Zodiac horoscope for Taurus men and women. Zodiac horoscope for Taurus men and women Horoscope for the year according to the numbers of Taurus

For representatives of the zodiac sign Taurus, 2016 will be an incredibly productive period, although this is far from a key trend. First of all, it must be said that the Monkey will give Taurus a long-awaited period of rest, both physical and spiritual. However, we are not talking about a passive, but, on the contrary, about the most active temporary stage, but now you will no longer be distracted by thousands of extraneous little things, focusing only on those tasks that will be the most valuable to you personally. Please note that you need to plan as much as possible for this time, and it is not at all necessary to carry out the plan “one hundred percent”; here, as in many cases, the process is more important than the result. New opportunities will open up for you. The Year of the Monkey will give you strength and motivation (which is especially important for Taurus), and this systematic upward movement will bring you absolute satisfaction and the already mentioned peace of mind. In general, now all areas of your life will be harmonized to a sufficient degree so that you can evolve, both in terms of ideological tendencies and in relation to your social status.

Love horoscope for 2016 Taurus

In 2016, Taurus will have many fundamentally new opportunities to strengthen old ties. This suggests the following: if you have long tried to “kick wedges” towards a certain person, now the decisive phase is coming, which will determine the fate of your relationship. In this regard, 2016 will be a very significant and defining year for Taurus, so you will have to be as careful as possible so as not to miss your “blue bird”. If we talk about love adventures, then at this stage you should not count on any exceptional events, everything will go on as usual and the basis here will be the trends that you yourself identified at the end of the previous stage. Now you will grow as a person, you will become stronger and, accordingly, you will be able to set more ambitious goals for yourself. The main thing now is not to be shy about your desires. On the other hand, remember that if we are talking about a couple, then harmony comes only with reciprocity. In other words, be careful when you “indiscriminately” use your innate charisma.

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus (family)

In terms of family relationships, you may now experience a feeling of loneliness. But you need to understand that the Monkey in this sense will not always (more precisely, wants) to follow a parallel course with you, although it will not be able to disrupt your plans due to the powerful protection of the ruling planets of your sign. As a result, any negative emotions will turn out to be just an illusion, and in reality your situation will be much more positive than you yourself could imagine. 2016 will not bring you any significant conflicts, but some cardinal situations, let’s say, “turning points,” may still occur. First of all, focus your attention on your own passion, and if you decide (or have already decided long ago) that it’s time to make some significant changes in your relationship, then you won’t find a better time. Be persistent and do not doubt that you are right.

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus (business)

It’s worth saying right away that the 2016 Year of the Monkey will definitely bring significant financial “bonuses” to Taurus, but you need to understand that “bonuses” obviously do not mean direct income. In other words, it is unlikely that you will see any serious advancement up the career ladder. But it’s stupid to think that this is the only option to improve your financial situation. 2016 will teach you how to solve problems using frankly extraordinary methods, you will be able to significantly improve your business skills, and someone may try to open their own business. The more important thing is that now any initiative will receive a powerful impetus for development, and there is no need to be shy about frankly daring projects. On the other hand, as you know, luck favors the prepared, so under no circumstances make decisions if you haven’t thought everything through or if you’re not confident in yourself.

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus (finance)

At the beginning of 2016, it is important to “get rid of” previous trends, that is, to finish things related to the previous year as soon as possible. If you succeed, then you won’t even notice how you will find yourself in a much more positive situation. Greater opportunities lead to a greater financial base, and the Year of the Monkey will be on your side in this sense. The main thing is not to disappoint the patron of this temporary stage, that is, in no case do not hesitate, do not mark time, now the main vice is indecision. This year you will be able to significantly improve your financial situation; the main thing, as they say, is to keep your nose to the wind. A couple of times in the first half of the year, fate itself will tell you what needs to be done, and then you yourself will have to be in the right place at the right time. As already said, your wages It’s unlikely to increase significantly, but third-party earnings will increase, or will clearly identify itself if you didn’t have it before.

