Nod drawing in the preparatory group of traffic rules. Summary of a lesson on familiarization with traffic rules in the preparatory group of a kindergarten

Outline of complex thematic lessons "The Road and We" for the preparatory group

Description: the material will be of interest to older preschoolers and teachers
Target: consolidation of traffic rules knowledge
Tasks: develop in children the habit of behaving correctly on the roads, raise them to be competent pedestrians, and develop cognitive activity as a road user;
promote the development of caution, caution on the roads, cultivate attention, concentration, and the ability to apply acquired knowledge in everyday life.

I. Formation of a holistic picture of the world

Topic: "We are pedestrians"
Goals and objectives: clarify your knowledge of some road signs; clarify the knowledge that all movement in the city is subject to special rules; consolidate knowledge of the rules for crossing the roadway; instill responsibility for one’s safety, generalize the understanding of the work of traffic police officers.
image of road signs.
Progress of the lesson:
The teacher reads a poem:
I'm walking towards the traffic light
In plain sight of passers-by.
Only by looking at the zebra, I know for sure
I'll cross the road.

What would happen if people and cars stopped following traffic lights?
— What would happen if the road signs suddenly disappeared: “pedestrian crossing”, “be careful, children!”, “bus stop location”?
Places road signs on the board, reads riddles, asks to find the answer on the board:

A round sign with a window in it,
Don't rush rashly
Think a little:
What is this, a brick dump?
(“the passage is closed”)

I'm in a circle with a red outline,
This means it's dangerous here.
Here, understand, it’s prohibited...
(pedestrian traffic)

I'm walking in a blue circle,
And it’s clear to the whole neighborhood,
If you think about it a little...
(pedestrian path)

You and I were walking out of the garden,
We see a sign on the pavement:

Circle, inside a bicycle,
There is nothing else.
(Bike Lane)

I want to ask about the sign
It is drawn like this:
Guys in the triangle
They are running somewhere as fast as they can.
(“Careful, children!”)

Task: find the signs according to the description:
-- prescriptive: “Bus stop”, “tram stop”, “medical point”, “food point”, “pedestrian crossing”, “underground pedestrian crossing”, “bicycle path”, “pedestrian path”
-- prohibiting: “be careful, children!”, “entry is prohibited”, “cycling is prohibited”, “crossing is prohibited”
-- warnings: “be careful, children!”, “railroad crossing”, “road works”
The teacher gives each sign to the child who guessed it.
Then he clarifies that there are signs for motorists (“stopping is prohibited”, “parking is prohibited”, “entry is prohibited”, “caution, children!”, “move straight ahead”, main road) for pedestrians (“underground passage”, “overground crossing" "crossing prohibited",) and signs for pedestrians and motorists ("pedestrian crossing", "bus stop") and invites children to take turns raising signs for pedestrians, for drivers and for pedestrians and drivers (see photo No. 1 game " road signs").
The teacher asks questions:
-- Remember what rules pedestrians must follow?
- Which services in the city are responsible for traffic safety?
The teacher deciphers the abbreviation of the traffic police, clarifies the role of the traffic police officer and offers to visit the children's playground with an imitation of a road, a pedestrian crossing, with signs and a sculpture of a traffic police officer in the center of the playground on the weekend.

II. Introduction to verbal creativity.

Topic: D. Orlov’s story “The New Adventures of Stobed” from the magazine “Health” (reading)
Target: reading a story
Tasks: consolidate knowledge of the rules of safe behavior on the street; contribute to the correct perception of the story; continue to instill responsibility for your safety.
Demonstration equipment: illustration for this story.
Progress of the lesson:
The teacher offers to listen to D. Orlova’s story “The New Adventures of Stobed” from the magazine “Health” about the wooden naughty boy Stobed, who slid down a hill and ended up on the roadway.
-What is the story about?
-What mistakes did the boy make?
- What conclusions can you draw for yourself?

