How to smear chickenpox, except brilliant green: a review of the best ointments, gels and other colorless products for treating crusts in children. What, besides brilliant green, can be used to smear chickenpox scars on children? How to cauterize chickenpox in adults

Chicken pox – viral infection, which affects mainly preschool and younger children school age. It is practically impossible to avoid the disease. A characteristic symptom infection is a rash all over the body. Literally the next day, every pimple that pops up turns into a vial with liquid contents. When its membrane ruptures, it is important to prevent secondary infection of the resulting wound. In this case, it is recommended to use antiseptic solutions. Most often, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used brilliant green and Fukortsin. But they leave an unsightly color on the body and face. What colorless ointment for chickenpox or colorless solution can be used instead of the listed antiseptics is discussed below.

Symptoms of the disease

The main symptoms of chickenpox are a rash all over the body, including scalp heads. Pimples can also be localized on the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose and genitals. The rash is accompanied by an increase in temperature, but not always. Often the child shows all the signs of intoxication. This may include weakness, lethargy, apathy, and lack of appetite.

Important: for the entire period of the rash, bathing the child is strictly prohibited. Water helps spreadeniarashes on the body and opens the gate for infection to enter the wounds.

Fighting rashes

Fighting the chickenpox virus is useless. In general, all treatment comes down to relieving symptoms. That is, it is necessary to bring down the temperature, if any, and properly treat all pimples and pockmarks. To prevent the patient from tearing itchy blisters and causing secondary infection, it is necessary to use any antiseptic solution or chicken pox ointment instead of brilliant green. All drugs in this group provide high-quality protection of the epidermis from secondary infection and additionally relieve itching. In addition, most of the drugs listed below actively listen to wounds and relieve swelling, if any. It is advisable to carry out high-quality hygiene of the patient’s body with frequent changes of underwear.

Important: when looking for a colorless drug for chickenpox instead of brilliant green, it is worth remembering that colored solutions allow you to monitor the presence of new rashes on the patient’s body. This is important in the context that after the last crust has dried, another five days will pass and the patient will be non-infectious to healthy people.

Creams, gels and balms for treating rashes

A kind of colorless greenery with chickenpox is an antihistamine and antiseptic drugs in the form of balms, gels and creams. The most effective in this case are:

  • Psilobalm. The product has a mild antihistamine effect on the patient's body. In addition, the gel relieves swelling, cools the itchy rash and relieves pain. The drug should be applied one to four times a day directly to each pockmark. It is forbidden to use Psilobalm if you are individually intolerant to its components, if you are in direct sunlight or if you are consuming alcoholic beverages.
  • Fenistil. The product is available in gel form. Thanks to the antihistamine effect, the itching of chicken rash is relieved almost instantly after applying the product. In addition, it is worth remembering that the gel should not be applied to large damaged areas of skin. Especially for children.
  • Zovirax. This cream contains the active ingredient acyclovir. Therefore, an analogue of Zovirax is the colorless ointment for chickenpox Acyclovir. The drug is effective because it has an antiviral effect on the patient’s body. That is, it stops the process of virus reproduction in the body. Zovirax should be used frequently - up to six times a day. Apply the product pointwise. It is prohibited to use the drug for children under one year of age, pregnant women and women during breastfeeding. It is also not recommended to use the external preparation if prolonged exposure to direct sunlight is expected. In addition, patients with a history of obstruction should be especially careful with external agents. bladder, bronchial asthma, glaucoma or prostate adenoma. Zovirax can provoke a burning sensation, an allergic rash and dry skin.
  • Viferon. The drug is produced in the form of helium. Thanks to the active substance interferon, the product not only has an analgesic effect, but also significantly restores the skin after the opening of smallpox pimples. That is, wound healing occurs faster.

Colorless ointments for chickenpox

As for colorless ointments for chickenpox instead of brilliant green, the following drugs will be relevant and effective:

  • Zinc ointment for chickenpox. Trade name Tsindol. The drug works as an antiseptic, astringent and adsorbent. Thanks to this drug, the patient’s irritation is reduced and the inflammatory process is neutralized. In addition, zinc ointment for chickenpox in children forms an additional film on the surface of the skin, which softens the skin while wounds heal. However, it is worth considering that zinc ointment It is prohibited to use in case of purulent phenomena and in case of secondary infection of wounds. Tsindol can be prescribed to pregnant and lactating women.
  • Acyclovir. Another clear chicken pox ointment for children. The product has proven itself to be the most effective to date. The safety of the drug allows it to be used by both adults and children. Subject to absence hypersensitivity In addition to the component of Acyclovir, the drug promotes rapid healing of wounds, relief of itching and general restoration of the skin.