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus (health)

At this time stage, the physical condition of Taurus will directly depend on their mood, or more precisely, on the degree of their positivity. At the very beginning of 2016, you will suddenly realize that you actually feel better when you smile more often. And here it’s not at all a matter of nerves and emotions, specifically the zodiac sign of Taurus experiences such moments, as they say, “on the side”. Be measured and consistent, wisely combine periods of dynamics with moments of rest. Of course, taking into account all of the above, this year you will have to move a lot, but this is even good, because it will allow you to take the activity of your body to a fundamentally new level. Only the stomach will remain at risk, but in this regard it is enough to be attentive to the food you eat, especially in the summer and especially in countries that you have not visited before. One way or another, the Year of the Monkey will be successful for your body, especially if you do not give up the trends that emerged at the end of last year. And first of all, this concerns the attraction to physical education.

Attention, the above horoscope for 2016 of the red Monkey describes only the general trends inherent in the owners of the zodiac sign Taurus in the new year 2016. Due to your uniqueness, general horoscope for 2016 for the sign of Taurus may not reflect real events. An accurate astrological prediction can only be obtained by drawing up a personal horoscope for the upcoming 2016. You can get an accurate personal horoscope by clicking on the link below.

Accurate personal horoscope for 2016 for the year of the Monkey for the sign Taurus:

A year of big and important changes. You can “reinvent” yourself from scratch if you so choose.

People will see you differently this year, even if you don't change anything. Be adaptable, but firm and persistent.

March and April will bring several new people into your circle and perhaps fluctuations in personal tastes and opinions. Keep what you like and ignore the rest.

Also, April and May are auspicious times to make any changes in your life that you feel are right. Although radical changes may not be necessary. You yourself will understand what is best in your case.

In August and September, emotional ties and karmic connections will keep you in contact with the people you need.

Throughout the year, you will generally do the right thing, just don't be too ambitious and make taking care of your health a top priority. Don't forget, people love you.

2016 seems like it was tailor-made for Taurus. This is a time when you can do things at your own pace and make adjustments to your life to make it more comfortable.

Relationship horoscope for couples

Taurus, in 2016 newness and excitement will find their way into your life. personal life. Think of it as romantic fresh air between you and your partner. Nothing super significant should happen, but details and little things everyday life can become brighter and happier.

You both probably want a little more day-to-day fun in your relationship. Starting from early spring the stars will favor this. Expect more pleasant surprises, memorable gifts or gestures in the future. And, of course, don’t forget to do them back.

Even if you can't take a big vacation, you'll probably want to spend more quality, romantic time together in August and September. You should go somewhere special to both of you (or stay home and come up with something equally special).

In November and December, your partnership may become even more serious. Because of some joint project or other important reason, you both may find that you are even more closely connected than before.

Relationship horoscope for those who are on their own

In 2016, Taurus, love is constantly around you, but you need to look for it in places other than usual. Plus, it can expand your social horizons and expand your inner world.

In February or March, you may meet someone interested in a rare and unusual form of art. You will probably be very interested in this person.

A surge of romantic excitement will occur in April. From the end of June you will step on more familiar and solid ground of communication with the opposite sex. However, this does not mean that you will be surrounded by boring people.

Another stormy burst of life and persistent love prospects are likely in September. At this time, an important turn may occur in your destiny. You know how not to miss yours and understand that you deserve to live happily and in comfort.

Everything is calm and comfortable for you in December, so enjoy every day to the fullest. 2016 is a stimulating year!

Finance and career development horoscope

If there were changes in your career last year, now expect the situation to “freeze”. In any case, 2016 has all the prerequisites to be more stable in terms of work and finances.

Your persistence will attract good luck, it will become noticeable that others are not as reliable as you, and your work will be more often appreciated. In the workplace, you will be the center of attention during 2016. So do your best and be in a good mood. Be prepared to take on more important work in the coming year and you can expect your authority and profits to grow.

At home, take care of renovations if necessary, so that you can be proud of your home if you have the opportunity to invite colleagues or other important acquaintances. Most likely, this will happen in the fall, when the stars will provide you with an unprecedented opportunity for this.

An incident at the end of August can set in motion a chain of events, which by December will ultimately lead to the opening of new prospects and opportunities for you.

