How to perform prostate massage on your own and with the help of your wife - step-by-step instructions for the procedure. Prostate massage at home for your husband for a thrill with your finger: technique

There are several ways, one of which is prostate massage for your husband. Not all ladies are ready for such a procedure, so some patients turn to experienced massage therapists and doctors. However, when a wife massages her partner’s prostate, this is a rather intimate detail that will help improve relationships in the family, so women are disdainful in vain. Since it’s not difficult to arrange a home session, you can watch a training video lesson that tells you how to massage the prostate. It shows how the wife massages the prostate and how much pleasure it gives the man. For a man, it is very much from his wife, so this procedure will be a very pleasant gift.

How does this massage help my husband?

  • used for incipient prostatitis;
  • helps with infertility;
  • treats potency disorders;
  • helps with prostate atony.

In addition, the duration of having sex with your wife increases, and sexual intercourse becomes prolonged. The prostate is cleared of congestion and pathogenic secretions. Intimate intimacy becomes brighter and more enjoyable for both partners. That is why it will leave an unforgettable impression.

However, before you massage prostate gland, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications, after which you can perform the procedure.

Contraindications to prostate massage procedure

You can prevent prostatitis by massaging the testicles, scrotum, or squeezing the sphincter 100 to 300 times on your own, but in any case, it is more pleasant for a man when his wife massages the prostate. If the wife does not mind and massages the prostate gently, then the man becomes aroused faster and may even please her with prolonged sexual intercourse a little later than the procedure.

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How to massage with a finger

So, how to properly massage the prostate, let's learn point by point. Rule No. 1, a lady's nails should be trimmed. But for a man, rule number one should be proper bowel preparation. If the massage is being done for the first time, then the woman should be pleased to perform it. It is done to prevent prostatitis, so it should not cause pain or discomfort. Anyone who has done a massage knows that an enema is given before him, so that the man goes to the toilet for a long time, after which he should wash himself. Be sure to drink a glass of water to your husband before massaging the prostate with your finger. This will help flush the urine out of the urethra and remove the secretions that will be released in the process.

There are several positions in which a wife can massage the prostate, for example:

  • the husband lies on his side with his legs bent to his stomach;
  • stands in a knee-elbow position on the bed;
  • lies in the bathroom with her feet on the sides. The latter method is more often used for self-massage, when the hand gropes the anus and the prostate is massaged on the right and left, with movements in front of the abdomen. However, the female finger is usually more pleasant, so you can use the first two methods.

Prostate massage technique

If the wife massages the prostate, then the movements should be gentle and pleasant, there should be no pain. You can tell whether a man is pleased by his erection. Also, whether there is inflammation of the prostate adenoma can be determined by the discharge. When they are transparent, then everything is fine, if the discharge is yellow and even with pus, then there is no need to massage further, and you need to visit a doctor.
You may not be able to get the massage right the first time, but over time it will get better. The main thing is that the man does not strain his anus, but completely relaxes. Usually, anyone who massages their loved one regularly never complains about his helplessness in bed. The gland is located approximately 4 cm deep in the rectum and anyone who has done the massage knows that at first the gland is a little soft, but as excitement increases, it increases in size. It is necessary to carefully knead it from the edges to the center so that the prostate secretes the secretion. If there is no stagnation, then there will be no prostatitis.

The movements should be circular and soft with light pressure towards the abdomen. It is better to carry out the procedure using a fingertip or latex glove lubricated with Vaseline. This will allow less trauma to the rectum during the procedure.

After 40 years, many men complain of problems with erection, have inflammatory diseases and prostatitis. Massage will help improve the condition of the reproductive system and relieve tension. In addition, it makes it possible to get rid of many problems.

Benefits of massage

  • diagnosis of gland hypertrophy;
  • elimination of accumulated mucus;
  • relieving excess pressure in the organ;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • prevention of prostate cancer;
  • delivering sexual pleasure.

Prostate massager

If the spouse does not mind, then the massage can be turned into a pleasant game and bring pleasure to both. Since male orgasm often depends on arousal after caressing the prostate, you can give pleasure as often as possible.

If a woman is against using her hands, then you can find out how to do the procedure using a massager. Usually, when purchasing a device at a pharmacy, it always has instructions for the procedure. The device is less sensitive than female hand, and may have a large diameter, so not everyone likes to use a massager.