Application of lotions

Another remedy that helps fight the itchy rash of chickenpox is Calamine lotion. Its therapeutic effect is due to its constituent components:

  • Zinc oxide and carbonate;
  • Phenol and glycerin;
  • Purified water;
  • Sodium citrate.

Due to the fact that all components of the lotion are absolutely harmless, the drug can even be used in the treatment of chickenpox in children. Calamine actively eavesdrops on the crust of burst blisters, reduces swelling, and eliminates itching. In addition, the lotion prevents secondary infection of open wounds. If you are allergic to one or more components of the drug, it is not recommended to use it.

In addition to Calamine from liquid colorless solutions, you can use:

  • Fukortsin is colorless;
  • Casteliani antiseptic solution;
  • A solution of manganese provided that its crystals are completely dissolved in water.

If the patient experiences infection in the wounds and their suppuration, then the use of ointments that contain an antibiotic is indicated. But the prescription of such an ointment for chickenpox should only be prescribed by the attending physician. Especially young children.

Treatment of pimples that appear when the chickenpox virus enters the body is traditionally done with a solution of brilliant green. However, this method of treatment is not as effective as many people think: the drug is not capable of killing the virus, which means the effect is limited only by external influences, which are also very short-lived. What other than brilliant green can you apply to a rash that appears? Let's turn to modern medicine to answer this question.

How to smear acne with chickenpox and whether it is necessary to treat watery blisters at all - this is what interests a person suffering from such an illness. Often nothing comes to mind other than greenery. However, doctors say that brilliant green has no effect on virus cells: its use causes unpleasant consequences in the form of dry skin and stained clothes. In addition, to get results, it is suggested to frequently smear pimples, which takes a lot of time. Fortunately, there are now medications that can alleviate the patient’s condition and avoid inconvenience.

Antiviral agents

For chickenpox in children, especially when it occurs in a severe form, antiviral drugs are an obligatory component of complex therapy aimed at treating the disease. Here's what you can use to smear the abscesses that appear:

Apply anti-inflammatory agents to pimples if chickenpox is severe. Such drugs are used especially carefully during pregnancy or infancy.

Medicines to relieve itching

Most unpleasant symptom Accompanying the disease is constant scratching of the affected areas of the skin. Researching the best way to apply pimples, doctors came to the conclusion that the following are suitable for treatment:

You should not try to cover every pimple that appears, especially with heavy rashes.

If large areas are treated, an overdose of drugs occurs, which is fraught with complications.

Drying and burning acne

To prevent the active phase of the disease from lasting long, the affected areas should be dried. Good cauterizing effect, giving quick results, provide drugs:

When using ointments and antipyretics at the same time, carefully monitor your health: this can cause dizziness, nausea and other negative symptoms.

Help with inflammation

Relieving inflammation is an important stage in healing from chickenpox. It is these processes in the body that cause increased body temperature and pain. It is recommended to use the following agents in complex therapy:

  • Kamistad. An ointment containing a strong anesthetic component – ​​lidocaine. Helps relieve pain in affected areas. In addition, it effectively disinfects emerging wounds and helps eliminate infection.
  • Ibuprofen. Reduces body temperature and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Suitable for treating emerging pimples in children.

The drugs are used only as prescribed by the attending physician: it is quite difficult to independently calculate the dosage and frequency of use.

You should not self-medicate for chickenpox. It is best to contact a specialist.

For scar healing

In addition to painful sensations and a general feeling of malaise, with the onset of chickenpox, another problem arises - an aesthetic one. During acne healing, scars often remain, which are difficult to get rid of at home. To ensure that there are no scars on your body and face reminiscent of the disease, take care of proper healing in advance:

  • Bepanten. Promotes accelerated regeneration of skin tissue, preventing the appearance of marks and scarring of wounds. It has a moisturizing effect, eliminating dry skin observed after chickenpox.
  • Mederma. Used after wounds have healed, it helps get rid of remaining marks. There is no need to treat the affected areas too often: several times a day is enough.