It must be said that at the beginning of 2016, until approximately mid-May, the influence of the Moon will be indirect. Moreover, in winter and early spring, Pluto, a dark planet with destructive energy, will have a special impact on the life of Taurus. It is not difficult to guess that we are talking about not the most positive time in the life of Taurus. It will be necessary to mobilize all your resources and under no circumstances succumb to provocations, even if they come from those whom you have known for a long time and to whom you have become accustomed. In fact, even friendships, seemingly strong, incredibly powerful, almost indestructible, can develop into hostility and even open hostility. Best friends are the best enemies. And this is not about Tom and Jerry at all. In reality, everything is usually more serious and larger-scale. At the same time, for men, everything is quite simple: a problem arose, they met, smashed each other’s faces (to use censorship), went to a bar, “healed their wounds,” and everything seemed to return to normal. For women, especially Taurus women, everything is much more complicated. But this does not mean at all that you need to adhere to the biblical commandments about forgiveness. If a person, excuse me, is really bad and low, then what respect can there be for him?

From the end of May to the end of June 2016, the time comes when the Moon, the current patron of Taurus, will enter into full force and its dynamics positive influences will be maximum. This means that in the first half of summer it is better to try to resolve the maximum number of issues related to personal relationships. At the same time, you should not be afraid of irrevocable decisions or drastic measures. Sometimes, this is really the most acceptable way out, which literally frees up your hands. Due to the peculiarities of his character, Taurus tends to “complicate everything”; excessive emotionality, as they say, also adds fuel to the fire. But all this is not the responsibility of Taurus, so it is enough to realize the harmfulness of the events taking place, and it is quite possible to come to a rational conclusion, which in turn will help to find a compromise. Everything will be fine if you learn to control your feelings and still give preference to reason over emotions. This is not at all a statement that it is necessary to turn into an “insensitive blockhead”, a “maestro of logic”. Find a balance, a fine line between two eternal warring sides. This is the path to success.

The period starting from the second half of summer 2016 until the beginning of autumn (until the end of September) will mark a transition to a fundamentally new stage in the worldview of representatives of the Zodiac sign Taurus. In principle, this does not apply to all Taurus, but only to those who, at the previous stage, turned out to be the most frank and honest with themselves. Without delving into metaphysics, it is enough to say: the question is karma. If you behaved “appropriately” in the first half of 2016, then be kind and reap bright and tasty fruits. Who will evaluate your actions? Of course, you yourself, or rather, your conscience. The period of late summer and early autumn of 2016 will allow you to objectively evaluate yourself and all your recent actions. You will feel that you are able to analyze such volumes of data that were previously beyond your control or were inaccessible to perception. In this case, we are talking not only about “bare” information, but also about the feelings and experiences of others. This is all due to the increased dynamics of the influence of Venus, which will be supported by the, albeit “fading”, but still incredibly strong Moon.

The end of autumn and winter of 2016 will not bring any significant changes to Taurus, except that some changes are possible in the professional field. But here we are talking about an individual aspect, which can vary significantly. It is important to understand that in general the last months of 2016 will be stable and calm for Taurus. Now you are fully aware of all the events that have occurred this year, and will sum up your actions. In general, this is quite logical, but you don’t need to think that with the end of the year, a certain stage of your life ends. Firstly, the Year of the Monkey according to the Chinese horoscope will end on January 27, 2017. So, a small nuance that many people forget about for some reason. And secondly, in the horoscope specifically for Taurus there are indications that December 2016 will be the time of the beginning of fundamentally different processes, new and largely unclear. Perhaps this will be due to the transition to a new workplace, and perhaps your self-awareness will move to a fundamentally different level. Don't be afraid of change, face it boldly and, if necessary, make room for it in your life. Old, unproductive connections, unnecessary character traits, past mistakes - you don’t need all this. The end of 2016 will give you a chance to look at the same processes from a radically different angle. And it really costs a lot.

Taurus was born under the earth symbol, so it is a very down-to-earth and practical sign. They approach any task rationally and thoughtfully. Stability and confidence are extremely important to them; they prioritize material independence and confidence in the future.