If a man is categorically against the procedure

Sometimes a man considers this procedure unaesthetic and resists the very fact of penetration of a finger into the anus. In this case, you can use a trick and simply caress the prostate gland from the outside. The distance between the scrotum and the anus is very sensitive, and if caressed correctly, you can deliver maximum pleasure. This is what can prompt you to try a massage from the inside later. The most important thing is that the man is ready for this. If there is no bowel movement, the partner is ticklish, unpleasant, and cannot relax - you should not start the massage with active penetration. This may permanently turn him away from this procedure.


Prostate massage must be prescribed by a doctor

  • massage should be carried out on an empty bowel;
  • with sufficient lubricant;
  • carefully and gently;
  • You don't need to stick your finger deep, you can use your little finger to start with.

Doctors perform massage less delicately. They carry out the procedure with their index finger and press quite actively on the gland. Therefore, it is unlikely that you will be able to get the desired excitement. Moreover, many men are embarrassed strangers and can't relax. That is why prostate massage by a wife or girlfriend is perceived better by them. If the first massage attempts last for 5-10 minutes, then later they can be increased to half an hour and repeated every other day.

As a preventive measure

You shouldn't guess for yourself whether or not. It is best to get examined and consult a doctor. Often, while taking medications that improve the activity of the gland, a specialist recommends massage.

If no pathology is found, then you can still try the procedure as a preventive measure. It gives pleasant sensations and helps partners understand each other better and trust more. In order for a man to relax better, you can start with a regular body massage technique.

Who said that it is impossible to cure prostatitis?

DO YOU HAVE PROSTATITIS? Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • constant pain in the lower abdomen, scrotum;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • sexual dysfunction.
The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to cure prostatitis! Follow the link and find out how the Specialist recommends treating prostatitis...

What should be done for chronic inflammation of the prostate gland? The greatest effectiveness among all available methods is demonstrated by digital rubbing of the prostate. To achieve an acceptable result, you need to approach the issue seriously.

In itself, finger rubbing is a very effective procedure. The prostate tissue must be massaged very carefully to avoid patient discomfort.

There are a large variety of techniques available to learn how to properly perform direct prostate massage. On the Internet you will find a training video on how to do this procedure with your finger. home environment.

Important features of direct effects on the prostate gland

Before performing the procedure on your husband, it is better to consult a urologist. Manual therapy always brings positive results and helps to forget about the main manifestations of chronic inflammation of the prostate gland, but in rare cases it can cause harm.

If prostatitis is accompanied by the formation of a cancerous tumor, then finger stimulation of the prostate gland is contraindicated! This can provoke the growth of a malignant tumor.

Features of finger impact

After visiting a doctor, you can have a massage procedure. Correctly carried out impact on pathology guarantees a man:

  • activation of prostate expansion - thanks to this fact, blood tone is restored;
  • increased sensitivity to medications - as a result, pain in the abdominal area and development can be significantly reduced accompanying symptoms chronic form of inflammation of the prostate;
  • reduction of swelling and pain with prostatitis.

Prostate massage should be done gently and with extreme caution, because the effect is on the intimate part male body. The spouse should not be tense.

Manipulation of the finger tip can cause erotic sensations close to orgasm. Home massage may bring a feeling of discomfort at first, but later, if done correctly, the man will feel intimate ecstasy. But you will definitely need high-quality lubricant.

Direct rubbing of the prostate gland at home

at home is recommended for men suffering from chronic inflammation of the prostate gland. If the procedure is done correctly, the patient will feel a reduction pain during urination (urination) and the perception of medications will increase.

Gland massage can also be done for other problems of the reproductive system. Often such therapy is resorted to at the initial stage of impotence. Manual treatment should be carried out only after visiting a specialist. The doctor will not only help you choose a method of applying your finger to the painful area, but will also tell you about all the positive aspects of such therapy in relation to your case.

At benign tumor prostate gland, or adenoma, massage treatments are also prescribed. Although with such an illness, rubbing with one finger may be ineffective and you will have to use the whole hand.

Conditions for massage treatments

In fact, to perform a finger massage of the gland, you do not need to create special conditions. It is more important to talk with a urologist about all the positive and negative aspects of manual therapy. Most doctors claim that the effectiveness of the procedure depends on the experience of a qualified massage therapist. Therefore, digital rubbing of the prostate gland should be entrusted to a certified specialist who has undergone practical training.

