances and personal values ​​and falls during the period of eclipses and. Purchases, expenses, your financial obligations or joint funds issues will need to be reviewed. Pay bills, but avoid large purchases, loans and investments.

July 27 will be in your 08th astropolis, and August 11 will be in your second astropolis. At the end of July and the first half of August, material issues, financial relationships with other people, and budget issues may come to the fore. This is the time when some financial relationship or obligation may come to an end. If mistakes were made earlier, now they can become a problem or result in additional expenses. Analyze your expenses and develop a financial strategy taking into account previous omissions. During this period, there may be a desire to change the style of financial relations with a partner or change the partner altogether. But before you make important decisions, take a break and come back to this after August 19, or even better, after August 27.

At the same time, from the beginning of August to the end of September, the bisextile Pluto-Jupiter-Neptune will help resolve difficulties and be favorable in business.In relations with relatives or neighbors during this period, the problem that was the cause of the misunderstanding may be resolved.But a good period for starting new projects and important changes will be from August 27 to the end of September. This is a productive time, it should be used to implement plans in many areas of life. This is a good time for new creative projects, new business and romantic acquaintances, for starting cooperation, getting a job, for important speeches, and presenting your ideas. Plan important initiatives during this time and prepare to make full use of this time. In work and business, this is a period of new beginnings when your initiatives will be supported. At this time, reconciliation can be achieved in controversial issues, and legal issues can be successfully resolved. This is a good time for projects related to the latest technologies, for the IT sector, for the implementation of scientific developments in production and business.

October 05-November 16 will be in your fifth and fourth astropolis. In October, Venus will be in your fifth field, bringing creative endeavors, relationships with children, and romantic relationships to the forefront. This is a time of rethinking and refining creative ideas, definitions in already established relationships. This period can bring the return of former love, or make the relationship that already exists more trusting. But this is also a time when old problems and pent-up dissatisfaction in a relationship can cause discord. The days of October 09-12 and October 23-30 may be critical in this regard. The problems of this period are more serious than they might seem. Therefore, in order to maintain relationships, it is worth reconsidering your approaches in order to normalize the situation. This is an unfavorable time to start new personal and business relationships. New romances may be exciting, but they won't last. In October, forced expenses or unreasonable expenses are likely; it is better not to risk money trying your luck in the game, since the risk of losing is high.It is better to postpone financial decisions, investments and large purchases until the second ten days of December.

From November 17 to December 6 in your sixth and fifth astropolis. This transit will be associated with the need to put things in order and make your work rhythm optimal. Misunderstandings with colleagues are likely, and unhealthy processes may take place in the work team. You may feel your subordinate position and react painfully to it. Do not get drawn into intrigue, be careful when working with documents, as there will be a risk of significant errors. This is an unfavorable period for important decisions and initiatives. Pay attention to your health, get as much rest as possible, and if you feel unwell, do not put off visiting a doctor.

From the second ten days of December, working conditions will improve and until the end of December you will have the opportunity to successfully resolve pressing issues. This is also a favorable period for business partnerships, moving to a new job, starting new creative projects, starting education, foreign travel, new romantic relationships, and resolving issues related to children.

Now some clarifications about deans.

There are two to your dean important aspects: Saturn opposition until the end of December and tonic Uranus sextile from May to November. Saturn will create complications in important relationships. Additional workloads, complaints from superiors, delays and other annoying troubles are a feature of this period. Sometimes you will feel like you are taking one step forward and two steps back. If cooperation in business has already been in question, and there is progressive discord in the family, at this time there is a high probability of termination of the business partnership or divorce in marriage. You should be patient, control your emotions in order to adequately respond to challenges and influence the situation before it gets out of control. Then it is possible to resolve the problems, but endurance and ingenuity will be required.At this time, older family members may need your help and need to pay attention to them. At times you may feel a loss of strength and decreased tone, so you need to avoid overexertion and pay attention to your health. Now we need to separate the important from the secondary, since forces need to be allocated only to the important.