III. Speech development.

Topic: “The road does not tolerate pranks”
Target: writing a story based on a picture.
Tasks: consolidate knowledge of the rules of safe behavior on the street; consolidate the ability to compose a story based on a plot picture; practice selecting synonyms, continue to instill responsibility for your safety.
Demonstration equipment: A4 size pictures: children playing football near the roadway, a boy going down a hill onto the roadway, boys playing hockey on the road, a boy going down a hill onto the roadway.
Progress of the lesson:
-- The road is a high-risk zone. You need to be careful when crossing it and staying near it. What do you think should not be done next to the road? (play, play around, jump out onto the road for a ball, balloon, etc.) Why? (this may cause an accident).
The teacher invites the children to sequentially examine a series of paintings where the plot is children’s games near the roadway.
Questions about the first picture:
- what time of year is shown in the picture?
-Where do the boys play?
-What names can you give them to make a story about them?
--What activities did the children choose near the road?
From the second picture:
- Why was the boy on the roadway?
-What could happen in such a situation?
From the third picture:
- Why did the car crash into the house?
-What were the boys doing on the road?
From the fourth picture:
-Why was the boy scared?
-Where would it be safer to sled?
- What could happen?
Depending on the level of the children’s speech skills, the teacher offers four children to compose a narrative story in sequence, one picture for each child.
Story outline:
1. What happened on the road?
2. How did the participants of the incident feel?
3. What rules did they break?
When assessing the stories, the teacher notes the accuracy and consistency of the description, the use of definitions, the complexity of sentences, and the expressiveness of speech.

IV. Drawing

Topic: “The road does not tolerate pranks”
Target: drawing on the topic of compliance with traffic rules.
Tasks: consolidate knowledge of the rules of behavior on the street; teach to portray various types transport, their shape, proportions; consolidate drawing skills with simple and colored pencils, using an eraser; consolidate the ability to draw a human figure in motion; consolidate the ability to position an image using the entire area of ​​the sheet.
Demonstration equipment: A4 size pictures: children playing football near the roadway, a boy going down a hill onto the roadway, boys playing hockey on the road, a boy going down a hill onto the roadway; handout: album sheets, simple pencils, erasers, colored pencils, crayons, markers.
Progress of the lesson
Teacher demonstrating visual material:
- You, of course, remember these pictures. You made up stories based on them. Think about what these pictures have in common? (children play next to the road and this leads to an accident).
The teacher invites the children to organize an exhibition of drawings in the group “The road does not tolerate pranks.” To do this, first of all, you need to think through the composition and content of the drawing in advance. Convey a simple story about the behavior of road users. Build a multi-faceted drawing, use the entire space of the foreground and background.
Draw a sketch with simple pencils and carefully color in with colored pencils. Follow the rules for working with pencils.
The teacher reminds children to observe the proportions between parts of objects, the proportions of parts of a person, as well as to convey the relationship of objects among themselves in size. Reminds you that in a drawing some objects may partially obscure other objects; you need to pay attention to this when drawing and painting.
At the end of the lesson, the work is hung up for viewing. Children talk about their drawings: what exactly they wanted to show in their work, whether they managed to convey the situation on the road in a small plot drawing and correctly evaluate the actions of pedestrians and drivers. The teacher, together with the children, evaluates the drawings, notes what is interesting in design, the complexity of the location of the image on a sheet of paper (use of foreground and background), original solutions in composition, neatness, and observance of proportions relative to each other.

V. Manual labor

Topic: “Making human figures for theatrical and play activities according to traffic rules”
Target: making figurines of people.
Tasks: consolidate the ability to draw a person; strengthen the ability to work with pencils and scissors; consolidate knowledge of traffic rules, traffic lights; strengthen the ability to lead story game, agree on the development of the plot with comrades; develop fantasy and imagination.
Demonstration equipment: image of a human figure, two children's collective applications “On Our Street” in A1 format; handout: small rectangles of light yellow paper, pencils, erasers, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, scissors.
Progress of the lesson
The teacher, demonstrating a collective application depicting a road, houses, cars, trees, traffic lights:
- Remember how we recently made these two large applications? Everyone made their own house and one of the cars, you can easily recognize them. But look carefully, who is missing from the applications? (pedestrians).
The teacher pays attention to which directions the green and red traffic lights are shining, where pedestrians could cross the road. Invites children, remembering the proportions of a person, to draw little men on small rectangles (in proportion to the houses and cars on the applique), color them and cut them out along the contour. Reminds you of the rules for using pencils and scissors, monitors progress independent work children, helps as needed.
Children place cut-out figures on appliqués and play out the plot “I’m going to visit my neighbor.”