Therapeutic prostate rubbing sessions can be performed both at home and in a medical facility. First, the man should wash thoroughly (a warm shower will do). Sterility and patient safety are guaranteed by special medical gloves.

During the procedure, the man should relax, because if the muscles are tense, one should not expect a therapeutic effect. A rubbing session, on the contrary, will bring discomfort and pain.

Rubbing the gland lasts no more than 3 minutes, but an experienced massage therapist will be able to stimulate the organ. Blood tone will improve and pain will decrease in the chronic form of the disease.

Technique for finger rubbing of the prostate gland

How to rub the prostate with your finger yourself? If the patient has firmly decided to engage in gland therapy at home, then it is better to ask for help from relatives, for example, a spouse. For manual therapy to be effective, it is worth learning the correct technique. Massage therapy includes several stages:

  • correct posture guarantees access to the gland;
  • relaxation of the muscles of the anus;
  • stimulating the gland by lightly stroking it;
  • gentle pressure in the area of ​​the prostate gland.

Before rubbing, the patient must take the correct and comfortable position, which will ensure an acceptable result of the procedure. Experts recommend a knee-elbow position (on all fours) or lying on the right side. To properly carry out rubbing of the gland, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with it in advance on a training video.

Many men experience severe discomfort when directly rubbing the gland, which is why they have to use relaxing or painkillers. But manual therapy will bring the optimal effect with independent relaxation.

Lubricated with Vaseline, the gloved index finger is inserted into the anus to a depth of no more than 5 cm. The first 1-2 procedures should not be overzealous: only longitudinal rubbing of the gland is carried out.

Finger movements should be carried out from top to bottom, from the central part to the peripheral. If the first sessions were successful, without discomfort, then light pressure can be applied a third time.

If your finger feels the softness of the gland, then light stroking is enough to achieve a positive result. Otherwise, it is better to perform stimulation using pressure. To prevent a man from feeling pain, the first 4 sessions should not last more than 1 minute.

And later, the procedure can be carried out once every two days, increasing the duration to 3 minutes. Such rubbing will reduce pain, improve blood supply and, as a result, increase perception drug treatment. The average course is 14 days.

Let's sum it up

A guaranteed result of rubbing can only be provided by a professional massage therapist or trained nurse. Let's summarize the above:

  1. Rubbing the prostate gland during the chronic development of the disease reduces pain.
  2. Before performing manual therapy, a mandatory consultation with a urologist is required.
  3. Rubbing sessions are not recommended for hemorrhoids and the development of cancer.
  4. The first procedures should not last more than 2 minutes and do not cause discomfort.

Happy prevention!

The prostate gland is one of the most important organs in the male population. The physiological functioning of the gland ensures not only a normal life, but also full sexual capabilities.

According to its anatomical structure, it is an unpaired organ, which consists of many glands that secrete secretions to ensure the vital activity of sperm. It is located in the upper part of the urethra under bladder. Functional Features The prostate gland performs secretory work (secretion of secretions consisting of proteins, fats, electrolytes, hormones), diluting function (responsible for the motility and viability of sperm) and ensures ejaculation.

Why is prostate massage performed?

Unfortunately, all organs in the body can be susceptible to pathological disorders, and the prostate gland is no exception. There are several moments when a medical procedure can be prescribed for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes. Massage needed:

  • with inflammation in the organ (chronic prostatitis);
  • for pelvic pain that is a consequence of this disease;
  • with beginning impotence;
  • as a prevention of the development of pathologies, especially with a “sedentary” lifestyle, supplemented by the presence of nervous stress.

For diagnostic purposes, it is performed to take biological secretions from the prostate for the purpose of laboratory research.

Benefits of the treatment procedure

As a rule, prostate massage is carried out in complex treatment with conservative therapy. Its healing qualities are due to mechanical irritation of nerve receptors, which results in expansion blood vessels and improving blood supply to the organ. As a result, the effect of medications is enhanced, and the prostate gland itself is more enriched with oxygen.

Carrying out massage at home improves a man's quality of life. Indeed, under its influence there is a good outflow of organ secretion, which ensures normal sex life, and with regular procedures the tone of the perineal muscles is restored.