From May to the second week of November, Uranus will be sextile from the field of plans, hopes, friendships and collective projects. This period is associated with changes in personal goals and prospects. It will increase your creativity and give you the opportunity to explore new areas. There may be new friends meeting interesting, unusual people. Many of you may develop new interests, a passion for scientific or unusual knowledge, which may be associated with involvement in groups, organizations or online communities that share your interests.

From June to November, Uranus will ease the opposition of Saturn, creating opportunities to solve difficulties using non-standard methods. This is a good period for mastering new computer programs and using new tools in work. It will be easier for businessmen to attract investors to their projects in the IT field and any others that combine tradition with technological progress. At this time, friends and like-minded people can help in business, and problems in relationships and work can receive an unexpected solution. The desire to improve your skills and introduce new working methods will have a positive impact on your professional reputation and will allow you to qualify for higher pay for your work.

Cancers born 07/03-12/07 (Sun 11°-20°, II decan of Cancer)

Your dean gets the most favorable aspects that the sign of Cancer receives in 2018. There is also a problematic aspect - the opposition of Pluto. Its influence will be felt more by those born on July 10-14. One of the difficulties of this aspect is that it can initiate conflicts with influential persons - with bosses, government officials or criminals. These people can cause more harm than anyone else, so it is important to be careful not to provoke conflict with them. TOConflicts in relationships can go to the stage of legal proceedings, so be prudent, careful and patient.This is a time when external circumstances can influence your plans. But do not allow others to do anything against your will and the law. July is a difficult period. Pluto opposition will be activated July 13. I wrote in more detail about the July period and the eclipse in the general part of the forecast.

But your dean drops out aspects that help solve problems and difficulties, reducing their severity thanks to a successful coincidence of circumstances and your intuition. Since the beginning of the yearo January 29 and from April 18 to September 26, Jupiter will trine your decan along with Neptune. At this time you receive new opportunities and support. This is a good time for personal creativity, relationships with children, pregnancy and childbirth. This aspect favors many areas of life, but for new beginnings it is better to use January, the period from April 17 to the second ten days of June and September.

Until March 2021, Neptune will trine your decan. This is the time to reveal your creative abilities and psychologism. It favors artistic creativity, music and poetry. Your imagination will strengthen and creative tasks will be much easier for you than before. This is a good period for areas of activity related to psychology, painting, music, photography, dancing, perfumes, medicines, drinks, religion, and charitable foundations.

In the last ten days of December 2018, Saturn will enter into opposition to your decan and will be in this aspect until the end of 2019. The time for determination in relationships and getting results in your work will begin for you.

Cancers born 13.07-22.07 (Sun 21°-30°, III decan of Cancer)

Your dean is receiving conflicting influences. Along with the need to solve old problems, new opportunities will come into your life. The opposition of Pluto can create problems in business and relationships, this aspect will be felt by those born on July 13-15. July 13th also applies to those born in the early days of the third decan. I described these influences in the section of the second dean and the general part of the forecast.Now about other aspects.

Uranus will be in square until mid-May and from November to early March 2019. This is an aspect of uninvited changes for which it is not always possible to prepare. To reduce its impact, you need to step away from the pattern and be willing to accept changes in your life, even if you didn't plan for them. But from January to April there will be accompanying circumstances that will help make the changes constructive.

From January 27 to April 20 and from September 20 to November 8, the trine of Jupiter will provide support in business. This is a good time for personal creativity, relationships with children, pregnancy and childbirth. Favorable opportunities for new projects, important purchases and important undertakings in work, for new cooperation and personal relationships will be from the end of January to March 20, from April 17 to the beginning of May and in September.

Good luck, friends, with any transits!

In this forecast, I describe only the general trends of the year relative to the sun sign, without taking into account other planets in your natal chart. It cannot replace, which requires the exact date, time and place of birth of a person.
