Men are like fine wine: they only get better with age. Why do some wines taste better over the years? Wine gets better every year

Too often, when we sit down to dinner in a restaurant, the waiter hands the wine list to the man and expects him to resolve the issues related to drinking. Fortunately, this trend is changing: sommeliers are increasingly women, and it has become common practice to invite both men and women to taste wine. But the wine list can confuse anyone. There are several key principles, which every woman should arm herself with in order to feel confident in the store, receiving guests or visiting, and, of course, having dinner or drinking in a wine bar. You don't necessarily need to have any technical knowledge, but a few basic facts can be a great help.

What are tannins anyway?

Tannins are found in grape skins, seeds and vines and leave a tobacco-like, dryish taste in the mouth that can be chewed. When the tannins are well balanced - as in a wine that has been aged in oak for a long time to structure the tannin (many aged Barolos from northern Italy are like this) - they will pair well with a substantial meal, say a steak. When tannins are immature, they will produce a very harsh taste. If you want to taste tannins, ask for a tannic wine. If not, choose a wine with low or no tannins.

At the liquor store, you should ask a more interesting question than “Where do you get the Malbec?”

There is nothing wrong with buying Malbec. In fact, French Malbec in a good way The words are very simple, earthy and worth trying. But if you immediately reach for Malbec (Chilean, say), you're missing out huge amount interesting options. Take your time and look at how the store is organized: maybe the wines are grouped by region, by type of grape, or something else. Ask the seller to show you an interesting wine within your budget and give a couple of comments about what you generally like and how you plan to drink the bottle you are buying (for a gala dinner? with a TV series? with pizza?). Trust a good seller and you will discover many new wines that will enrich your palate over time.

Don't call cabernet sauvignon "sauvignon" and in English-speaking countries avoid using the abbreviation "cab."

Diminutives are inappropriate here, and “cab” is vehicle, not wine. If you want a wine made from the Cabernet Sauvignon grape, take the trouble to pronounce the entire name. Also keep in mind that a huge number of great wines are made from a blend (blend) of Cabernet Sauvignon with other grape varieties. Take Bordeaux, for example, where Merlot and Cabernet Franc, among others, are used to produce full-bodied, long-aging wines along with Cabernet Sauvignon. In California, these blends are often referred to as "meritage." If you like cabernet sauvignon, try experimenting with wine blends.

How to tell if a wine has a cork?

If you taste wine and it tastes like wet cardboard or swimming pool mold, it's probably gone bad, "there's a cork in it." This happens very often - with 3-10 percent of all wines. This bottle is not worth drinking. If you are in a restaurant, say that you think the wine tastes corked, and the sommelier will take the bottle away. If you are not sure, there is nothing terrible or shameful - ask the sommelier to taste the wine. If you bought such a bottle in a store, take it back without pouring out the wine. Replacement is possible.

Most wines are dry

A common concern about wine is that the wine may be sweet. First, it is important to know that a wine is only sweet if it has residual sugar. This usually happens when the grapes are picked late, and is how dessert wines are traditionally made. When they say that you don’t want to drink “sweet” wine, they usually mean that you don’t want fruity wine or wine with a fruity bouquet. Conversely, you may enjoy fruity wines. Unless you're specifically looking for a dessert wine, don't ask if it's sweet, but think of the wine's flavor as a spectrum, with fruit at one end and acidity or tannins at the other. Acidity is the hallmark of a great wine to accompany food, it helps the wine taste light and fresh and cut through the fat in food like tannins.

Most European wines are named after the place where they come from.

The main goal of many European wines is the ability to demonstrate their terroir, that is, a certain combination of climate, soil, winemaking practices and vineyard location. Therefore, wines are named after their regions of origin: Beaujolais, for example, will be called any wine from the region of the same name in central France. The French usually know that when they buy a bottle of Beaujolais, they will get red wine made from the Gamay grape, because they were raised in a wine culture. But in the USA, wines are more often named after the grapes that created them.

Champagne is the wine from Champagne; everything else is called “sparkling wine” or “fizzy wine.”

Based on the above, when you order champagne, you are asking for sparkling wine from a specific area of ​​France. It will generally be more expensive than any other sparkling wine due to the high cost of land and labor involved in producing champagne. If you want a sparkling wine that is cheaper, but still elegant and of high quality, order a French cremant: it is made using a technology similar to champagne (the so-called method traditionnelle - traditional method). Others good options Wines based on this method include Franciacorta or some New York or California sparklings - many of which taste as good as champagne. If you want to mix up your sparkling mimosa or bellini, Italian prosecco or Spanish cava are great options.