How to prepare for a massage

To ensure that the effect of the actions carried out is only beneficial and not harmful, before performing it you need to familiarize yourself with scientific materials in order to properly prepare and carry out the massage. Not all men understand the importance of these events, and the very thought fills them with deep horror. In this case, before giving a massage to your husband at home, you need to prepare your man, explain the significance and provide moral support.

After this, you need to follow a number of rules for preparing for the procedure:

  1. Massage at home begins only after consultation with a doctor and development of the necessary treatment regimen. Moreover, it is done only on the 2nd day after the start of antibacterial therapy.
  2. Since the procedure is rectal, you need to offer the man a cleansing enema of warm water and a few drops of vegetable oil.
  3. The anatomical location of the gland is close to the bladder, so an hour before the massage you need to drink 1 liter of liquid to fill it. Such actions will improve the quality of events.
  4. 2 hours before the procedure you must refrain from eating, and immediately before the procedure it would be better to take a hygienic shower so that the skin is dry and clean.
  5. To perform the procedure itself, the wife must wear medical gloves and lubricate her husband's anus with Vaseline or lubricant to facilitate insertion of a finger into the rectal passage.

Massage technique

IN physiological state the weight of the gland is about 20-25 g, but if there is inflammatory process it increases in size, which makes it easy to palpate during a rectal examination. In medical practice, there are 2 important zones of the organ: central and peripheral. It is the second zone that can be palpated and massage is performed in this area, which prevents not only inflammation, but also the occurrence of cancer, to which this part is susceptible in more than 70% of cases.

Prostate massage at home consists of 10-15 sessions, with the duration of 1 session being from 1 to 2 minutes. There are several poses for performing the manipulation, these are:

  • lying on your side (legs pulled up to your stomach);
  • standing (the man bends down to improve the conductivity of the rectal intervention; for convenience, you can lean on a support);
  • on your back (lying with your legs apart);
  • knee-elbow (the man sits on a low table, couch, bed, with support on his knees and elbows).

In order not to harm your man, all actions performed by the wife must be performed correctly and in compliance with the technique of medical manipulation.

  • After the man has taken the most comfortable position (it should be noted that he should be relaxed so as not to cause discomfort and pain from the massage), the wife is positioned behind her husband.
  • Next, you need to carefully insert your finger into anus at a distance of 5 cm from the anus. It is not difficult to feel the prostate gland. It is convex in shape and can be soft or hard in the shape of a nut.
  • After the wife feels the gland, massage should begin. Finger movements should be performed correctly and have a light stroking nature. You need to start these movements from the less sensitive right side of the organ, smoothly moving to the left.
  • To complete the massage at home, you need to gently press from top to bottom along the central groove and remove your finger from the anus. The absence of pain and discomfort in the husband will indicate how correctly the massage was performed at home. Activities need to be done every other day.

If, after the wife stopped giving the massage, a discharge of a white or transparent substance was noticed, do not worry, this is a secret. If the discharge yellow, you should consult a doctor, because... the addition of a purulent process is possible.

Contraindications for massage

From all of the above, it is clear why male prostate massage is needed, but before you thoughtlessly perform it at home, you should also be aware of the contraindications of this procedure. In order not to cause additional complications It is prohibited to carry out manipulations at home with the following diseases and disorders:

  • cysts and neoplasms of the gland;
  • urinary disturbance;
  • blockage of the organ's excretory ducts;
  • acute form of prostatitis with the presence high temperature. Irritation of the prostate gland can cause infection to spread through the lymphatic and blood vessels;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • calcite and proctite;
  • progression of prostate adenoma.

Prostate massage is a useful procedure that activates blood circulation in the prostate area. Many men experience psychological discomfort during the session, so a woman needs to learn how to massage the gland and perform these therapeutic actions at home. In a familiar environment, the husband will be able to completely relax and even enjoy himself, especially if the wife massages the prostate with her tongue.

A wife can massage her husband’s prostate at home for therapeutic and preventive purposes. But whatever the purpose of the sessions, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Remember that step by step photo and they only give a video tutorial general information, without taking into account the individual characteristics of the man’s body. Thus, with an aggressive impact on a healthy prostate, an autoimmune reaction sometimes appears, and the tissues of the gland and intestines are also damaged.

