Mozilla Firefox, what is this program and is it needed? What is the Mozilla Firefox browser and its settings. Mozilla Firefox - what is this program? What kind of program is mozilla firefox

Mozilla- this is the name of the organization, derived from the monster Godzilla. This is what caused the browser to survive in today's complex world. They officially received permission from the creator to use his character's name in the names of the organization and products. It was assumed that it would be possible to dislodge the first popular visual browser NCSA Mosaic from its position as king of the hill, and it is this struggle that is implied in the name. In the world of text browsers Mosaic gained wild popularity thanks to the rendering of pages with a certain layout, design, advanced features such as bookmarks and page code in the sidebar. A product released to compete with it presented the page output BEFORE loading completely, which was innovative, and was called Netscape Navigator(Netscape Gold, Netscape Suite, then Netscape Communicator package). Micro$oft tore up some of the browser's features and began promoting its Explorer using aggressive methods and direct pressure, eventually achieving an impressive 94%. Then Netscape began to lag behind in functionality. It was bought by AOL and, in its own tradition, closed. But before that they made an open source project, and this was a very right step. The project was led by the Mozilla organization with its community. And I was there, drinking honey and beer. At one time there were parallel browsers Netscape 6.1 and Mozilla (hereinafter Mozilla Suite). It was the Gekko engine rewritten from scratch and an interface on XUL, as Nostradamus predicted to us. After the closure of Netscape, the topic of releasing a lightweight browser with a modular structure appeared.

Ugh. Next: a browser appeared Phoenix, with a self-explanatory title (you can hear what it says without me). The word turned out to be someone's brand and was banned. Bullshit question! They took the name Firebird. (Thunderbird mailer, later Songbird player, Sunbird calendar.) And - surprise! - it also turned out to be a brand - the name of the DBMS. Renamed to red panda, which everyone reads as fox - Firefox. Finally managed to register this. Firefox became fatter over time, and a lightweight Kmeleon project appeared, unfortunately, only for Windows. There was an interesting social browser called Flock, but it came out completely. The ponderous sluggishness of the Mozilla organization and sluggish bug fixing, and especially the subsequent closure of the project for the embedded version of the Gekko engine, turned supporters of the organization away from them, and Mozilla lost a huge part of the market: now almost all browsers are made not on Gekko, but on Chromium and, much less often, WebKit. Alternative browsers on Gekko are, in fact, Firefox stripped down or hung with bazookas and radars. The Mozilla Suite project was closed, but is now being continued in the form of Mozilla SeaMonkey. Nightly builds and betas of Firefox were called Minefield and Aurora, respectively, then DeveloperEdition and integrated Developer Tools appeared.

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The browser was originally called "Phoenix". Some time later, the browser was renamed "Firebird" due to a trademark conflict, but this name was later changed to "Firefox" for a similar reason. However, “Firefox” turned out to be a trademark of The Charlton Company in the UK, which was reflected in the “About” dialogue.

Firefox (“fire fox”) is a literal translation from whale, pinyin hǔo hú, which the Chinese sometimes call the red fox and the red panda, after which, according to the developers, the browser is named. Firefox is preferably abbreviated as "Fx" or "fx" rather than "FF" or "FX".

The browser is often mistakenly called “Mozilla”.

The Firefox project was started by Blake Ross and Dave Hyatt while they were working at Netscape Communications, formerly part of AOL Time Warner. Since the demise of Netscape Communications, the entire Mozilla project has been managed by the then-established Mozilla Foundation, which owns the Mozilla Firefox trademarks.

Firefox was spun off from the Mozilla Application Suite, the code for which was created from scratch at the Mozilla Organization to replace the code for Netscape Communicator 5, some of which was released under the free Mozilla Public License after losing the "browser wars".

The browser uses the free, portable Gecko engine, designed to support open standards. Firefox is developed by employees of its subsidiary Mozilla Corporation and volunteers around the world.

Version history:

Firefox 1.0

Firefox 1.0 (codenamed “Phoenix”) was a direct successor to Mozilla Suite 1.7 (running on the Gecko 1.7 engine) and had quite a lot in common with it in the user interface - for example, in the settings window the buttons were located not horizontally (as now), but vertically, in the Mozilla tradition. Improvements include an extension manager and the ability to automatically update by downloading a new version installer.

The 1.0.x branch was the only one (at the moment) in which the developers made major changes to the API on the go, during its active use, which led to partial incompatibility of extensions for Fx 1.0.3 with versions 1.0.4-1.0.8

Currently no longer supported, has a significant number of unpatched security holes and is obsolete.