If you only know of one elegant, delicious, unique white wine, let it be the high-acid, steely-tasting wines of the Chablis region of central France. These wines are made from Chardonnay grapes, but thanks to Chablis' cool climate, old vines, and minimal use of oak barrels, their flavors are nothing like the buttery, popcorn-y wines of some other Chardonnay wines you may have tried. The soil of Chablis dates back to the Jurassic period, when the land was under water, and today it is full of fossilized shells and limestone, which imbue the wine with the complex mineral flavors characteristic of the region - and what makes Chablis perfect couple seafood. Drinking Chablis can be an incredible experience, and there are many decent bottles on sale for under 2,000 rubles.

In a restaurant, it is more profitable to order a bottle straight away than to drink wine by the glass.

Restaurants mark up wines sold by the glass much higher than wines sold in bottles. If you and two other friends are going out to dinner, it is much more economical to ask for a bottle of wine than to order glasses. And here's some pro advice: best choice there will be a bottle that will be just a little more expensive than the cheapest wine on the menu. If the cheapest bottle is priced at 1200 rubles, look for wine for 1400-1500 rubles - this will be a great option. Is it unusual for you to order by bottle? Ask for help and don't be shy. Remember that the sommelier is there to help you choose the bottle you would like. You don't need to use professional terms for this; you can simply indicate the price ceiling, your general mood or, for example, the dishes that you will order, and this will be enough for the sommelier to give advice.

Break every rule in the world

There are some pretty immutable rules in wine culture. Please break them. Drink rosé all year round, start with a light red and continue with white, drink sparkling wine with your main course, try dry riesling with spicy Asian food - and remember how you feel! In other words, decide what you like, what interests you, what brings you joy. Wine is meant to be played with, and you may discover unexpectedly good pairings if you explore hitherto undiscovered areas. California Zinfandel with grilled chicken can be a great pairing, and a dark, full-bodied rosé makes a great choice with steak. Best strategy- be open to everything new.

The most painful topic for any woman over 40 is age. Many are embarrassed by their number in their passport, some have a terrible complex about the fact that the years are irrevocably floating away. And many women are generally sure that men are only capable of falling in love with a young, fidgety girl. Dear ladies, on behalf of our entire editorial team, we assure you that you are beautiful! Whether you are 40, 50 or 75, you are always beautiful! Stop doubting yourself and your beauty.

Just some time ago, a sensational message appeared online from Dmitry Nagiyev, who spoke sharply and unequivocally about women over 40. The popular TV presenter, showman and brawler, however, neither confirmed nor denied his involvement in this sensational statement. We invite you to read the text of this statement!

“I have to admit, as I get older, I appreciate women over forty more and more. They are like fine wine - they only get better with age. Now I’ll try to break it down into pieces.

For example, a 40-year-old woman will never wake you up in the middle of the night with the question “What are you thinking about?” Do you know why? She doesn't care what you think about!

If a 40-year-old woman is too lazy to watch football on TV with you, she won't sit around and whine about it. She will simply leave and start doing something more interesting to her.

Ladies over forty have self-esteem and self-confidence. Believe me, such a woman is unlikely to throw a tantrum at you; these women can even calmly shoot you if you deserve it. Well, if they can get away with it...

40 year old a woman will not play cat and mouse with you, she is not afraid to show you to her friends, because she is 100% confident in herself. Unlike young, inexperienced girls, she simply doesn’t care whether her friends think you’re attractive. She boldly trusts both you and them, without fear of losing anything.

For 40-year-old women, intuition works better than that of any psychic. Believe me. They don’t need to find out where and with whom you were: they already know everything about you!

My friend, once you learn to ignore wrinkles, you will notice that women over forty are much sexier than younger women. And they are always honest: if you are a brute and behave like a complete bastard, they will say it straight out. You will never have to guess how she feels about you.

As you can see, there are many reasons to admire women over forty. For all the men who like to repeat: “Why buy a whole cow when you can get milk for free?”, I have amazing news: today 80% of women are not interested in marriage! Why? Because they understand that “there is no point in buying a whole pig for the sake of sausage!”

We were unable to fully find out whether these words were actually spoken by Dmitry himself, but no matter who the author was, his words hit the mark. We can say with 99% confidence that Dmitry Nagiyev himself would definitely support these truly honest words about beautiful ladies over 40!

As you can see, if your age starts with a four, this is not a reason to despair - many men admire older ladies. Share this inspiring post with all your friends!

Be interesting with

George Clooney

School years were the worst time in the life of the “eternal bachelor” and “the most charming man in Hollywood” George Clooney. IN high school the boy was struck by paralysis, and for about a year his face was half paralyzed - George’s left eye did not open, he could not eat or drink normally, and for this he received the nickname “Frankenstein”. But everything ended more than happily - Clooney ended up in the series " Ambulance", and from there to the big cinema. By the way, his later film roles are much more interesting than the image of Dr. Doug Ross, and the actor himself only gets better over the years - gray hair, a charming smile and a classic Hugo Boss suit suit him, and we can enjoy his beautiful eyes, both of which are open.