In the acute phase of prostatitis, massage of the prostate by a woman at home is strictly prohibited. It can cause an exacerbation of the disease and the occurrence of various complications. Thus, palpation of bactericidal prostatitis is dangerous for the spread pathogenic microorganisms onto adjacent tissues or into the blood. And carcinoma can start metastases, which will significantly complicate cancer treatment.

After the demonstration and explanations of the specialist, the wife massages her husband’s prostate at home to activate its work. In this case, the following useful actions occur:

  1. The outflow of secretions improves.
  2. The diameter of the ducts increases.
  3. Blood circulation is normalized.
  4. Venous outflow accelerates.
  5. Tissue regeneration is activated.
  6. The effectiveness of taking medications is enhanced.

As a result, the functioning of the reproductive, reproductive and excretory systems improves in men.

However, often a wife massages her husband's prostate for other purposes. Thus, with the correct rhythmic movements of the finger, a massage of the prostate often occurs with an ending, that is, a man can achieve orgasm during the procedure. To do this, a woman needs to create an intimate atmosphere, completely different from a hospital environment.

How to prepare for a session

How to give a prostate massage to your husband at home so that he gets a buzz and improves his health? How to correctly perform this procedure? The wife should consult a specialist and download a video of a girl’s prostate massage. A woman must be sure that her husband does not have hemorrhoidal cones, acute phase of prostatitis, benign or malignant tumor. Make sure you have medical gloves or condoms, water-based cream, and enema ingredients. False nails will have to be removed at home, and long nails will have to be trimmed.

Before the procedure, the wife should consult a doctor

Preparing for a procedure such as prostate massage at home includes creating a relaxing environment. If a man is tense, contraction of the smooth muscles of the intestines and gluteal muscles will not allow him to get high, and his wife will not be able to massage his organ efficiently. Therefore, the girl should dim the lights, wear erotic lingerie, turn on music or make light moans.

The guy should also prepare for a massage at home. First of all, this concerns the psychological mood for a high, especially if the actions are therapeutic in nature. Remember that in medicine there are no procedures to be ashamed of, especially when the wife supports her husband and takes care of his health. For a cleansing enema at home you will need the following ingredients:

  • Boiled water.
  • Potassium permanganate.

After watching the video, you can understand that you need to add manganese at the tip of a knife into one liter of warm water. Lead the resulting liquid into the rectum using a rubber bulb and wait for the urge to defecate. An enema at home can also be made from a decoction of chamomile. The bladder, on the contrary, should be as full as possible. In this case, he will move the prostate gland slightly to the side so that it can be more easily stimulated.

How to massage a guy

Before a wife massages her husband’s prostate for a thrill, she needs to decide on the position of the man’s body. Depending on the furniture in the room and desire young man You can choose one of four starting positions.

  1. Knee-elbow.
  2. Standing on the floor, leaning towards the table.
  3. Lying on your back with your legs tucked to your chest.
  4. Lying on your right side with your left leg bent.

From the video it is clear that the girl should put on a glove, lubricate her middle finger with water-based cream and, with a gentle movement, insert it into the rectum 5-6 centimeters. If the preliminary steps were done correctly, the prostate will be exactly under the fingertip. This male organ has the shape and size of a nut, divided into several lobes.

To carry out the procedure, the woman needs to wear gloves.

The wife massages the prostate for a thrill, gently without sudden movements, only lightly stroking the organ with her finger. Stimulation should begin with right lobe, since it is less sensitive to touch. Next you need to move to the central part and left side of the prostate gland. After a few sessions, you can slightly increase the pressure during the finger massage.

A wife gives her husband a prostate massage correctly if the man feels a buzz and not painful sensations. Pain or significant discomfort with the correct massage technique often means the presence of prostatitis or another disease. Experts note that erection and achieving orgasm are a possible, but not obligatory, reaction to the procedure. If receiving pleasure is a prerequisite, a woman needs to stimulate her husband’s genitals with her second hand.

How often should you treat the prostate gland at home through massage? First, the wife massages the prostate for 30 seconds, performing sessions every other day. Next, you should increase the palpation time to 1 minute. A total of 10 procedures need to be performed. If the purpose of stimulation is not treatment, but prevention of prostatitis and other diseases, it is enough to perform such manipulations several times a month, when both partners are in the appropriate mood.