Firefox 1.5

Firefox 1.5 (codenamed Deer Park) was released on November 29 (according to other sources November 30), 2005, with regular updates for a year and a half.

Improvements in version 1.5:

Built-in automatic update system.
Faster and improved navigation.
Sorting tabs using the Drag and drop mechanism.
Improved pop-up blocker.
Clear Private Data function to delete personal information.

On May 31, Firefox and Firefox became available to the general public through an automatic update system. These are standard security and stability updates. Also is the final version of the 1.5 branch. Firefox already contains an improved update mechanism that will allow users to “migrate” to Firefox 2 by installing a special patch. An update to the 2.x branch was offered to users on June 28, 2007.

Firefox 2

Firefox 2.0 (codenamed "Bon Echo") was released on October 25, 2006. In the first 24 hours since the official release of the browser, it was downloaded more than 2 million times. It is built on the basis of the improved Firefox 1.5 engine - Gecko 1.8.1. It has improved support for JavaScript, SVG, XML, slightly changed the browser design, and introduced an anti-phishing system developed by Google. The original plan was to add a modern bookmarking system called Places, but due to difficulties in debugging it, it was only included in Firefox 3.0 (June 2008). Added text spell checking in web forms.

Firefox 3

On April 2, 2008, a completely stable version of Firefox 3.0 Beta 5 was released, which was included in Ubuntu 8.04 and Fedora 9.

In beta versions, the format of the default address autocompletion drop-down list has been changed, and the autocomplete algorithm has been improved. By beta 4, the dependence of the position of the result on what the user selects by entering a certain search string has been implemented.

Added the ability to use system settings for access through a proxy server (environment variable $http_proxy) on the Linux platform, and a radio button for selecting it in the corresponding dialog, displayed only if the variable is set.

The DOM Inspector extension has been removed from the standard distribution. It is now available in add-ons.

On May 16, the first release candidate was released - Firefox 3.0 RC1, which has already been downloaded by more than 1.5 million people. It contained 10 serious errors (including three critical errors). The final version was supposed to be released only after all errors were corrected.

One of these "bugs" is actually a combination of features of the Linux implementation of fsync, the use of fsync in SQLite version 3.5.8, and the consequences of requiring this version of SQlite by several builds of Firefox shortly before 3.0 RC1.

“This build reduces memory footprint at runtime and significantly improves performance,” said Mozilla Vice President Mike Beltzner. RC2 added automatic memory cycle counters, systems for memory defragmentation, and also changed about a hundred code fragments (through which memory leaks occurred). The browser also received additional security mechanisms when working with protected web pages. Bookmarks, web activity history, cookies and passwords are now stored in a secure format. The JavaScript engine has been revised.

Release candidate 3 has been released. This version fixes the browser freezing bug in operating system Mac OS X 10.5.3, Windows and Linux versions remain unchanged.

On June 17, 2008, Firefox 3 was released, based on the Gecko 1.9 platform, which has been developed over the past 34 months. The new platform includes more than 15,000 changes that improve performance, increase stability and accuracy of content display, and simplify and improve code. The new platform makes Firefox 3 more secure, easier to use, and more customizable, with many different features for developers of websites and Firefox add-ons.

Firefox 3.5

Firefox 3.5 is the next stable release and was released on June 30, 2009. Codename: Shiretoko. Gecko version is 1.9.1.

This release of Firefox came out as version 3.5, not 3.1 as originally planned.

This decision was made in order to more accurately highlight the numerous changes made since the release of Firefox 3.0 last summer. This includes a number of changes to tab management, web standards compatibility fixes, a heavily redesigned JavaScript engine, and privacy improvements including a new private mode that allows users to delete all personal data at the end of a session.

In addition, the final version of the browser has changed to a new logo. The image remains largely the same, with the exception of the fox's tail, which symbolizes the fire engulfing the Mozilla planet.

Firefox 3.6

Firefox 3.6 is the next stable release and was released on January 21, 2010. Codename: Namoroka. Gecko version is 1.9.2.

At the preliminary testing stage, the release was referred to as version 3.2.

The main features of Firefox 3.6 are:

Improved performance: reducing the time it takes to start the browser and open tabs, increasing responsiveness when executing user commands.

Support for lightweight themes that do not require restarting the browser (Personas), tighter integration with Windows 7 and Mac OS 10.6, fixes to the smart address bar and autofill form.