Elena Kravchenko
Lesson notes on traffic rules in preparatory group“Traffic rules for everyone without exception”

Lesson notes with integration educational areas

according to traffic rules in preparatory group

Subject: « Traffic rules - for everyone without exception» Integration of educational regions: "Safety", "Physical culture", "Music", "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization".

Target: to form older children preschool age basics of safe behavior on the street.



Improve children's knowledge about traffic rules, about traffic lights and the need to comply with them for safety purposes;

Systematize children's knowledge about road signs And rules crossing the street;

To consolidate children's knowledge about the work of traffic police officers.


To develop the basics of traffic literacy in children, to expand children’s knowledge about traffic lights and the meaning of traffic signals.

Develop children's ideas about specialized transport.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: You guys are passing,

Look at each other

Say hello with your palms

Smile a little bit for everyone.

Hello, dear guests!

Guys, today I invite you to take a trip to the country rules. Along the way we have to show our knowledge and learn a lot of new and useful things. But about which ones rules we will speak class, you will find out when you solve the riddle.

People don’t walk around the city or on the street just like that

When you don't know rules, it's easy to get into trouble

Be attentive at all times and remember in advance

They have their own driver and pedestrian rules.

Tell me which ones the rules in question?

Of course, oh traffic rules. Road there weren't always rules, just as the transport that we see today on the streets of our city was not always there.

Come to the stand, I want to tell you the history of the development of transport and traffic rules.

For many years, people dreamed of flying carpets, walking boots, and good wizards who could reach the ends of the world in an instant. These dreams were embodied in fairy tales, but in reality it took long weeks and months to overcome distances, because there was no transport, people walked and carried loads in their hands. But over time, man tamed the animals and taught them to transport goods and people.

What animals do you know that can be used to carry loads and ride? (Horse, donkey, camel, bull, elephant, dogs, deer, buffaloes, oxen) This is how horse-drawn transport appeared. Horse-drawn transport - a type of road (trackless) transport, both freight and passenger, in which vehicles (carts) are given in animal movement. The tug is a loop in the harness that connects the collar with the shafts and the arc.

This has made life easier for humans to some extent, but sometimes animals do not managed with this work, it was necessary to look for another way out to transport large loads. This is how log rollers appeared. Rolling a load on log rollers is much easier than dragging it along the ground. A platform with a load was placed on the logs, the logs rolled and the platform moved. This was not very convenient, because the logs constantly had to be shifted. And then the man came up with the idea of ​​sawing off a small piece from a log, making a hole in it and it turned out to be a wheel. The two wheels were connected by an axle, the axle was attached to the platform, and a convenient cart was created. It was made of wood, and rode on wooden rails with the help of the same animals and people. At first they transported goods on carts, then they made a seat and it turned out to be a carriage for people, and when a roof was made over the seat, it turned out to be a carriage. With the invention of the wheel, transport began to develop rapidly because people were constantly inventing something new. Bicycles, trams, cars, buses appeared. It became more and more. Pedestrians and passengers walked and drove on the same road and often collided with each other and were injured. After all, the streets of cities at that time were narrow, the roads were winding and bumpy. It became clear that it needed to be streamlined traffic on streets and roads, that is, to invent rules who would do movement they are convenient and safe.

This is how the first road signs and the responsibilities of pedestrians and drivers appeared. The road was divided into two parts - separately for drivers and pedestrians. Transport began to drive on the roadway, and pedestrians walked on the sidewalk.

The very first road sign for drivers was a traffic light, only it was controlled by a man. It had two glasses - green and red, which were illuminated by a lantern. Nowadays, modern traffic lights are powered by electricity, switch automatically and have three signal: red, yellow, green.

What do traffic lights mean?

But the very first road sign for pedestrians was a pedestrian crossing.

PHYSMINUTE "Road Crossing" (In the morning before the road)

Today you and I know a lot of road signs, and girls from secondary groups prepared for us a dance that called:


Let's name what road signs we visited and what they mean.

Now let's play a game "Answer quickly". I ask you a question, and who knows, he quickly answers.