Timely use of healing products will allow the skin to remain clean and without damage. Even with severe forms of chickenpox, using such ointments does not leave unsightly marks.

When there is a rash on the mucous membrane

Adults usually experience a severe degree of chickenpox: pimples appear not only on the skin, but also on mucous membranes mouth and nose.

Most ointments are not suitable for treating damaged areas of this kind: their use is limited to external use.

If ulcers are detected on the mucous tissue, the rashes are treated with a solution of furatsilin. Most often, rinses with a designated product are prescribed, but you can simply lubricate the pimples with a drug diluted in the proportions specified by the doctor.

Traditional medicines

Supporters of alternative medicine also do not have to wait for the virus to disappear on its own. A number of herbs help get rid of the itching and relieve inflammation. First of all, you should pay attention to:

  • Calendula. Alcohol tincture is used to cauterize papules.
  • Chamomile. Soothing agent, reduces the intensity of the flow inflammatory processes.
  • A series. Relieves itching on affected areas.

In addition to decoctions from medicinal herbs Soda may be used. The powder added to the bath disinfects acne and wounds, and also eliminates itching. However To avoid drying out the skin, taking the product more than once a day is not recommended.

Chicken pox is a disease that causes a lot of trouble. But if you know what means to fight it with, you can reduce the consequences of the disease to a minimum.

Chickenpox makes itself known as a red, itchy rash all over the body, which is replaced by fluid-filled blisters that burst after maturity and flow out. They should not be scratched even with unbearable itching, otherwise scars will remain on the child’s body forever, and the disease will drag on, causing serious complications. It is impossible to watch the baby suffer, and therefore the parents are trying in every possible way to alleviate his suffering. First of all, they are interested in what is the best way to smear chickenpox so that the itching calms down and the spots go away.

Chicken pox is generally associated with green chicken pox, but there are many other drugs available to reduce itching and inflammation.

What is chickenpox and how does it manifest?

Chicken pox or chickenpox is an acute viral disease accompanied by rash and fever. This disease mainly occurs in children under 7 years of age. Once cured, the disease does not return, so adults rarely get chickenpox. The disease is caused by a virus from the herpes group called Varicella-Zoster. This is herpes of the third type, transmitted by airborne droplets and affecting every person who does not have antibodies to the virus in the blood.

How many days is the incubation period? Up to three weeks, and during the first week, when there are no symptoms of the disease, the child is a carrier of the disease. At this time, the virus spreads throughout the baby’s body and begins to multiply, infecting cells.

As a result, the child experiences weakness, nausea, drowsiness, lack of appetite, fever, and spots on the skin. Then they are replaced by blisters with clear liquid and suppuration throughout the body. Not only the skin is affected, but also the brain, digestive system, lungs, nerve endings. When recovery begins, the crusts formed after the pus is released disappear. A slight pigmentation remains, which then disappears.

Why is a chickenpox rash treated with brilliant green?

The chickenpox rash must be smeared with antiseptics to destroy microbes that provoke the growth of acne, prevent scratching and infection in the wound. In Russia, brilliant green has long been used for this purpose.

Western doctors are subject to severe criticism of this method of treating wounds, arguing that brilliant green:

  • contains alcohol, so it can dry out the skin;
  • increases burning sensation;
  • does not wash off well;
  • The dark color makes it difficult for doctors to assess the condition of the rash.

This is the reason why, instead of brilliant green, doctors advise using other, more convenient and safe ones to treat blisters. modern drugs. In addition, to cauterize chickenpox, you can take potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide.

What to apply to the rash?

How to treat a rash at home? First you need to consult a doctor who will tell you which products will be most suitable for your baby and how many times a day to use them. You must act quickly: the sooner you apply the cream to your children’s skin, the sooner the blisters will ripen and open and the crusts will dry out. This means healing is near.

Ointments for chickenpox virus

Bubbles and crusts with chickenpox will appear regardless of whether ointments were used to prevent them. However, there are remedies that can help speed up the healing process.

Among them it is worth highlighting:

  • Acyclovir (we recommend reading:);
  • Zovirax;
  • Epigen;
  • interferon ointments.

Their action is aimed at suppressing viral activity. They work especially well on early stage applications.