Firefox 4.0

Version subsequent to Firefox 3.6. It was decided to release it under version 4.0, and not 3.7, as planned at the alpha testing stage. Firefox 4.0 will be released in early 2011.

One of the key areas in development was numerous corrections in the interface. For example, it is planned to place the tab bar in the window frame, get rid of the status bar, and the add-on manager will be redesigned. The ability to group open tabs will also be added.

The basic browser will include the Firefox Sync extension, which will allow users to synchronize their bookmarks, list of open tabs, history and saved passwords between multiple computers and mobile phones.

In addition, Firefox 4.0 will include a new JavaScript engine, Jägermonkey, which will increase the speed of execution of JavaScript code several times.

The developers of the popular and progressive browser Mozilla Firefox took care of their users and came up with additional software to automatically update their search engine. This utility is installed on a personal computer along with an Internet browser. It has its own folder on the installation hard drive. And it can be removed from the user’s PC in the same way as any other program without reducing the performance of the Mozilla Firefox browser.

Mozilla Maintenance Service - what is this application?

Optional, but very useful utility maintenance, which allows automatic background updating of the search system without notifying the owner of the personal computer. This technical support team interacts directly with the Microsoft Windows operating system component (UAC - User Account Control) and updates all updates issued by Mozilla Corporation and the Mozilla Foundation. There is no harm from this. This application does not constantly use the resources of the user’s “machine”; it is activated only when downloading and installing the next search engine updates. If there is a need to pause automatic browser updates, you can disable this function manually.

Disable automatic browser updates

Updates are deactivated through the settings menu of the Mozilla Internet browser.



You can leave checking for updates and then decide “to be or not to be,” or you can completely abandon monitoring and work in the current version. It is also possible to select plugins for background system updates.

In addition to disabling automatic browser updates, developers provide Mozilla Firefox users with the ability to remove the Mozilla Maintenance Service.

Removing the Mozilla Maintenance service

You can uninstall the Browser Update Service in the same way as any other software in the Microsoft Windows operating system.

To do this, go to the “Control panel”, then open the “Programs and Features” tab, select the “Mozilla Maintenance Service” program.

Hello guys Well, Mozilla Firefox is not just a program, it is a mega popular program! It is used by millions all over the world; it is, after all, one of the most popular browsers. By the way, I also use it and I think that Mozilla is the best so far... Well, that’s my opinion.

Although some users notice that the browser loads the processor. This is partly true, because as I personally noticed, Mozilla is primarily focused on page loading speed! And here it uses the processor first. But Google Chrome works differently, so to speak, the main thing for it is RAM..or rather its quantity..

Google Chrome allocates a process for each tab, that is, the more tabs you have, the more processes from Chrome. And each such process can consume a lot of RAM. So the fact that Mozilla loads the processor is nothing compared to user reviews about how Chrome consumes a lot of RAM. I even read that for some the amount of RAM consumed reached 3 GB... this is tough guys... But it seems to me that nevertheless Chrome cannot open pages as instantly as Mozilla does.

So, well, I think you understand how popular Mozilla is, this is what it looks like:

Everything you need for convenient browsing is here. The browser menu is located in the upper right corner of the browser:

In the menu you can create a private window, view the log, go to the add-ons section, open settings. A private window, also known as private mode, is when you visit sites, but the browser does not save anything related to the history. Well, I think everything is clear.

Preferences window (by the way, they are available at about:preferences):

What can I say? In the When Firefox starts option, you can specify what exactly the browser should do when it starts. I always set it there so that it opens the tabs that were there when the browser was closed. This seems convenient to me. Also here you can change the folder where Mozilla will download files, just click the Browse button where Path for saving files is.

How to clear history in Mozilla? On the Privacy tab, you can clear your Mozilla history by clicking on delete your recent history:

Then a window will appear where it is better to check all the boxes so that the removal is maximum. You can also choose for what period you want to delete the history:

How to view passwords in Mozilla? This is also simple, look, select the Protection tab, and then click on the Saved logins button... and the entries will be shown, if you right-click, you will be able to copy the login or password. Here is this tab and this button:

How to clear cache in Mozilla? Well, in case you need it, so I’ll write about that too. If there is a cache, then the pages seem to load faster, but if you have fast internet then its usefulness is doubtful. I personally turn it off because my Internet is 10 megabits. This can be done on the Advanced tab, there is a Clear Now button. Well, that's it. First, check the box to disable automatic cache management, set it to zero and then click the Clear Now button. As a result, you should have a picture like this:

How to set a proxy in Mozilla? On the same tab you can set a proxy server. This will allow you to change the IP address in your browser as if you were from another country. There are many sites with free proxies on the Internet, so you can try, there is nothing complicated. Although almost all of them will be slow. You just need to copy the IP and port, usually it all goes like this:, but the numbers themselves are of course different. This type of design

So, now about how to install the proxies themselves... On the Advanced tab > Network, in the same place where you can clear the cache, there is a Configure button, like this one:

Then the following window will appear, here you need to enter the proxy server IP and port:

And look here again. Where should I enter it? It depends on what type of proxy you have. Usually there is no need to guess, since it should be written where you copied it, that is, on that site. In short, HTTP is a regular proxy, HTTPS is already protected, SOCKS is suitable for almost everything. You need to place a proxy strictly in the field that corresponds to its type. There is also a feature called Remote DNS, I personally check the box here, but I’ll be honest that I haven’t delved into the details of what it actually is...

Well, that’s about it... and I’ve written so much, now you not only know what kind of program Mozilla Firefox is, but also a little how to configure it

By the way, Mozilla also installs its own service, it is needed to update the browser. I personally delete it.

How to completely remove Mozilla Firefox from your computer?

If for some reason you didn’t like this browser, then I understand, but it’s really a shame to delete it, the browser is not bad... but it’s up to you...

So, to remove it, you can use a super program destroyer, it will remove the browser and all the garbage that remains. So I advise, but my job is to offer, and you can see for yourself..

But you can delete it without any programs! Look how, click Start and select Control Panel:

And in the open window, find the Programs and Features icon:

Now in the list we find what we want to delete, that is, Mozilla Firefox and right-click, then select Delete:

An uninstallation window will appear, click Next:

Then click Delete:

And everything will be deleted quickly:

That is, as you can see, there are no problems with deletion.

But.. if you have a desire, then you can also remove garbage in the registry manually.. it’s not difficult at all! Press Win + R, type the command regedit and click OK:

Then the Registry Editor will open. Here you hold down the Ctrl + F buttons so that the search window appears. Then write mozilla in the field and click Find Next:

Then everything that is found can be deleted. But be careful not to remove anything unnecessary! Therefore, do it this way: everything that is found will be selected, you only need to right-click on the selected one and select Delete. Well, that is clear, right? Look, some folder was found, delete it:

By the way, after it I also had the MozillaPlugins folder, which, of course, can also be deleted.

And this is how you delete the keys. Only if the folders are on the left, then the keys are on the right. I almost forgot, to continue the search you need to press F3! When the search is finished, there will be a message like this:

Sorry, I've probably already pestered you, but I want to tell you something else. I have one more computer cleaning trick. I'm even a little obsessed with this. In general, it’s good to delete the files that remain from the program... but I showed how to do this in the article where I . Scroll down a little and you will see

Well guys, I hope that I wrote everything that is clear and accessible to you... so I wish you good luck and that everything in your life will be superb


“Mozilla Firefox, what is this program?” - this request will introduce you to one of the most popular browsers today. The market for Internet browsers is now incredibly wide, but there are not so many truly large projects that are the most popular. And among them you can safely count the Mozilla Firefox browser.

Mozilla Firefox is a browser that is freely distributed. It is one of the three most popular browsers in the world, and in some countries, such as Germany, it even holds the leadership palm. It has been on the market for a long time, and this explains its wide popularity.

Key features of Mozilla Firefox

In fact, the browser's capabilities go far beyond its standard configuration. The bare-bones Mozilla Firefox browser provides the following:

  • Ability to open multiple tabs simultaneously;
  • Automatic spell checking of typed text in different languages;
  • When typing a query, the search is carried out even before the query is completely typed. That is, the program can not only find the information you need by the first word, but also by the first letters.

  • Bookmarks that can be attracted in parallel with how the site on which they are placed changes.
  • Own download manager, which displays the status of all files that are currently being downloaded or have been downloaded previously.
  • A field to which you can attach any of the known search engines, and use it from this field.

Of course, the capabilities of Mozilla Firefox do not end there. Exists huge amount add-ons, by downloading which you can increase the functionality of your browser significantly. Therefore, Mozilla Firefox is a program that everyone can change to suit their tastes and needs.

Now that you know what kind of program it is - Mozilla Firefox, in choosing a browser, a good alternative to Chrome and Opera has appeared. Well, which browser to choose? It depends on everyone’s tastes and preferences.