What is a sidewalk? (road for pedestrians)

What is a zebra? (pedestrian crossing)

Who is called a pedestrian? (a person without vehicle)

How walk around the bus correctly? (behind)

Who is called the driver? (person, manager by any transport)

Where should pedestrians walk? (on the sidewalk)

Where can children play outside? (in special places reserved for games)

Which edge of the road should pedestrians walk on in places where there is no sidewalk? (to the left, towards moving vehicles)

If you are traveling on a bus or in a car, then who are you? (passenger)

What is the name of the place where people wait for the bus? (stop)

Name the vehicle made by the good fairy from a pumpkin in which Cinderella went to the ball? (coach)

Name a two or three wheeled vehicle that you can drive? (bike)

Tell me, guys, who is monitoring the implementation on the road traffic rules? (guard or traffic police inspector)

Why are road signs needed? (so that there are no accidents)

Well done. Let's sing a song "LET THEM RUN ON THE ROAD..."

Tell me what if you'll break the rules,

You will get different injuries,

And suddenly something bad happens,

What should we do then?

Call number 03, an ambulance.

What kind of car is this? (This is a special medical transport, with doctors who can quickly provide assistance)

What other special transport do you know? (firefighters, police).

Each service has its own number. Firefighters - 01, police - 02, ambulance– 03. Or you can call 112, this is also a rescue service.

Music plays and a GUARD enters.

I wish you good health! The inspector of the traffic police patrol service, senior lieutenant Ivanov, welcomes you! I directed to you to check your knowledge:

ABOUT traffic rules

About traffic lights

About road signs

Ready for testing?

Now I'll test you and start my game

Now I’m going to ask questions, it’s not easy to answer them!

If you act according to traffic rules, then together answer: “It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends!”. And if you don’t agree and don’t act like that, then just remain silent.

1. Which of you goes forward only where there is a transition?

2. Which of you is flying so fast that you can’t see the traffic light?

3. Does anyone know that a green light means the path is open?

4. Does anyone know that a red light means there is no movement?

5. Which of you gave up your seat to the old lady in a cramped carriage?

6. Who is happily kicking a ball near the roadway?

Well done, guys! Got it done with the first task of my test. But there is also a second thing! Be careful, now we will talk about road signs.

1. Now, when I was walking towards you, I had to cross the roadway. What sign helped me with this? (Road crossing)

Sign "Road Crossing" (Dasha Savova)

There's a land crossing here

People walk around all day.

You, driver, don't be sad,

Let the pedestrian pass.

2. Imagine that you and I went on an excursion to another city. We get on the bus and we're recovering. What sign should we remember to take with us? (Attention children)

Sign "Children" (Nikita Aikin)

There are children in the middle of the road,

We are always responsible for them.

So that their parent does not cry,

Be careful, driver!

3. You and I are going, we are going, and we wanted to eat. What sign will tell us that there is a canteen or cafe nearby? (Food station)

Sign "Food station" (Nikita Ditzel)

When you need food,

Then come here.

Hey driver, pay attention!

Food station coming soon!

Sign "Telephone" (Vika Polyakova)

What should I do, what should I do,

I need to call urgently

So that both you and he know,

There is a telephone in this place.

5. We came to another city on an excursion, we need to transfer to another excursion bus. What sign will show us the bus stop? (Bus stop).

Sign "Bus stop" (Nikita Gordeev)

There is a pedestrian in this place

The transport is waiting patiently.

He's tired of walking

Wants to become a passenger.

Dear children, allow me to congratulate you on completing the test and present you with medals "Traffic expert"


So that parents don’t worry every day,

So that drivers can drive calmly down the street

Everyone should study

Be sure to repeat

Traffic Laws!

Let's sing a song with me "This World"

Children are divided into two teams: drivers and pedestrians. Drivers take the steering wheel. Together with the inspector, the children sing the song “This world consists of pedestrians, cars and drivers, and of course, roads.”

Goals:— continue to familiarize children with the rules of behavior on the street and in transport;

  • establish rules for crossing the street;
  • consolidate the concept of “pedestrian crossing” and traffic lights.

Progress of the lesson:

Communicative speech game “Dear Friend”

Goal: to tune children into each other, to give each child the opportunity to feel in the center of attention.

Naughty bell,

Form the guys into a circle.

The guys gathered in a circle

On the left is a friend and on the right is a friend.

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other.

Educator:- Guys, we are now going for a walk through the streets of our big city. Tell me, what do you call people walking down the street?

Children:— Pedestrians.

Educator:— Oh, there are traffic rules for pedestrians.

  1. child - There are rules everywhere,

You should always know them.

Without them, ships will not set sail from the harbor.