Taurus are unhurried, they are quite soft and pleasant in relationships. Venus, which rules this sign, taught Taurus to love beautiful things, to appreciate art and the manifestation of any creativity. Taurus is very important in what atmosphere he lives in; he likes beautiful interiors, romantic trinkets and impeccable clothes.

Taurus is not only able to appreciate the beauty of the outside world, but is also ready to create. Among them there are many designers, architects, and fashion designers.

Taurus have a highly developed sense of ownership, so they are sometimes jealous and demand that feelings be shown to them in return. But despite this drawback, Taurus, as a rule, create strong families.

The horoscope for 2016 for Taurus is more or less favorable. The Red Monkey will encourage you to take off your rose-colored glasses and look at the world more realistically. Taurus will show his inherent patience and friendliness, but he needs to become more active in order to achieve some results.

The year is very striped for Taurus - the joy of victory and the bitterness of defeat, sometimes a white streak, sometimes a black one, betrayal and new friends - everything will be enough this year. In order not to go crazy from this swing, Taurus needs to hold on to his friends, and then optimism will not leave him.

It's a great time to change your life. But along this path you will face stress and disappointments. Taurus can experience severe nervous stress if they are not sufficiently active and purposeful.

A great year to assert yourself at work. You need to be extremely careful in the second half of the year, the likelihood of car accidents is very high.

Great time to plan long trips and trips. The year as a whole is calm and dignified.

The beginning of the year helps you sort out your relationships and peacefully figure out future prospects with your significant other. This is a time when small conflicts can be resolved easily and calmly. But don’t go too far - if you insist too much on your own and don’t make compromises, your significant other may get into a pose. If you continue to be stubborn, a fatal breakup may even occur.

For single Taurus, it's time to explore love and passion. There is a high probability of meeting your destiny. You will experience real feelings and be completely immersed in a whirlpool of passions. You will understand how wonderful it is to be loved with all your flaws. But remember that feelings need to be given. Otherwise, the relationship may deteriorate.

Family Taurus will be even more strengthened in the thought that in their time they did right choice. Harmony and comfort will settle in the house. A good time to have children and strengthen your relationship with your parents.

Many Taurus in the future will remember this year as a time of stormy passions, romantic relationships and the sweetest pleasures. In 2016, gentle Taurus will experience the whole gamut of love feelings and will be immensely happy.

You should not pay attention to gossip that can darken your mood, and in general, in terms of personal relationships, do not listen to even your closest friends. A time when you need to focus only on your heart.

Taurus, as you know, greatly values ​​material comfort, and the issue of money is acute for them. This is a zodiac sign that can make profit from everything and make income from the most hopeless business. However, in 2016 Taurus will have limit yourself in expenses. But this does not mean that you have to deny yourself everything. You should plan your expenses especially carefully in the first four months of the year.

Then the situation can change dramatically. You will want to implement certain ideas that will improve your financial situation. By summer, the flow of money will become more abundant, but the stars still recommend refraining from unnecessary spending.

But the end of 2016 promises to give you a surprise in the form of excellent cash receipts. It is likely that you will be offered a very lucrative position or a very profitable project. Under no circumstances should you refuse these offers, otherwise you will miss your chance. At the end of the year, the situation may develop in such a way that you will need to invest a lot of money in a new project. Don't be afraid, if you read everything carefully, success will be on your side.

Actually, 2016 the year is very successful for various types of entrepreneurship. It is only important to plan and calculate everything before taking on something new. Do not take on any business, discuss possible risks with your friends and family. Perhaps it is from there that you will receive invaluable advice that will help increase your well-being. A good time to make deposits at interest, buy securities and play on the exchanges.

Career horoscope for 2016. Taurus

From the very beginning of the year, you will have to plunge into fruitful work that will bring you pleasure and increase your self-esteem. Your bosses will appreciate your efforts and good offers for your promotion are likely. But even those Taurus who do not receive it will be satisfied with their work.