How to use accessories

For women who are unable to master palpation technology at home, experts advise using massagers. They completely repeat anatomical structure rectum and end upon reaching the gland. Therefore, when used correctly, it is impossible to damage the tissues of internal organs.

When massaging the prostate, you can use a massager

There are several types of these medical devices. Based on the type of impact, they are divided into invasive and non-invasive devices. Any of them can be used alone or together with your wife, as part of intimacy. The performed massage will bring the same pleasure as palpation by a woman, and, of course, will help defeat prostatitis and other male ailments. Invasive massagers affect prostate health in the following ways:

  • Thermal (relaxing effect).
  • Vibration (increases blood circulation).
  • Electrical stimulating (tonic effect).
  • Magnetic (anti-inflammatory effect).
  • Mechanical (general stimulation).

Non-invasive devices are less effective in the fight against prostatitis, but are excellent for preventive purposes.

Their main feature is that there is no need for direct penetration into the rectum, which is very important for some men. The instructions indicate how to give a prostate massage to your husband according to all the rules.

Prostatitis is treated in several ways. One of them is massaging the prostate gland, which can be performed by a man alone or together with his wife. The husband, who enjoys prostate massage, speaks well of the procedure, because it combines pleasant sensations with a therapeutic effect.

In the modern world, men often complain about prostate adenoma and prostatitis. And often for this purpose in medicine it is recommended to use antibiotics. But medicines have a negative effect on the liver, liver and other organs of the human body. But a good alternative to antibiotics is finger therapeutic massage of the prostate at home with your wife. After all, for this you do not have to go to a urologist to have it done, and for clarity, we will also add a video of prostate massage.

It is advisable that it be performed by a loved one whom you trust very much. And who could be closer to your wife? This procedure will not cause problems and is effective means to increase sexual power in men and eliminate congestion that occurs in the male genital organs.

It is recommended to massage the prostate when a man has prostate adenoma, an atonic state of the prostate gland and seminal vesicles, and chronic prostitis. But when performing a certain procedure there are always contraindications. There are also contraindications to performing massage at home in the following cases:

  • infectious disease
  • presence of cracks in the anus,
  • oncology,
  • haemorrhoids,
  • the presence of stones in the prostate gland.

It is good to massage the prostate gland when a man has a sedentary lifestyle. If a wife plans to properly perform a therapeutic massage on a man, then before the procedure the man you can't urinate. After all, this treatment procedure should be carried out when bladder not emptied. You are allowed to have a bowel movement when the massage is completed.

Having a massage at home with your wife

Before starting the procedure, the wife needs to put it on her hand. rubber glove, you can also use a condom, but it needs to be lubricated with Vaseline. This is necessary so that penetration into the anus is carried out without pain, and it will also make the procedure easier.

It is advisable that at this moment the man takes kneeling pose, and the elbows were used as support. When a man is in this position, he should be relaxed and calm. But he must strain at the moment when the wife inserts her finger into the anus. The very first thing a wife should feel is the prostate gland. It looks like a slight compaction. You will also understand that you have reached your goal by your husband’s reaction; he will feel a slight pain when touching it. Movements first should be neat and light with little effort. After the movement they should become e energetic helical, performed up and down. But it is important that a person does not experience severe pain. In total for one session of prostate massage at home, the wife needs to perform 14-16 movements.

A woman should perform therapeutic massage of the prostate gland slowly, and the movements should be calm, moving from the periphery to the center. The procedures performed last should be carried out in the center. The massage should be carried out for 2-3 minutes, and then you need to give your husband a little rest and repeat the movements again.

A full course of massage at home should be carried out over 10 days. Procedures can be carried out daily, or they can be performed every other day. Afterwards, the body needs a break, and the procedures can be resumed no earlier than in a week. When the prostate is cured, the course of massages can be stopped. But if the problem remains, then massages should be carried out until complete recovery occurs.

The essence of the whole process is shown in this video therapeutic massage prostate gland. We recommend viewing it before starting the procedure.

If necessary, but it will be more difficult without the help of my wife. To make it easier to carry out massages at home, many people use urological equipment. In this case, there is no need for the presence of a urologist. And the duration of the prostate treatment procedure using equipment does not exceed 5 minutes.