  1. child - They go on a flight according to the rules

Polar explorer and pilot. The driver and the pedestrian have their own rules.

  1. child - Around the city, along the street

They don’t just walk like that: When you don’t know the rules, It’s easy to get into trouble.

  1. child - Be careful all the time

And remember in advance: The driver and the pedestrian have their own rules.

Ya. Pishumov.

Educator:- Guys, look who is coming to meet us?

Children:- Dunno!

Educator:- But Dunno is upset about something. Tell Dunno, what happened to you?

Dunno:— Once in a big and noisy city,

I was confused, I was lost...

Without knowing the traffic lights,

Almost got hit by a car!

There are cars and trams all around, then another bus on the way. To be honest, I don’t know where to cross the road.

Guys, can you help me?

And, if possible, tell me,

How to cross the road

So as not to get run over by a tram!

Educator:- Dunno, don’t be upset. Our guys are already familiar with the most important rules of the road. They will not only tell you, but also show you how to behave on the city streets.

Educator:- So, we went outside and went for a walk along... I forgot. What is the name of the part of the street along which pedestrians must walk?

Children:- Sidewalk.

Educator: - That's right, children. Pedestrians walk along the sidewalk. And on which side of it?

Children:- On the right.

Educator:- That's right, on the right. So as not to disturb other pedestrians. But in pedestrian business, the most important and difficult thing is to cross the road. So please answer the question: where should pedestrians cross the street?

Children:— Underpass, pedestrian crossing or zebra crossing.

Educator:— That’s right, people cross the street in a strictly defined place. And this is an underground passage, a pedestrian crossing or a zebra crossing.

Guys, what kind of helpers do pedestrians have?

Children:— Traffic controller, traffic light.

  1. child: - Police post

Very important and not simple. He makes sure that everyone on the road knows how to behave.

  1. child: - At any intersection

We are greeted by a traffic light

And it’s very easy to start a conversation with a pedestrian.

The light is green - come on in!

Yellow - better wait!

If the light turns red -

It's dangerous to move!

Be patient.

Learn and respect

Traffic rules.

Educator:- Guys, let's help Dunno remember the traffic lights.

Conducted game "Traffic light".

Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about the purpose of a traffic light and its signals.

The presenter switches the traffic lights.

  • on green, children walk in place;
  • on yellow they clap their hands; - on red, keep quiet.
  1. child: - The city is full of movement:

Cars are running in a row.

Colored traffic lights

They burn day and night.

  1. child: - Walking carefully,

Watch the street - And only where you can cross it!

Educator:- Well done, children! You showed and told everything correctly.

Dunno, did you remember the traffic lights?

Dunno:- Yes, and now I know where and how to cross the street. Thanks guys!

You helped me a lot. Goodbye!

Educator:- Guys, I think it’s time for us to go back to kindergarten.

But we will return by bus. We're going to the bus stop. And here is the bus.

We take our seats, sit down comfortably, and hit the road (the children sit down). Educator:— And while we’re driving, tell us about the rules of behavior in public transport.

Children:— Do not touch the doors while driving. You have to wait until the driver opens them. You cannot run around the cabin.

Educator:— Is it possible to talk to the driver while driving?

Children: - No, the driver is distracted.

Educator:- Is it possible to lean out of the window?

Children:- No, it's dangerous.

Educator:- Can I talk loudly?

Children:— No, it interferes with other passengers.

Educator:- Well done! You are good passengers, you know how to behave. This is where our walk ends. We calmly get off the bus, become pedestrians again and return to the group.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Program content:

1. Consolidate children’s knowledge about warning, prohibitory, prescriptive, information and directional road signs and service signs.
2. Practice the ability to schematically depict road signs using various visual materials (paints, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, gel pens).
3. Develop spatial orientation skills and conscious use of traffic rules in everyday life.
4. Develop children's attention and creative imagination.

Preliminary work:

  • traffic rules classes in a group;
  • didactic games: “Our street”, “Put up a road sign”, “Traffic light”, “Guess what sign”;
  • reading fiction on the topic of traffic rules;
  • conversation "Road signs";
  • familiarity with road signs in everyday life.

Material for the lesson:

  • "damaged road signs";
  • paper of different formats;
  • paints, colored pencils, markers, gel pens for all children.


Traffic Light comes to visit the children for a lesson.