Summer will come professionally lull. This is the time when you shouldn’t go ahead and knock on a closed door. It is best to moderate your ardor at work a little and devote more time to your family. Wait out this quiet period, because the peak of activity will be at the end of the year. This is the most favorable time to start new projects. This is when you can take on a new area in your profession and even change the direction of your activity. Perhaps Taurus will want to test himself in a new field, and this experience will be positive.

It is also likely that a secret patron will appear who will promote you in your career. You need to be very careful so that later they do not demand gratitude from you in the form of some not very clean deeds.

If Taurus sets himself a goal at the beginning of the year to achieve certain successes in his career, then he will certainly achieve them. The Red Monkey, the symbol of 2016, loves those who know how to dare. So, your success in professional growth will largely depend on your activity. New ideas and plans will come to you, but don’t aim too high. After all, all the initiatives you propose will be entrusted to you, so you personally will have to implement your plans.

Beginning of the year special problems will not bring health benefits, but your emotional state will undergo a serious shake-up. Be prepared for prolonged depression, the cause of which you cannot determine. It's just bad, that's all.

The search for the meaning of life can result in insomnia and general nervousness. At this time, it is very useful to drink soothing herbs, walk more and look at the beauty. If you do not find time to seriously rest, this condition may drag on and lead to aggravation. chronic diseases. So if depression hits, take action immediately.

The stars advise limit your diet- more vegetables and fruits and less fatty, smoked foods.

Taurus' weak points are the kidneys and liver, and this year diseases may worsen or manifest themselves for the first time. Do not put off visiting a doctor - wasted time is very fraught with the development of a serious illness. Stop alcohol - the Year of the Monkey advises you to almost completely give up alcohol and switch to a sober lifestyle.

The end of the year will not present any special surprises; you will get into a working rut if you do not break the routine. But it’s still worth leaving enough time to have time to rest and recover. Very good time for new classes - yoga, Pilates, fitness, the stars recommend organizing more often fasting days and go on a diet for a while. It’s good to cleanse your body at the end of the year.

Famous people who were born under the sign of Taurus:

William Shakespeare, Immanuel Kant, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Karl Marx, Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin), Vladimir Nabokov, Mikhail Bulgakov, Jack Nicholson, Al Pacino, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Maria Medici, Charlotte Bronte, Lyubov Polishchuk, Tatyana Tolstaya, Valeria Novodvorskaya, Natalia Oreiro ….

Author of the article Horoscope for 2016 - Taurus

The horoscope for 2016 for Taurus promises many events and global changes in life. This period will be marked by something decisive and significant. Taurus will set priorities and change his views on many things. Do not give in to doubts and create illusions. The best solution will be a clear plan in any endeavor.

If Taurus has already achieved something in life, then it is worth holding on to their position at any cost. The horoscope for 2016 for Taurus predicts a completely new round in different areas of life. This applies not only to the professional field, but also to the spiritual side. Taurus has long wanted to show himself from a different, more moral side.

Taurus will face the past. This will be a meeting with friends and former lovers. Don't be afraid to answer the tricky questions that life will throw at you. Solutions will pleasantly surprise Taurus. The horoscope for 2016 advises Taurus to work actively in November-December. Feel free to make plans for the future and your interesting ideas are easily implemented. It is necessary to free yourself not only from old trash, but also from dark thoughts and unnecessary people.

Taurus should not give in to problems. After all, it is they who will allow him to move forward and take the initiative into his own hands. Fate will provide you with an amazing opportunity to achieve success and prosperity. The horoscope for 2016 promises a lot of thoughts and ambiguous situations for Taurus in the spring-summer period. To eliminate problems at work, you need to weigh and think through everything in advance. Taurus will communicate a lot, both on business and personal issues. Take an active part in social events.

The horoscope for 2016 predicts Taurus meeting new people in the summer interesting people. Gather your strength and fight back everything that prevents you from moving forward. Taurus will show his creative side, and his genius abilities will be noticed by everyone around him. Maybe it’s worth trying yourself in a radically new field? All this will bring Taurus not only moral satisfaction, but also financial profit.