Ointments for itching

Reduces itching chicken pox antihistamines, as well as drugs whose action is directed against herpes. For example, Acyclovir is used to eliminate itching, dry out blisters, and relieve swelling of the skin in affected areas. The following products cope well with this task (which also cool the skin, reducing sweating):

  • Poksklin (we recommend reading:);
  • Fenistil (we recommend reading:);
  • Calamine lotion;
  • Psilo-balm.

Ointments for skin inflammation

Fenistil and the other ointments listed above are also useful against inflammatory processes on the skin. Fenistil is an antihistamine ointment that is used for allergies. It also has the ability to eliminate itching from chickenpox, helps with inflammation, and promotes skin regeneration.

For inflammation with chickenpox, they also use:

  • colorless gel Viferon, which promotes the healing of damaged skin and accelerates the falling off of crusts;
  • salicylic or salicylic-zinc acid and Tsindol - relieves irritation, dries the wound, stops the growth of bacteria, secondary infection;
  • Furacilin;
  • Acyclovir cream;
  • oil tea tree;
  • calamine lotion;
  • Fukortsin.

The drugs should be used according to the instructions, without exceeding the dose. All of them are good at reducing both inflammation and itching, promoting skin regeneration.

Scar Remedies

The following medications will help prevent scars from appearing after chickenpox:

  • Bepanten cream (more details in the article:);
  • Mederma ointment;
  • Medgel;
  • Contractubex gel.

These products are best used before scars appear immediately after the scab falls off. If scars appear, medications will help eliminate them, which may take several months. Multivitamin preparations containing zinc will help speed up healing.

Remedies for mouth rashes

One of the unpleasant manifestations of severe chickenpox is a rash in the mouth, causing painful sensations. To eliminate it, you need to:

  • Rinse your mouth. Light solutions of Furatsilln, Miramistin, soda, and potassium permanganate are suitable. Herbs - chamomile, sage, calendula - will help reduce pain.
  • You can smear the rash with sea buckthorn oil or oil solution Chlorophyllipta.
  • To treat inflammation of the mucous membranes, gels that are used for teething are suitable. It forms a protective film that protects the rash from damage.
  • If itching is severe, you can apply ice cubes to the sores.
  • Antibacterial agents should not be used to lubricate the mucous membrane of the tongue.

The treatment of rashes in the mouth must be approached with particular caution, since not every remedy is approved for use in children. This is explained by the fact that the medicine gets directly into the digestive tract and can cause poisoning.

Traditional medicine

Drug treatment for chickenpox can be combined with folk remedies, the action of which is aimed at strengthening the immune system. Blueberries in the form of berries or juice are recommended for a sick child - the substances they contain can weaken the effect of the virus.

An infusion made from linden, raspberry and anise fruits, and willow bark is well suited. Grind the ingredients, mix, then 1 tbsp. l. pour 300 ml of boiling water and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Drink sip throughout the day.

Chamomile tea can fight inflammation. The infusion can be drunk on its own or mixed in equal proportions with lemon balm, basil and calendula. 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain, drink after dinner and breakfast.

Are topical agents sufficient for treatment?

Herpes of any form is a poorly controlled virus because it lives in the cells of the body. This means that effective drugs no against chickenpox. If the illness is accompanied by a temperature of more than 38°C, it is necessary to give the baby an antipyretic, but not aspirin.

The doctor may prescribe an internal antihistamines. For example, Acyclovir is available not only in the form of an ointment, but also in tablets and injection solutions. Pills are prescribed for the average course of the disease. Severe chickenpox is treated in hospital and may be given intravenous medication.

What else do you need to know?

Chickenpox is a disease that is usually mild and proper treatment passes without a trace. However, self-medication is unacceptable: therapy should be carried out by a doctor. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the baby, he will prescribe medications that are most effective for the child, prescribe the dosage, timing of treatment, and talk about the features of caring for a sick baby.

How many days should the rash be treated?

Chickenpox rashes should be treated until the spots disappear. The ointment will dry out the blisters and prevent the virus from spreading throughout the skin. Wounds should be smeared no more than 2 times a day. How long this will take depends on the child's immunity. Pimples may appear up to 10 days after the first rash appears. After the last of them appear, the baby ceases to be infectious after 5 days.

Can iodine and alcohol be used?

Iodine and alcohol are disinfectants that dry out the skin, so many people wonder whether they can be used for chickenpox. The answer is no: they dry the skin too much, and therefore increase the itching. They also cause a rush of blood to the skin and, as a result, create a warming effect, which has a positive effect on the growth of acne.