Traffic light: Guys, I came to you for help. The fact is that I live in a magical land, everything was fine with us, but one day the Confusion Fairy sent a mischievous whirlwind. He stole all the road signs and threw them into a deep ravine at the edge of the country. Residents found road signs, but they are in such poor condition that they are simply a disaster. Not a single sign looks like itself anymore, I'll show them to you now (hangs up “damaged” road signs, gives time to examine the signs). Accidents began to occur in the city, pedestrians fell under the wheels of cars, cars could not cross a railway crossing, wild animals were afraid to cross the road through the forest, pedestrians quarreled with drivers, passengers could not understand where the “food point” was and where the “maintenance point” ". Guys, help us, please correct our signs.

Educator: Let's help the residents of the Magic Land?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Okay, but first, let’s repeat once again what road signs exist and what they mean, and the Traffic Light will listen to us and tell us his opinion.

Children's stories about road signs.

Traffic light: Well done guys, everything is right! But what should we do with “damaged” signs?

Educator: Don’t worry, Traffic Light, we will help you, the children will draw existing signs for you and also come up with and draw new ones that will help the residents of the Magic Land in life, right, guys?

Children: Yes!

Educator: We will split into three groups; The first group will draw warning signs, the second group will draw prohibitive signs, and the third will draw informational and service signs.

Children are divided into groups and distribute among themselves who will draw which signs. Independent work of children, during which the teacher provides individual assistance, advice, and reminds them of the methods and techniques of drawing.

Educator: Are you done, guys? Traffic light, look, did our children complete the task?

Traffic light: Yes, thank you.

Educator: But that’s not all, now the guys will draw one more sign that they came up with themselves. These signs are not simple, they will help the inhabitants of a magical land in their cheerful life.

Children draw imaginary signs.

Traffic light: Very interesting, what do they mean?

Children's creative stories about their invented signs.

– Thank you guys, I will definitely pass on your signs and wishes, I have to go. Goodbye.

Educator: You did a good job, completed the task, and whose signs and stories about them did you like the most?

Analysis and self-analysis of children.

- Well done, did you like the lesson? In the next lesson we will continue to familiarize you with the rules of the road.

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about the Rules of the Road, road signs, rules of behavior on the roads and in vehicles, to develop thinking and attentiveness.

Material. On an easel, on a magnetic board or on a table there is a seven-flowered flower, a toy wand, a traffic light model, chalk, and road sign models.

Progress of the lesson

Teacher. Children, do you remember the fairy tale “The Little Flower of Seven Flowers”? In this fairy tale, the sorceress gave the girl Zhenya a seven-flowered flower, and Zhenya was able to fulfill her seven wishes. Today the fairy of traffic light sciences gave us the same flower. This is an amazing flower, on each of its petals the fairy wrote unusual tasks for us. Here's her wish:

According to my wish,

At my command

Make children smart and

Be careful on the roads!

Children, in order to avoid getting into trouble, you need to know the rules of the road, and not only know them, but also follow them. Let's tear off one petal and find out what is written there.

Fly, fly, petal,

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back after making a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground,

Let's do it our way!

(Tears off one petal and asks the children one question each.)

Teacher. 1. Why should drivers be especially careful at intersections?

2. The driver, making a turn onto another street, turns on the car's light signals. Why is he doing this?

3. Why can’t you play on the roadway?

4. Why shouldn’t the driver be distracted by talking?

5. You cannot lean out of a vehicle window. Why?

6. What is a traffic light for?

Now everyone knows why traffic rules should not be violated.

You need to obey without arguing

Traffic light instructions.

Need traffic rules

Carry out without objection.

Look at the signals

And then move on!

And the last petal (tears off) brought us a “magic chest” with games. Let's play.

Game "Nimble Pedestrian"

“Pedestrians” take turns “crossing” the intersection. “Go” means throwing the ball into the green eye of the traffic light model while moving. If you hit red, you're out of the game. If you hit the yellow one, you throw the ball again.

Game “Listen - Remember”

The leader holds a baton in his hand to regulate traffic. He approaches one of the participants in the game, hands him the baton and asks a question about the rules of behavior on the street. If the answer is correct, the leader passes the baton to another participant, etc.


There are many different rules in the world.

It wouldn’t hurt us to learn them all.

But the main rules of the movement

Know how to use a multiplication table:

Don't play on the pavement, don't ride,

If you want to stay healthy.