In the fall, Taurus will behave like a regiment commander. He will want to be in charge everywhere and in everything. You need to moderate your ardor, vanity and be softer towards people. Otherwise, in October, Taurus will fall into depression from the situations that he creates for himself. The horoscope for 2016 promises success in professional affairs for Taurus. In December, many will achieve what they want and celebrate their victory. A large amount of work will benefit Taurus. After all, it will give new opportunities and bring profit. A lucky chance doesn't come along often, so take advantage of it in December.

Love horoscope for 2016 Taurus

The love horoscope for 2016 for Taurus predicts good luck in his personal life. Relationships with your loved one will be smooth and harmonious. In spring, Taurus will want to strengthen his connection with his chosen one. He’s just tired of uncertainty and fleeting romances. Many will decide to legitimize relationships that until this moment were more like an easy romance.

Taurus will want entertainment, flirting and attention from the opposite sex. Some will attend parties, corporate events and discos. It is there that Taurus will be able to truly show off their natural charm. The horoscope for 2016 for Taurus predicts a meeting with a soulmate. Visit public places more often and communicate with new people. Taurus will be focused on a strong and long-term relationship with the chosen one. If you are not reciprocated, then take steps towards the person you like. Otherwise, miss your happiness.

The love horoscope for 2016 advises Taurus to be more careful in words and actions. Many actions will be unreasonable and unnecessary. You should not start an affair with those with whom Taurus does not plan his future. Reserve your feelings for the person you truly love. Otherwise, frivolous connections will drive Taurus into a prolonged depression. There is no need to waste money on imaginary impulses.

Family horoscope for 2016 Taurus

The family horoscope for 2016 for Taurus predicts a lot of problems in their personal life. Money issues will escalate, which will lead to a quarrel with your spouse. Don't worry about your significant other earning more. There is no point in causing a serious scandal and ruining the marriage because of this. Try to overcome with dignity everything that fate throws at you. Taurus will resolve past issues that have long required attention. The horoscope for 2016 recommends Taurus to seriously think about their marital status. Maybe your relationship with your spouse is on the verge of breaking down? Or should Taurus bring something new into the marriage? Dare to make changes. They will only be for the better!

The family horoscope for 2016 advises Taurus to make concessions with their spouse more often. If you find the right solution together, you can maintain your happy union. Don't get too excited and don't lash out. Especially if Taurus has children in his family. Only mutual understanding and sensitive attitude towards each other will help eliminate the conflict.

Career Horoscope for 2016 Taurus

The career horoscope for 2016 for Taurus does not promise radical changes in the work sphere. Especially if you work for a state enterprise. Taurus is unlikely to be able to occupy a high position at work. His main task will be to remain in his place and not lower the level already achieved. Try to introduce new ideas in the professional field. Then, your superiors will definitely appreciate your zeal and perseverance. The horoscope for 2016 recommends Taurus to sacrifice personal time and throw themselves into work. For many Taurus family life will fade into the background. But only in this case, financial profit will not take long to arrive.

Financial horoscope for 2016 Taurus

Financial horoscope for 2016, Taurus is not advised to take risks and waste money. You should not invest finances in dubious matters and large projects. Taurus, who has private business, you need to be especially attentive and perspicacious. Calculate all your expenses and income in advance. Otherwise, you can lose everything you have.

In the spring, Taurus will receive a lucrative job offer. By the way, it will come from close friends. The horoscope for 2016 does not recommend Taurus agreeing to a joint project. Work yourself so that your true friends did not become sworn enemies for you. Do not borrow even small amounts of money. Otherwise, you will fall into a debt hole. In November-December, Taurus himself will settle all his financial matters.

Health horoscope for 2016 Taurus

The health horoscope for 2016 predicts good health and good mood for Taurus. It is important not to devote yourself completely to your main job. It is necessary to find time for proper rest and communication with family. Otherwise, Taurus may overstrain himself and get sick. In case of illness, you should not treat yourself, but it is better to immediately go to a specialist. Traditional methods will help Taurus temporarily, and the doctor will prescribe the right treatment. The horoscope for 2016 recommends Taurus to rest more. Otherwise, you will have to fight depression.