So here's about male beauty and a man's age:

Italians are recognized as the most handsome men in the world, while thinning hair over the years and the appearance of wrinkles do not always entail a loss of attractiveness.
These are the results of a survey conducted by the international marketing company Synovate.

The study involved about 10 thousand men and women aged 15 to 64 years from 12 countries - Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Greece, Malaysia, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Great Britain and the USA.

Despite the fact that Italy was not included in the number of countries where the survey was conducted, it was Italian men who won the palm in the correspondence beauty contest. The Americans took second place, the Russians took third, and the Brazilians took fourth.

According to the majority of respondents, an attractive man does not necessarily have to have the right facial features and an athlete's figure. Survey participants named good hygiene as the main requirement for a man claiming to be handsome. In their opinion, a clean-shaven man has a better chance of making a good impression on others.

Second on the list of necessary requirements is self-confidence. Approximately 20% of respondents named this condition as “the ability to hold on,” and there are many who consider it important for a man to have a beautiful smile.

Hair or lack thereof, as the survey showed, has a slight effect on the attractiveness of the stronger sex. Only 1% of study participants said that thick, healthy hair is an essential component of male beauty.

Geography, as it turns out, also influences people's preferences. Thus, in Spain, more men than women consider pumped up muscles and good clothes to be a necessary condition for male attractiveness. In Greece, on the contrary, women more often perceive the macho image as the standard of male beauty.

British, French and Australian women value a radiant smile in men more than the stronger sex.

According to the study, older men are no less likely to win a woman's heart than younger men. Thus, 60% of respondents said that men become even more attractive over the years. Among those who share this point of view, the largest numbers are Americans, Chinese, Greeks and Malaysians.

When a woman turns 40, the world changes. Someone will definitely joke that with age we acquire only the best qualities, becoming more expensive and playful, like good wine. Damn it, it's true! A mature woman has already found herself, she knows her strengths, has come to terms with her weaknesses, she has a ton of experience, tons of wisdom and a battle-hardened character. But one of the main achievements of maturity can be called one thing - with age, women acquire self-control.

Achievements of maturity

It just so happens that young girls are too hot-tempered and emotional, they like to shoot from the shoulder, and perceive the world through the prism of feelings. Storms rage in their souls, and their minds are controlled by hormones. As soon as a guy says something stupid, she, without hesitation, will throw out the full force of her hatred on him, bombard him with angry messages, and cut his face with her nails. And then the veil will fall - and again love until the grave. As soon as the boss hurts her ego, she will immediately slam the door, write a letter of resignation... and an hour later, with her ears pinched, she will come asking to go back, thereby losing all respect for herself.

With age, hormones calm down, your character becomes more self-possessed, and you can tell yourself: “Stop!” A clear understanding comes that all our decisions have consequences, and in war the one who is able to control himself wins. This is not suppressing emotions, but rather managing them. When you consciously accept the rule of not deciding anything rashly. It’s just that by this moment you respect yourself enough to wait a little, calm down and not spoil your body or nerves with empty hysterics.

Yours will be yours

The older a woman is, the more difficult it is to piss her off. She had seen so much, experienced so much, cried so many tears! It is difficult to surprise her... Therefore, she will not stoop to being rude in response to rudeness, will not call a man who has not shown an ounce of interest in her, and will not run with an apology to a man who himself was guilty, but for some reason did not values ​​relationships. A completely clear understanding comes to her: what’s yours will stay with you, and you shouldn’t waste your energy on strangers. This is how peace, inner harmony and contentment come into life.

With age, women begin to value time more, and therefore do not waste energy on storytellers and empty talkers. So what if she’s 37 and turns 38 tomorrow? She will not rush at anything, poison herself with the poison of dislike with the first person she meets, she will rather wait, she knows how to wait. If you're lucky, you'll meet yours. If she’s unlucky, she’ll find something to fill her life with, fortunately, there are so many opportunities and ways of entertainment around! She will look for exactly what she deserves, because she has no time to waste her life on self-pity, constant tossing and worrying, her health is too dear to her.

With age, the need to respond to enemy attacks disappears; you simply wait and hit the upstart right on target when this is not expected of you. So that it doesn't get boring. With age, the need to eat anything goes away; on the contrary, you want to please every cell of the body with life-giving moisture. You suddenly find yourself, the center of inner balance, and the world no longer seems so scary and indifferent. You just want to live, find a friend after your heart, brew aromatic tea and admire the beautiful sunset. With age, women discover a zest for life, and this is worth a lot!