With frequent and intensive use of iodine, the baby can get burned.

Is it possible to bathe a child?

You can bathe a child during chickenpox, but not often and if there is no fever. It should be remembered that with chickenpox, pimples must dry out, and water does not help this. In addition, if the bubble bursts in water, an infection may enter the wound.

The water should be warm, soap and other detergents cannot be used. If you have potassium permanganate, you can add a weak solution to the water. Do not wipe the skin with a towel, at most, gently blot it.

Baby's diet and routine

A rash in the mouth due to chickenpox in children requires special nutrition. Food should be soft, without particles that can cause pain. Salty, peppery, and sour foods irritate the mucous membranes, so you should avoid them. Vegetables and chicken broths, puree soup, milk porridge, bananas, yogurt. Drinks include weak tea, plain still water, compotes, fruit drinks. It is advisable to teach your child to rinse his mouth with a disinfectant solution after eating.

For chickenpox, bed rest is indicated. Overheating should be avoided: the more the child sweats, the more intense the itching becomes.

Additional Precautions

During treatment, you should not apply the product to the skin in large quantities, as it will dry out the skin and lead to scarring. It is necessary to ensure that the child does not scratch the wounds. Otherwise, getting rid of scars will not be easy. For very young children, cotton mittens should be placed on their hands to prevent the baby from scratching the skin.

It should be borne in mind that chickenpox is a very contagious disease that the baby’s immunity cannot resist. Vaccination is the only method to protect yourself from chickenpox.

Chickenpox, called chickenpox by patients, occurs in almost 90% of children only. Adult patients suffer from the disease much more difficult, and they always experience high temperature, in some cases, hospitalization is required due to severe weakening. Treatment of chickenpox involves taking antiviral drugs that can eliminate viral damage and increase the protective functions of the patient's body. It is also recommended to smear the spots that appear with a special solution or a number of other antipruritic and antiseptic medications. You can get acquainted with them below.

Before starting treatment, you need to know the most important facts about chickenpox:

  • the disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, which causes its immediate spread in children's groups;
  • Under no circumstances should you comb the resulting blisters, otherwise noticeable marks will remain on the skin even after the skin has healed;
  • the disease is provoked by the herpes virus, which quickly spreads throughout the body;
  • after entering the bloodstream, the infection may not make itself felt for two to three weeks;
  • directly during the incubation period, the most intense infection of others occurs;
  • brilliant green does not restrain the disease in any way; when using it, you can see old and new papules, and the process of drying out and reducing the intensity of itching occurs.

Attention! It is believed that you can only get chickenpox once, but some patients do not develop the necessary resistance to the virus and may suffer from the disease again.

Fukortsin for chickenpox

Available medicine in the form of a purple solution. The composition of the medicine includes: active substances, such as boric acid, phenol and resorcinol. Fukortsin has a powerful antiseptic and healing effect, while simultaneously reducing the appearance of itching.

The drug should be applied up to 4 times only to the affected areas, and this should be done strictly at regular intervals. After using the solution, the patient may feel a slight burning sensation and pain, which goes away on its own and does not require replacement. medicinal product. But this is only if, simultaneously with the burning sensation, the skin does not begin to swell and significant redness does not appear around the treated area.

Fukortsin also heals scratches and scratches well, which may appear at the site of papules if the child constantly touches them. The medication can only be used on rashes, since extensive treatment can cause severe intoxication of the body.

It manifests itself in the form of dizziness, breathing problems and collapse. It is not advisable to use Fukortsin on children under three years of age. Also, under no circumstances should the affected areas be treated due to exposure to infection in pregnant and lactating women.

The drug has no serious contraindications. The exception is alcohol intolerance, since the solution contains Fukortsin, and individual intolerance to any component.

Attention! It should be taken into account that, unlike brilliant green, Fukortsin takes a very long time to wash off from the skin. Purple spots can remain on the skin for about four weeks.

Calamine for chickenpox

The drug is available in the form of a lotion, which can eliminate virtually any dermatological problem. This effect is achieved due to the active effects of zinc oxide. A special feature of Kalamine is that the oxide is mined in the cleanest areas of Greece and Transbaikalia.

In addition to zinc oxide, the composition also includes iron oxide. Both of these substances, when interacting, have a strong antiseptic effect. The natural origin of Calamine determines its good tolerance and the absence of accumulation of toxic substances. Only in exceptional cases, due to severe sensitivity, did side effects in the form of a mild headache and swelling of the skin. The lotion contains no alcohol, hormones or allergic components.

When using Calamine, you should strictly follow the instructions, which will allow you to use the medication even on infants:

  • First you need to shake the container with the medicinal solution well;
  • Using a clean, preferably sterile, swab, stick or bandage, apply lotion only to the affected areas of the skin;
  • do not put on clothes until the skin is completely dry;
  • You can use the lotion up to four times a day, and you can repeat the application procedure until the symptoms disappear completely, especially good result Calamine shows when combined with antihistamines;
  • you should carefully ensure that the lotion does not come into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, respiratory organs and oral cavity;
  • good results when using Calamine should be visible already in the first five days; if no improvement is observed, the patient’s condition begins to deteriorate, the medication should be discontinued immediately.

Attention! The medicine is very different at a high price, which confuses many parents. But at the same time, this particular medicine received the most good reviews in the treatment of chickenpox.

Yellow Rivanol against chickenpox

The medicine is available in the form of a powder, which should be diluted independently in clean boiled water. Yellow rivanol actively eliminates itching, significantly disinfects the skin and prevents the formation of ulcers and wounds.

The exact number of daily applications for a child should only be determined by the attending physician, since Rivanol has a relatively aggressive effect on the body. Typically the dose is 1-2 applications. For adults, the dosage for skin rashes is 1-4 uses of a 0.05-0.2% solution of the drug. Use medicinal solution an individually selected amount of time follows.

The use of the medication is strictly prohibited in the presence of any pathologies with the kidneys, as this can lead to kidney failure. At the same time, a complete contraindication to the use of Rivanol is the presence of even small traces of protein in the urine. The solution should not be used to treat children under three years of age, as it is difficult to predict their body’s reaction to the therapy.

Sometimes, when using yellow Rivanol, side effects such as redness, severe swelling, and pain in the area where the medication was used occurred. In this case, you should immediately discontinue the drug and, if necessary, carry out symptomatic treatment.

Attention! Rivanol colors the skin intensely yellow. The solution is also washed off much worse than brilliant green. The drug also does not tolerate combination well with other topical medications.

Potassium permanganate solution against chickenpox

It should be used very carefully to prevent the development of a burn, since even one undissolved crystal can severely damage the skin. To prepare a medicinal solution, take 250 ml of warm boiled water and mix it with potassium permanganate, the water should be pink. After this, a cotton swab is moistened in this water and all pimples are smeared with it.

The medical solution does not leave any marks on the skin, does not burn and does not cause any discomfort if you dissolve all the crystals and do not overdo it with their quantity. To do this, just monitor the color of the water. Potassium permanganate can be used at any age and even on pregnant and lactating women. Potassium permanganate solution is used exclusively for topical application.

Attention! Potassium permanganate can also be used in other ways. To do this, you need to fill a bathtub and add a few crystals of the substance to the water so that the liquid acquires a light pink color. You should bathe your child in this water once before bedtime..

Video - How to treat chickenpox in adults and children without brilliant green

Fenistil gel for chickenpox

A traditional antiallergic remedy that reduces the intensity of itching and prevents the child from scratching the papules. You can use the drug from the first day of life, since the composition of the gel is as safe as possible even for the smallest children. Apply the medication up to 4 times a day exclusively to the affected areas of the skin; it is better to do this with a cotton swab.

After using the medicinal product, do not allow it to come into contact with your skin. for a long time direct sunlight, as the epidermis becomes very sensitive to any influences. You can use the gel until the disturbing symptoms disappear completely, but only on the condition that the result appears already in the first two to three days.

Most parents learn about all the benefits of chickenpox when their children are still very young. Statistics indicate that the main audience of this disease is children 3–6 years old. This is good, because in adulthood chickenpox is much more difficult to tolerate and can have a number of complications.

With chickenpox, the main discomfort that accompanies the disease is severe itching and burning, so the child has a desire to scratch the blisters. Typically, when infected with this infectious disease Pediatricians prescribe antihistamines, as well as products for external use.

In this article we’ll talk about how and what to apply to chickenpox so that it doesn’t itch, except brilliant green, how this disease is treated and diagnosed, as well as many of its other features.

Why do you need to smear chickenpox?

A rash on the skin of a child infected with chickenpox is the first sign of the onset of the disease. IN initial stage it appears on the face in the form of single red bumps, they look like ordinary pimples, then it appears on the torso, limbs, on the mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals.

Only the plantar surfaces of the feet and palms remain untouched. Over time, the tubercles turn into bubbles, and the bubbles, drying out, become covered with crusts. All this time, the child is plagued by severe itching: he continually scratches the skin, opening the blisters and tearing off the crusts that form in their place.

If scratching is not prevented in advance, skin restoration will be delayed, and unsightly scars will remain at the site of the rash. That is why treatment of a disease such as chickenpox should be aimed, first of all, at relieving itching and caring for the skin of a sick child.

What to apply to chickenpox?

The most popular "treatment method" of this disease- brilliant green. Parents apply this remedy to each “pimple” of chickenpox until the scabs fall off, naively believing that brilliant green helps cope with the disease. In fact, “diamond green” only has an antibacterial effect, preventing the spread and destruction of germs. That is, it is not at all necessary to paint your child with green paint - there are more effective means to protect against infection.

Let's look at what is better at home to lubricate chickenpox rashes in children, in addition to brilliant green:

  1. Furacilin solution. If chickenpox has affected the oral mucosa or genitals of a child, you can rinse your mouth or treat the rash with furatsilin solution. For the same purposes, in addition to furatsilin, you can use boric acid and hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Salicylic alcohol- according to many pediatricians, this is inexpensive remedy, which does not leave marks on the child’s skin, is suitable for treating rashes even better than traditional brilliant green;
  3. Calamine is a lotion with a complex effect. It destroys germs and bacteria, relieves itching and cools, which significantly improves the baby's condition.
  4. Rub pockmarks with a solution of rivanol twice a day. It has a characteristic yellow color, hence the name. The skin turns yellow after application, but this is easily washed off with soap. But rivanol is not sold in all pharmacies, and it is not always easy to find.
  5. Tea tree oil. Very effective and safe remedy, which does not burn the skin and does not cause allergies.
  6. Acyclovir. A well-known antiherpetic agent is available in the form of an ointment and can be used to treat chickenpox rashes. Unlike all other drugs, Acyclovir has an antiviral effect and can fight not only the consequences, but also the cause of the pathology. Prevents the spread of infection, reducing the duration of the disease. Recommended for use in children over two years of age.
  7. If the rash appears on mucous membranes, Under no circumstances should you lubricate them with brilliant green or other similar means! You can wash them with a solution of furatsilin or an infusion of herbs, for example, string or chamomile.

In any case, no matter what remedy for chickenpox you choose, you must first consult with your doctor about the advisability of using a particular drug, as well as the dosage. This is especially important if we're talking about about children.


Many people identify the effect of iodine, but doctors categorically do not advise smearing pimples with iodine, because not only will it not bring any benefit, but it can also cause severe itching and burning of the affected areas, which will aggravate the situation.

How many days should you apply chickenpox?

You should not abuse medications. If you apply the rash too often, the skin may become dry, which is very undesirable for chickenpox.

One or two procedures per day will be quite enough. Within seven days after the first pimple appears, the baby becomes non-contagious, but it is better to continue treating the remaining rashes.

General rules of treatment

When the first rash appears due to chickenpox infection, it is necessary to smear the pimples antiseptic. Having treated a rash on the body at least once, antibacterial agent It will immediately have a drying effect, eliminating itching and burning of the skin. For example, brilliant green and fucorcin are clearly visible on the body, so adults can easily notice the appearance of new rashes and immediately treat them.

  1. Providing the child with bed rest for at least seven days;
  2. Lubricate existing skin rashes daily with brilliant green, potassium permanganate or another medicinal product that can have an anti-inflammatory effect, as prescribed by a doctor.
  3. To prevent dehydration, your child needs to drink plenty of fluids;
  4. Follow a diet that includes fermented milk products, pureed vegetables and fruits;
  5. Regularly change the child's clothes and bedding, and clothes should be worn with long sleeves to limit the possibility of excessive scratching of the rash;
  6. Provide cooler air in the room because elevated temperature air increases skin itching;
  7. If a child has a fever, antipyretic drugs should be used (for example, Nurofen for children). A child should not be given aspirin, since using it for chickenpox can have a detrimental effect on the liver.